Preggers Again Pt 1

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Sam and Mathew are 5

"Jesse! We're out of pickles." Y/N whined. "I just bought pickles yesterday, how are we out already?" Jesse groaned. "We had burgers this week, plus mommy's gross cravings." Sam shuddered. Y/N gasped, "The baby was hungry." Jesse rolled his eyes, "Sure." Mathew whined, "When do we get to meet our baby sister?" As if on que, Y/N revived a sharp kick. "Ow!" Y/N rubbed her swollen bump, "You alright sweatpea." "Yeah, just a kick Jesse I'm fine." Sam put his small hand on Y/N's belly, "Be nice baby, you're hurting mommy." Y/N smiled and kissed Sam's forehead. "You're going to be a good big brother." Mathew huffed, "I'll be a good big brother to." Jesse snorted and hugged him, "Yes you will good big brother to."


"Mommy are you ok?" Sam rubbed your stomach, "I think so OW! I think the baby's coming."

Mccree spit out his coffee "Now!" Y/n rubbed her stomach. "AAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Sam screams, "MOMMY IS HAVING THE BABY!!!" Mccree pinched the bridge of his nose, "Sam Mat calm down, you two go up stairs and get the baby bag and mommy's phone and tablet, and I'll get mommy to the car." Sam and Matthew dashed up stairs. "Wow....that worked...I wasn't expecting that to work." Mccree smirked. "Uh, Jesse I'm in labor here, I'm not going to make it to the car without help." Y/n sighed. "Oh right sorry." As he helped you to the car, Sam and Mathew strapped themselves in, "To the hospital!"

3 hours later

Mccree walked into the waiting room, "You boys ready to see your sister." The boys hoped up and followed Mcree to your room. When they entered the room you were holding your sweet little girl. "Mommy!" They cried as they climbed on the bed, "She's so cute." Mathew cooed. Sam held tiny had, "And tiny." Mccree smiled, "Boys met your little sister Ashley." "Hi Ashley!" Mathew kisses her cheek, "She's so squishy." Sam pokes her cheek, "Wow, she is squishy." "You're doing it wrong." Mccree picked up Ashley and rubbed his face against her's, "So soft." Y/N sighed, can I have my baby back please?" "No, I wanna cuddle her a bit longer." Mccree whined. "You can loe us mommy." Sam and Mathew hugged their mother. "Aww I love you guys." Y/N kissed them. "You love me to right?" Mccree smirked, Y/N rolled her eyes. "Yeah sure."


Gabriella is 3 

"Miguel is a great name babe, but Gabriel Jr has a better ring to it." Y/N sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, "We aren't naming him Jr." Gabe whined, "Gabby you agree with daddy right?" Gabriella shook her head and Gabriel gasped, "Betrayed by my own flesh and blood, how could you?" She shrugged, "I want a sister and a brother, not just a brother." Y/N giggled, "That's your dad's fault, I had no say in it." Gabe rolled his eyes, "Yes you did, you wanted it, you got it, and now we're in the hospital waiting for our son to pop out." Y/N shrugged, "You still put it in, sooo." "But you enjoyed it." He smirked. Gabriella hugged Y/N, "Mommy does the baby get out?" Y/N cringed, "He comes out of mommy's vagina." Y/N slapped his shoulder, "Gabe!" Gabriella gagged, "EW!!" Y/N face planted. "Thanks Gabe." Gabriel kissed your cheek, "Anytime." "What did I come out of mommy's china to?!" You glared at Gabriel, "Tell her and I'll.......crap!" Gabriel gasped and covered Gabriella's ear, "Language babe." "Gabe I think the baby is coming." Gabriel shook his head, "Still not a good..." You grab him by his shirt, yanking him to your eye level. "Gabriel Reyes, I'm about to push push out a nine pound weight, dont piss me off unless you wanna lose that hand."

2 Hours Later

Gabriella held her nose, "I'm going to die." Gabriel gagged, "Why Javier!" Little Javier Reyes, born an hour and twenty minutes ago had now dropped his first bomb on the world, (more specifically his parents hospital room) it was enough to make a grown man cry. Becasue Gabriel had to change it and he may or may not have had to change Javier again because he had a blow out.......just saying 👿💩

Sorry I'm taking sooooooo long, laziness, writer's block, and work kinda hold me back. Then I start college in August, bare with me people. Life is hard. Sorry again for  taking so long.


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