Month 3

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"But I want it." (Y/N) whines as Mccree takes the can of Monster and pours it down the sink. "No (Y/N) we've gone over this, you can't have caffeinated drinks while your pregnant." "Why?" (Y/N) pouts. Mccree groans, "Because it's bad for the baby." (Y/N) glares, "Well what am I supposed to drink now? I need my caffeine." Mccree sighs, "Water, milk, juice, anything that won't harm the baby." "Fine." (Y/N) grumbles and crosses her arms, "Can I have a cheese burger?" "I don't see why not." Mccree smiles, "I guess this is breakfast." "Yep!" (Y/N) throws the car keys to Mccree, "To IHOP!" Mccree chuckles at his wife's enthusiasm toward a cheese burger.

Gabriel Reyes

(Y/N) groaned in frustration, she'd rather be training then watch Mccree and Gabriel train without her.

"Ha, I win!" Gabriel chuckled, "You owe me twenty bucks." "Darn." Mccree took twenty bucks out of his pocket. "Next time make a bet you can win." Gabriel waved the twenty dollar bill in the air and Mccree stormed out of the training room, grumbling something under his breath. (Y/N) sighed. "Hey mama bear." Gabriel kissed (Y/N)'s forehead, she laughed at her nickname. "You can't say that around Mccree or anyone else?" (Y/N) giggled. "Nah, I have a reputation but I'm a softie for you." He chuckled, "Anyway, I'm sure you're starving so let's get lunch." "Can we go to Taco Bell?" (Y/N) knew that despite Gabriel's background, he really doesn't like Taco Bell. He said it tastes fake, but whenever you're in the mood for Mexican food or he doesn't want to cook, Taco Bell is the number one choice. "Fine." He grumbled. "Yes!" (Y/N) fist pumps, "Carry me."



"I'm buying you taco bell, I'm not carrying you."

"But I'm pregnant."

"Three month, you don't even have a baby bump yet."



"You're mean."

"Love you to."


Hanzo was a reading a book on babies and pregnant women in the living room while (Y/N) was playing computer games. "Sakura." (Y/N) looks up from the computer screen, "I think you should read this." He hands her the book, "Hormones can still be affecting your mood and physical state however, so be prepared for headaches, mood swings, nausea, and possibly even dizziness. Food cravings and frequent urination will likely continue as well and may become more intense."(I found this on z Internet) "I don't have cravings." (Y/N) handed the book back to Hanzo, "Not yet anyway." "Really? What about the time you asked me to get you ramen, strawberry ice cream, pickles, and horseradish sauce?" He shuddered at the thought of it. "Ok maybe I do have cravings, but that is not my fault." (Y/N) rubbed her belly, "So when does my belly get swollen?" "Uh....hold on let me find it." He flipped through the pages, "Three to four months." "So I'll have a baby belly next month?" (Y/N) smiled. "Or next month." Hanzo rubs your forming baby belly. "So when do we know the gender?" (Y/N) playfully pokes Hanzo's chest. "Why don't you look it up." Hanzo takes the laptop and hands you the book. "Why do I have to do it?" (Y/N) whined. "Because I helped make the baby, but you're the one who has to carry and birth it." He kissed (Y/N)'s cheek. (Y/N) grumbled as she read the book, looking for the the answer to her question.


(Y/N)'s sobs could be heard through out the house. "(Y/N), What's wrong?" Genji asked, rubbing (Y/N)'s back. "Because.....*sniff*...I dropped my slice of cake." (Y/N) sobbed. "Now I have to get a new one, but I don't wanna walk." Genji struggled to not laugh at her, "Um.....I'll get you another slice of cake, there's no need to cry about it." (Y/N) stopped crying, "Arigato Genji-kun." As Genji walked to the kitchen, he couldn't help but feel the he had been suckered into this. When he returned (Y/N) seemed fine, like she hadn't had a break down in fact she was smiling. "Uh....(Y/N) are you ok?" Genji handed her the cake. "Yes. She smiled. "Are you sure?" Genji kissed her cheek. "Yes, I'm just glad I have a very loving husband." She said taking a spoonful of cake, "Love you." Genji laughed, "I love you too (Y/N)."


Lucio waked through the front door carrying his equipment, he closes the door behind him and trudged over to the living room. Resting his stuff on the floor, signing he looks at the clock.

4:32 A.M.

"Wow, the earliest I've been home." He chuckled, while kicking off his shoes. He yawns and walks to the bedroom.

*Time skip* to morning

Lucio groans as he feels weight on his chest, followed by some giggles. He opened his eyes to see  (Y/N) resting on his chest. "Morning my lovely wife." He smirked, "How's the baby?" "She's fine." (Y/N) giggled as she kissed Lucio's nose. "You mean he right." He chuckled. "No I'm mean she." (Y/N) stuck her tongue out. "Whatever." Lucio laughed, he wrapped his arms around waist and rolled over causing (Y/N) to fall next to him. "What was that for?" (Y/N) giggled. "So I can cuddle with you." He kisses her neck and pulls her closer. "I'm hungry, I wanna make breakfast." (Y/N) whined, "And the baby will agree with me." "I'll make you breakfast, after we cuddle." He yawns and tightens his grip on (Y/N). "Ugh.........Fine." (Y/N) huffs. Lucio doesn't respond,



"Seriously!" (Y/N) groaned, as she tried to free hershelf from Lucio's grasp. "LUCIO LET GO OF ME, I'M HUNGRY." Lucio buried his head into (Y/N)'s neck, (Y/N) finally gave in and rubbed Lucio's head. "When you wake up, you're definitely making lunch and breakfast and dinner."

Jack Morrison

"OK OK I'M SORRY!" Mccree screamed as (Y/N) put his hand behind his back and slammed him into the wall. "I SAID NOT TO TOUCH IT." (Y/N) growled. Lucio danced through into the room and stopped in shock. "DON'T JUST STAND THERE HELP ME!" Mccree screamed, Lucio snapped out of his trace and ran off. "HELP!" "The hell is going on out here?" Gabriel walks into the room. "" Mccree whines as he is being put into a headlock. "What did you do?" Gabriel groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Nothing, all I did was get a couple of cookies from the cookie jar." He managed to break out of the headlock and tried to run only to be grabbed and slammed to the ground. (Y/N) started throwing punches, Gabriel didn't know whether to use this for blackmail or help the poor kid out. "Gabe, I need you to look at..these..files?" He stared at the defenseless Mccree and the enraged (Y/N), "Uuuh.....Did I miss something?" He looks at Gabriel who's eyes were glued to the scene. "It's a long story." They winced and covered their jewels when (Y/N) kicked Mccree in his, "You think we should help him?" Jack groaned still feeling the pain his jewels. "Actually I think he'll be fine." Gabriel groaned, "Hopefully he won't die." Jack nods in agreement.

3 hours later

Mccree was in the infirmary knocked out, with brusies and a few broken bones and (Y/N) was crying her eyes out saying she was sorry for beating him up. Gabriel and Jack sat away from (Y/N) scared she'd blow up again if they said something wrong. "Well he's not dead and I could have been worse." Gabriel shudders at the thought that as small as (Y/N) is, how much damage she could do. "And (Y/N) seemed to calm down." Jack sighed, "At least her mood swing is over, more or less." Gabriel nods as the two watch (Y/N) sobs her eyes out. "I'm scared to give her paperwork, now." "Good luck with that." Gabriel chuckles.

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