42 - Little Antonio, and World War III with Clarisse

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I looked down at Antonio, who was tugging on my pants. "Hm? What is it?"

"I'm hungwy. Iz thewre food?"

"There's sinigang back there," Clarisse called back.

I snorted. "Now, that there is a true Filipino."

Clarisse rolled her eyes. "Of course. I am the personification of the Philippines, after all."

"We know!!" I groaned. Clarisse smirked.

"Yaaaaay!!" Antonio tottered over to Clarisse, jumping up to see the food on the table.

God, though I've been pissed about how England turned my fiancé into a four year old, it's actually pretty fucking cute.

(But I'm still waiting for the Brit bastard to turn him back, dammit.)

"Clarisse?" I asked. "You alright back there?"

"Yeah," she replied. "I just broke up with my boyfriend. He sucked, anyway."

I raised my eyebrows. "You had a boyfriend?"

Clarisse nodded. "He goes to the same high school as my friends."

"Your friends are still in high school?"

Clarisse snorted. "Duh. I'm popular, unlike you. I also got a new boyfriend right after my old one broke up with me. Grabe, ang lucky ako~"

This girl...aaargh!!

"You're always acting so fucking sassy and smug," I said, glaring at the short girl. "Grow the fuck up, you stupid ragazza!"

"Says the one who's always clinging onto his fiancé," Clarisse retorted. "You aren't his henchman anymore. You're 23. Ano ba?! Act like it!!"

Antonio stepped in between us, his small hand tugging on my pants. "M-Maybe yuu shwood stwop fwighting, yoww not going to get anyweww..."

"Stay out of this!!" we both yelled at him, forgetting that he was in the form of a small child. Startled, Antonio ran off, jumping into France's arms.

England glared at us. "Really, you two are being so childish! Stop this at once."

I stuck up my middle finger at waved it at England. Clarisse stuck out her tongue.

Austria cleared his throat. "You two are being idiots."

The nations watched Clarisse and I continue with our bickering, and this went on for another five minutes.

"Stupid Kuya Lovi!!" Clarisse jeered. "Ang bobo!! I'm never talking to you again!!"

I snorted, and flipped her off. "Anytime, bitch. I'm never talking to you either, dammit!! Damn you and your underage boyfriend to hell!!"



We turned our backs on each other, and Antonio sighed, waving around his little hands.

"Ay, dios mio. Weave me owt of thwis. I'm staying owt of thwis untiww yuu two stwop acting wike kids."

I walked away, wiping away my tears of anger. Clarisse kicked over a chair, and little Antonio squealed in surprise when the chair fell to the ground beside him.


"Hey..." Finland said, sitting down next to me.

"Yo," I replied. Finland shifted around awkwardly.

Holiday (SpaMano with lil bits of GerIta, USUK, PruHun, and platonic RoMerica.)Where stories live. Discover now