First Day Home Pt 1

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Wow, I'm proud of myself. I didn't think so many people would read this but I was obviously wrong. Any way enjoy dis chapter, and thanks for all the reads and likes my beautiful reader-chans😙😙

Mccree picks up Mathew and places him on the changing table, "I really hope you peed." (Y/N) giggled, "Scared." "No, but I'd like to keep my nose on my face, thank you." He undid straps on the diaper and sighs in relief, "Yeah he just peed." "Dangit." (Y/N) grumbled. Mccree chuckled and put a clean diaper on Mathew. "Where's Sam?" "Sleeping." (Y/N) yawns, "He had me up all morning crying his eyes out." Mccree sits next to her, "If you want, you can go take a nap and I'll watch the boys." (Y/N) leaned on his shoulder, "That would be great, except I have to breastfeed every two hours." Mccree kissed her cheek, "I know, I'm giving you two hours to sleep with out worrying." (Y/N) presses her soft lips on Mccree's cheek, "Thanks." She leans on Mccree's shoulder and fell asleep.

*Sam starts crying*
"Dangit." Mccree groans, (Y/N) giggles. "Have fun." Mccree gives Mathew to (Y/N), "Just go to sleep." He groaned, she giggled and laid on her back with Mathew on her stomach, drifting off to sleep.

Gabriel pats Gabriella's back as she sleeps soundly on his chest. (Y/N) sits beside him, "You're enjoying that aren't you." "Enjoying what?" He asked, not taking his eyes off his sleeping daughter. "Cuddling with Gabi." (Y/N) smiled. "Yeah." He blushed. "So the great Gabriel Reyes is a low key softie." (Y/N) giggles. "What! no....I'm not." His cheek flush a deeper red. "You hear that Gabi, that's the sound of mom being right." (Y/N) laughed, "Your daddy is a big softie." Gabriel groaned, "Don't tell her that." "Relax it's our secret, until she grows up and ask if you love her." (Y/N) kissed Gabriel's lips. Gabriella yawned and rubbed her sleepy eyes, "Did your crazy mother wake you." Gabriel sighed, she opened her eyes and yawned once more. "I think I need to feed her again." (Y/N) looked at the clock, "Yeah...... I do." She lifts up her shirt enough to expose her nipple, taking Gabriella from Gabriel and starts nursing. She shudders, "Enjoying it?" Gabriel smirks. "Gabriel you pervert." (Y/N) blushes. "What you miss me doing it to you?" He pokes her other breast. "I'm going to kill you after she's done." (Y/N) glared at Gabriel. "I love you to." He laughed.

Ryuu lays quietly in his crib and (Y/N) sound asleep on the bed. Hanzo moves a few strands of hair from (Y/N) face, "You're beautiful Sakura." "I know." Hanzo jumped and (Y/N) giggled, "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." "That's fine, but I thought you were sleeping." He raised an eyebrow, "Have you been awake this entire time?" "No I woke up a few minutes ago, but your cuddling me so I thought I would enjoy myself." Hanzo chuckled and kissed her soft lips. "How's Ryuu?" She yawned. "Still........"

*Ryuu starts crying*

"Awake." He groaned. (Y/N) giggled and Hanzo got off the bed and picked up Ryuu. "Hanzo dear, it's time for me to nurse him." Hanzo nodded and handed Ryuu to (Y/N), as she started nursing she shuddered. "Is something wrong?" Hanzo asked, "Are you cold?" "No, I'm just not used to nursing yet." (Y/N) shivered, "I'll get used to it." Hanzo lauged and kissed her. cheek, "I love you both."


(Y/N) sits on the couch with Hitomi in her lap watching tv, while Genji is making diner (aka ramen). Sushi hops onto the couch next to (Y/N) leg.


"Hello Sushi." (Y/N) rubbed the kitten behind her ear. Sushi looked at the baby in (Y/N)'s lap, "Would you like to say hello?"


Sushi sniffed Hitomi's face and licked it, Hitomi giggled. (Y/N) took out her phone and recorded the entire thing, "Ok Sushi I think that's enough, now she gonna need another bath." (Y/N) laughed, Genji came out the kitchen with two bowls of ramen and wearing a pink frilly apron. "Dinner is served." "Arigato Genji-kun." She kissed his cheek. Genji scooped up Hitomi and put her in a rocker (or whatever you call it). "You missed the bonding moment between Sushi and Hitomi." (Y/N) giggled. Genji nearly choked, "When was this?!" "While you were cooking." She slurped up some noodles, "Don't worry I recorded it for you." Genji sighed in relief, "Arigato."

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