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3 years later...

"DADDY!" Faintly, I heard the pitter-patter of Zéryah's toddler feet coming towards the bedroom where I currently was, trying to get dressed. Ain't no alone time in this house with them kids, I thought as I counted down in my head anticipating Ryah's arrival.

"DADDY!" She rushed into the room as soon as I reached one. Perfect timing. A waterfall was rushing down her cheeks as she screamed at the top of her lungs with her head thrown back dramatically. Her shoulders heaved and she coughed in between her cries. It was a wonder she wasn't hoarse yet.

"Yes baby girl?" I scooped her up and wrapped my arms around her for a hug. She laid her head on my shoulder as I rubbed her back soothingly.

"Princess calm down. What's wrong?" I questioned once her wails devolved into whimpers. I dried her cheeks with the back of my hand.

"I went potty and then I come back and Zaza ate my animal cookies." She pouted and folded her arms across her chest as I sat us down on the bed.

"Is that so?" She quickly nodded yes.

"Why'd he eat your cookies?"

"Cuz, Zaza greedy!" She huffed, and I wanted to erupt in laughter. Her eyebrows knitted together showing just how serious she was so I refrained from laughing.

"Go get him for me okay?" Her face lit up, she probably assumed he was about to get in trouble. She dashed out the room, yelling. "ZAHIR! DADDY IS CALLING YOU!" I chuckled and I shook my head before using the little time I had alone to throw on a shirt and slip my feet into my kicks. Just as I was done tying my laces I took up to find Zéryah practically hauling Zahir in my direction, Londyn wasn't too far behind them. My poor son looked mortified. Once they entered the room Zahir remained planted by the dresser. It appeared as though his feet were glued to the floor. No matter how hard Ryah hauled, pushed or coaxed him he wouldn't move. The entire scene was hilarious to be honest but I kept a straight face to provide Ryah with the justification she needed.

"Come 'ere." I motioned to Zahir. Reluctantly he came over to me, his head hung low and his eyes developed a fascination with the carpeted floor.

"You ate your sister's cookies?" Hesitantly he shook his head no, but I glimpsed the cookie crumbs at the corners of his mouth.

"You sure about that?"

"Daddy, he not telling the truth! He eat my cookies, ask Londyn." Zéryah interjected. I looked over to Londyn. Her face screamed don't involve in ya'll lil three year old drama.

"Chill out Ryah. What I told you about cutting across someone else when they're speaking?" She didn't have to vocalize her apology, her little chocolate face said it all.

"Zahir you sure you didn't eat her cookies?" His shoulders began heaving and a steady trickle of tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Yes...daddy. I ate her cookies."


"Because I wanted cookies too. I didn't eat all." Ryah is such a diva, I thought to myself as I heard the latter part of Zahir's statement. I could've sworn he ate the entire bag the way Zéryah was carrying on. Her diva attitude was partially my fault. It was no secret that I spoiled her. I love all of my kids but my daughters definitely had me wrapped around their pinky fingers.

"Ryah you gotta do better at sharing okay? Zahir next time ask her first before taking her stuff okay?" They both nodded their understanding.

"Now hug and say you're sorry." They obeyed and ended up leaving the room hand in hand, agreeing to go watch cartooms together. I just shook my head.

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