Baby is Born Pt 2

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You sit on the bed, Reinhardt was resting his head on your swollen baby bump and talking to it. "I can't wait for you to pop out my son. I'm really excited to see you." The baby kicked and you and Reinhardt smile. "He's just a excited to see you." You laugh, poking the little feet that kicked your stomach. "Ok little one that's enough kicking for one day." Reinhardt kisses your swollen baby bump, "You mother needs to rest, you kept her up last night." The kicking stops and you finally get to sleep.

2 Hours Later
You wake up to a surge of pain in you abdomen, clutching you're stomach you call for Reinhardt who was in the room in a flash, "What's wrong love?" "I think my water broke." You moan. "I'll take you to the hospital, just remember to breath." He picked you up, grabbed the baby bag, and made a mad dash to the hospital.

6 hours later
Your son's first cry filled the room, you sigh in relief, and let go of Reinhardt's hand. (He swore for a tiny women you very strong because you almost crushed his hand) "Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Wilhelm, it's a healthy baby boy." The nurse handed the baby to You, "Hello my handsome little boy." He cooed and grasped Reinhardt's finger, "He's so tiny." "What are we going to name him Rein?" You smile as your son smiles back at you. "Zachary Eric Wilhelm." He chuckles, "Has a nice ring to it." You giggle, "Yeah it does."

You sat on the couch, poking the your baby's tiny feet that kicked your stomach. "Your active this morning." You giggle, "I wonder when your daddy is gonna wake up." Junkrat lay on the floor snoring his butt off and saying weird this in his sleep. You suddenly feel like a slugde hammer hit your stomach. "'re not...Ok you're coming out now." You kick Junkrat, "Jami! Wake up!" But he continues to snore, "JAMISON I SWEAR TO GOD YOU NEED TO WAKE UP, I'M ABOUT TO GIVE BIRTH HERE!" "Huh..(Y/N) you ok?" He yawned, "Wait do you say the baby was coming?" "YES!" You scream as the pain in your stomach worsens. "O-ok..calm down you need to breath....*thud*" Junkrat fainted. "Great I'm gonna have to do this on my own.

8 Hours Later
After 8 hours of labor and Junkrat's fainting, you finally gave birth to a little girl. You held her in your arms as she cried, "Hi baby...I'm glad to see you're healthy." Junkrat started to wake up for the ump-theenth time, "(Y/N) you ok?" He struggles to stand but eventually gets up and looks at the little baby in your arms. "Aaaww..*sniff* little girl." You hand your daughter to him, he was hesitant but took her into his arms. "Hey there..." She started to cry, he quickly handed her back to you. "I think I broke her." You laugh, "No she's not use to you yet." "Oh...Hey!" He put his hands on his hip. "What she was inside me for 9 months." Junkrat curled up in a corner of the room crying. "Her name is Madison." You sigh, Junkrat stays in the corner still crying. "I think you broke your daddy." You smile at you newborn daughter.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" You scream in pain. "(Y/N)...breath." Roadhog took a wet cloth and wiped sweat from (Y/N)'s brow. " hurts....IT HURTS!" You cry. "I know it hurts....but you need to push." Roadhog kissed her cheek.

You had been in labor for 9 hours and Roadhog had been reassuring you that the baby would be fine that you would be fine. You in labor with out anesthesia and felt like you were going to die. But after those painful and tiresome hours, you finally gave birth to boy. Tears of joy filled your eyes when Roadhog handed the tiny baby to you. "He looks healthy." Roadhog kisses your forehead. "He so handsome, like his father." You giggle, "You know what this handsome little man needs?" "A name, I suggest Michael." He opens a bottle of water and puts it to your mouth. "I like it." You take a sip of water, Michael grabs Roadhog's finger and smiles. Making Roadhog shed manly tears, you smile and exhaustion catches up to you. Roadhog took your son from your arms and laid him in his crib before returning to you. "You need to sleep (Y/N), you just had a baby your body is exhausted." He help you lay down and pulled a thick comforter over you, he brushes a strand on hair from your sleeping face. He couldn't be any happier with his life right now.

Overwatch x Reader Oneshots/ Scenarios (Baby Daddy Version)Where stories live. Discover now