Doomfist Pt 3

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Month 3

Akande laid next to you, his large hands rubbing your so to be swollen tummy. "You do know that we have to start scheduling appointments right?" You groan, "As long as it's not Moira, I'm good." He chuckled, "I wouldn't let her touch you with a 10-foot-pole, let alone handle our child." You smile and kiss his cheek. "Out of curiosity, do you want a boy or a girl." Akande smirked and put his large hand of you or slightly swollen stomach, "I prefer we have boys first and then one girl be to spoiled and protected by her brothers." Akande beamed with pride, while Y/N rubbed her tummy. "Akande?"
"Yes love?"
"I'm hungry, can you get my snacks from the fridge please?" Akande didn't have to asked twice, "Yes my Empress." He grabbed some pickles and chocolate syrup. "Here you are." Y/N kissed his cheek, "You spoil me." Akande smiled, "There is nothing in this world that me empress can't have." Y/N poured chocolate syrup on a pickle, "So can I get a foot massage?"
"Yes." Akande sat at the edge of the bed and carefully worked his huge hands on Y/N's small feet.

After a nice foot massage and snack, Y/N had another request. "Akande dear?"
"Yes my empress?"
"Remeber when you said that I could have anything I wanted."
Akande gave her a worried looked, "Yes....?"
Y/N pinned Akande underneath her and whispered in his ear, "I want you to fuck me....hard." Akande smirked, "Anything my empress wants." He pins Y/N under him, "She gets."

My King

My Queen
My sweet

Baby Is Born:
10 A.M.

"Ow!" Y/N rubs her stomach, "How long was that?" Your midwife checks the timer, "Your contractions are now five minutes apart." Y/N groans, "I just wanna have this baby already." Akande rubs his wife's back, "You're doing amazing Y/N, just remember to breathe and relax."

12 P.M.

"Alright now push!"

"AAAAHHHH!" Y/N screamed

"You're doing great My queen." Akande wheezed, as his fingers were crushed by his lover.

"I need you to push Y/N." The doctor encouraged.

"AAAAHHH! IT HURTS!" Y/N screamed

"Just keep pushing love." Akande winced, trying to free his crushed fingers

"The baby is almost out, just one more push." 

Y/N bit her lip and pushed with all her might.

*Baby cries*

"Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Ogundimu it's a boy." The nurse whipped off the newborn and handed him to Akande.  "Hello my son." His thumb caressed the newborn's soft cheeks. "Akande wanna hold him." Y/N whined. Akande handed the little one over and kissed Y/N's forehead. "He's so cute." she smiled. "He'll be a fierce warrior we he grows up and a good big brother." Y/N groaned, "In a couple years." Akande shrugged as the nurse re-entered the room, "The name of the child is..."

"Xavion Ogundimu." The newborn cooed and grasped Akande's sore fingers. "Ow!" Akande hissed. "Oh and can you please take a look at my husbands fingers, I think I may have broken them." Y/N giggled. The nurse nodded and examined his fingers, "Well one finger is dislocated and the other one is broken, I'll get the doctor to put a split on it and pop the other one back into place." Akande sighed, "Who knew such a tiny woman was so strong?" Y/N giggled, "Sorry, I am stronger than I look." "Yeah yeah." Akande smirk, " I love you my Queen." Y/N kissed his cheek, "I love you to."

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