Reaper x Talon (child)

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Forgive me, I haven't written anything in awhile so it might be kinda bad. Sorry

Requested by Tipreace

c/n- Child's name
e/c- Eye color

"SOMBRA! STOP TEACHING C/N TO HACK!" Sombra laughed as Widowmaker aimed for her, "She's supposed to be adorable sniper assassin not a hacker." c/n giggled as Sombra and Widowmaker ran around the living room. Akande picked up c/n, "She's to young to hack things anyway, plus she's going to be a strong fighter when she grows up, it's that right c/n." c/n shook her head, "I wanna be wike Papi!" The three felt there hearts melt, "She's so precious, I could just eat her." Sombra picked c/n adorable cheeks, "When does papi come back?" c/n asked, her e/c orbs twikling. Moira pinched c/n's cheeks, "Oh, your so cute c/n. I could just experiment on you." Sombra scooped up c/n, Widowmaker pointer her sniper rifle at Moira, and Akande stood infront of Sombra. Moira took a sip of her coffee, "Akande darling, I'm kidding." Sombra held c/n to her chest, "Don't touch my baby hacker you witch." "Sombra we've been over this, I'm a scientist not a witch." Moira scoffed and took a sip of her coffee. "PAPI!" c/n wiggled out of Sombra's grasp and ran to the shadowy figure. "Papi! Upsie! Upsie!" Reaper smiled behind the mask, "Hey mija." c/n giggled as Reaper picked her up. "Oh thank God your back." Akande sighed. Widowmaker lowered her rifle. "Did she try to experiment one c/n again?"



"Dammit." Moira tsked, "I was going to give her a lollipop afterward." Reaper said nothing and walked out the room with c/n. "Papi did you has fun on you trip?" Reaper looked at the innocent child in his arms. "" his mind wondered back to his bloody mission, the screams of his victims as he ended their miserable lives. "It was great! Papi had a great time with his friends." He mentally kicked himself for lying to her, but she was to young, to innocent to know the truth. "But, enough about my day, how was yours." c/n took a deep breath, "It was GREAT! Big sissy Sombra taught me how to hack and where aunty Amy hides all her pastries, uncle Akande taught me how to kick booty, and aunty Moira took me to the pet store and we picked out some cute mouseys, I'm not sure why she need so many though." Reaper shuddered, "I should really get those mice away from her." He thought. "Oh!" c/n handed Reaper a folded peice of paper, "I made this for." Reaper carefully unfolded the paper, he heart melted. "I made picture of you papi." c/n smiled, "Do you likes it?" Reaper looked at her, except it wasn't c/n, it was his own daughter. He wasn't at the Talon base, he was home, with his princess.

"Papi do you like?"c/n voice echoed through his head, snapping him back to that cold Talon base. His masked eyes meet c/n's, she looked worried, he kneeled down, took he mask off, and kissed c/n's forehead. Then said with eyes brimming with tears, "I love mija." c/n smiled beamed ear to ear.

"GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABE!" Sombra dashed down the hall like a mad women, Akande and Widow following close behind, "RUN!" Akande grabbed Reaper by the hoodie and c/n, "One of Moira's creations is loose!" Widow reloaded her gun and tried to shoot the creature chasing them. "It's probably one of the mice she bought." Reaper groaned. "What mice?" Sombra said while hacking open one of the security doors. "The ones she bought when she took c/n to the pet store." Akande and Widow slipped through the door and Sombra backed it shut. "What!?" Reaper turned to mist and stood on his own feet. "So you mean to tell me that Moira has new test subjects." Reaper nodded, Akande pinched the bridge of his nose. Sombra hugged c/n, "My squishy lil hacker are you ok?" "No! You hug to hard." Sombra loosened her hug just a little bit, "Well at least we're all safe." Everyone looked at Sombra, "Sombra, were locked in the hallway, one of Moira's creations is loose, and on top of the we don't know what this one does!" Widow hissed. "Could be worse, the security door could open." Sombra joked.


The security doors opened revealing Moira and her new creation. "There you are c/n, I have a present for you." She pointed to the pink lion next to her. C/n jumped out of Sombra arms and hugged Moira's legs, "It looks like the lion from Steven show, I love it."

"What?" Reaper, Sombra, Widow, and Akande stood there with their jaws agape.

"What do you say my dear?" Moira grinned. "Tank you Aunty Moira!" Reaper sighed, Moira she's not keeping it." Moira gasped and c/n eyes started to water. "Please Papi." C/n whined, Reaper was a loss for words he looked at Akande and Widow, then back to c/n. "Fine, but Moira has to take care of it and NOT! Experiment on it anymore than she has." Widow and Akande nodded in agreement. "Yay!" Sombra and c/n cheered. "Not you two Sombra." Widow sighed. "What it's a pink lion, this make our Steven Universe Comic-Con cosplay foolproof." Sombra grinned. "I'm not dressing up as pearl or amethyst." Widow hissed. "Spoiled sport." Sombra huffed.

Time Skipe

Reaper laid c/n in her bed, "I not tired." She whined. Reaper groaned, "I am tired so you have to go to bed." C/n yawned, "Not sleepy." Reaper rubbed her back and hummed a lullaby, c/n slowly drifted off to sleep. Reaper kissed her goodnight and slowly crept out the room. He looked at her, once more seeing his daughter in her bed sound asleep. He sighed closed his eyes and opened them, his wasn't in his daughters room, but back in c/n room, "Goodnight baby girl, sweet dreams." He smiled, "I'll see you in the morning." He turned off the lights and closed the door. Reaper sat on his bed looking at a photo of his daughter, her   smile brought back pleasant memories. "Goodnight mija." He choked down a sob and held to photo close to him as he fell asleep.

2:30 A.M.

"Papi?" c/n peeked her small head through the door, she walked over the his bed. "Papi?" Reaper rolled over, "C/n why are you up? it's two thirty in the morning." "I had a bad dream." She said with teary eyes, Reaper pulled c/n into his arms. "You said you didn't wuv me and you left me." C/n cried. Reaper rocked her, "Sshh, I do love you mija and I will never leave you. I'll protect you for as long as I can."
"You pomise?" She sniffed, Reaper held out his pinky finger, "Pinky promise." C/n smiled and promised. "You can sleep with me tonight." Reaper pulled the blanket over them, c/n cuddled in his chest. "Wuv you papi." "I love you too baby girl." Reaper kissed her forehead, "Sombra delete that." Sombra appeared and huffed, "Hehehe, I'm going to make copies of this." She laughed and teleported out the room. "I'll deal with her tomorrow." He yawned.

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