Doomfist Pt 2

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You Find Out
"How long is five minutes?" You wonder, as you pace back and forth waiting for your results. "Love you must be patient, pacing isn't going to speed things up." You let put an annoyed huff and flop on the bed, "Don't act like you're not nervous." He chuckled and pulled you into his lap, "Your cute when your nervous." You pout and Akande kisses your lips. "Your mean to me." "I spoil you, how am I mean to you love." It was his turn to pout. "Because your distracting me for knowing if my test is done." He let out another deep chuckle, "I apologize, I merely wish to comfort you." You sigh, "What is there to be nervous about?" He watched your expression change, "What if it didn't work?" He looked at you, confused and surprised by your words. "What if I'm not pregnant Akande?" Tears clouded your vision, your body began to shake as you choked down sobs. "Love, you forget the man you sleep with, I made sure that I did everything in my power to get you pregnant for the past two months. Why would you think that you can not bare my child?" You stare at him in disbelief, he had already answered his own question. "It's been two months and we've been have sex frequently, I should have conceived a few weeks afterwards."


"To make matters worse, we've been married for a year and a half, and I have yet to conceived. So tell me Akande, how can I not worry or be nervous?" Akande sat in silence, he pulled you into a warm embrace, "Y/N, you will get pregnant. If I have to get the top doctors in the world to make it happen I will, I can stand to see you like this and I will do anything to make you feel better." He wiped tears from your eyes, "I believe that our five minute wait is over." Akande gently puts you on your feet and holds out his hand, "Shall we?" You nod and take his hand. When Akande picked up the test he's eyes weld up as he handed you the test. You were speechless, "P-positive." You mumble, shaking as you looked at the little plus sign. "It's's POSITIVE!!..IT'S POSITIVE!!" Akande picked you up and kissed you. "I told you not to worry." You burry you face into his chest and cry, Akande rubs your back and sighed in relief. "I'm glad she's happy and I'm glad I have a child on the way, now....the eating game starts."

Overwatch x Reader Oneshots/ Scenarios (Baby Daddy Version)Where stories live. Discover now