Junkrat x Reader

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Requested by @BillCypher2119, enjoy my lovely reader-chans. Your villain name is Whiplash.
Luv Ya-🐺

In the Woods
"I'm just saying Roady she's a beauty and (Y/N) will argee with me." Junkrat swooned. (Y/N) rolled her eyes and Roadhog snorted. "No way she's into you." (Y/N) glared at Junkrat, "And besides, she's a suit." "We can't trust suits remember." Roadhog grunts. Junkrat sighed, "I now but she's beautiful." (Y/N) pulled out a bat, "How about I make you forget her." She raised the bat over his head and swung, only she didn't hear a crack or a thump just air. "Let's save that for a last options." Roadhog put the bat back in her duffle bag. "Fine." She huffed. Grabbing her bag and throwing it onto her bike, "Can we go now?" Roadhog dragged the dazed Junkrat and dropped him into the side car. "Let's go." He started the bike and speed off with Whiplash following behind.

At a Heavily Guarded Bank
Whiplash drove her bike through the front door, shattering the glass door. She drove around shooting everything and everyone in her sight. "ALL UNITS WE HAVE A ROBBERY IN PROGRESS." A security guard shouts through his com. Whiplash ran him over and threw a bag full of explosives at the oncoming wave a guards. "EAT EXPLOSIVES SUCKAS!!" She then signal Roadhog and Junkrat that is was all clear, "It's about time." Junkrat placed some explosives on the vault door, "Bye! Bye! Door."


"Ha Ha, look at all deez moneys." He rubbed his hands together. "Oy, stop daydreaming and start packing before the fuzz gets here." Whiplash emptied out a drawer filled with gold chains, rubies, diamonds and 200k. "We're gonna be filthy rich boys." She dumped out 10 draws filled with expensive items and money. "My bag is full." Roadhog chuckled, as he threw it onto his bike. "Same here!" Junkrat and Whiplash say is unison. "Let's bail before the cops show up." Junkrat hopped into the side car and Whiplash hoped onto her bike and floored it out the building. "WOOOOHOOOO!" She laughed. "WE'RE RICH, BLEEDIN RICH I TELL YA." Junkrat laughed, Roadhog laughed as he plowed through a crowd of people.

Back in the Woods
"Wow, what a day." (Y/N) stretched, "Selling this stuff on the black market will cost a fortune. "Hey Jami."


"Are you still daydreaming about the suit lady?"




"Hey are you even listening to me?"


And idea flew into (Y/N) head, "Hey Jami is it true you like the color pink?"


"Do you like nuts?" Roadhog chuckled. *Wink Wink*


Roadhog and (Y/N) laughed, "Ok ok I got one." She cleared her throat. "Are you really 7 inches?"


(Y/N) blushed, "I'm going to end this before it gets out of hand." "What I got one more." He chuckled, "Hey Jamie isn't it true that you have a crush on (Y/N)."

"Yeah." He swooned, "She like and angel from hell." (Y/N) face burned with the color red, "He just daydreaming, he didn't mean it." Roadhog pat her on the back, "Sorry." "I'm gonna go for a walk." She walked off.

By the Lake
(Y/N) threw a rock into the lake, sighing she sat down on a nearby rock. "He doesn't have a crush on me." She thought, "He likes that stupid suit lady." She laid on her back, sighing she listened to the birds chirping in the trees. Before she knew it, she had fallen asleep.

3 hours later
"(Y/N)?" Junkrat pokes her face, making her groan in annoyance. "Oy (Y/N) wake up." "What do you want Jamison?" She growled. "First don't call me that." He spat, "Second it's dinner time." "Whatever." She yawned, "Please tell me Roady cooked." "Nope I did." He smiled with pride and (Y/N) winced. "I'm not hungry." Her stomach growled loudly making Junkrat laugh. "Not hungry huh!" He wiped a tear from his eye, "Come on, let's go before the food gets cold." He picked up bridal style, "What are you doing?" (Y/N) blushed. "Uh...carrying you." He chuckled "Put me down!" She squeked.







"Nope, not a chance." He threw (Y/N) over his shoulder. "JAMISON PUT ME DOWN NOW!" She hit his back repeatedly, "YOU JERK!" "I can't hear you." He hummed

Back at Camp

(Y/N) and Roadhog struggled to keep down their food. "Anybody for seconds?" Junkrat asked, holding another spoonful of mush. "NO!" (Y/N) and Roadhog screamed. "We..uh.. mean no thanks, we're full." (Y/N) felt what she ate slowly start to come back up, she swallowed it and shuddered. "I'm gonna go take a walk, later." Roadhog unfortunately passed out from food poisoning.

After an hour of throwing up her guts, (Y/N) returned feeling a little better and one hundred percent sure she had no stomach anymore. "Oy (Y/N), are you alright you look whiter than a ghost. "No I'm not ok." She felt weak and felt like her legs could give out on her any moment. "I'm going to sleep." She took one step and would have fallen face first, had Junkrat not caught her. "Little clumsy aren't we." He chuckled and helped her to her feet, but she fell into his chest. Junkrat blushed, "Oh....um..(Y/N)." He looked at her pale face. "You're as white as a ghost." Her breaths were short and raspy, he put a hand on her forehead. "Jeez you're hot!" She blushed making her face redder than it already was, "You need to lie down." He picked her up bridal style and carried her to her sleeping bag. "You lie here while I go find Roadhog." He put (Y/N) down and  tripped over roadhog. "Ow." Roadhog grunts, "Is it morning already?" "Um..No, Listen (Y/N) is sick and needs medicine." Roadhog pulls a bottle out of a bag, "You poisoned her." "How?" Junkrat took the bottle. "You cooked dinner and it was terrible and you poisoned her." Roadhog chuckled. "Oh, yeah forgot she's new to the team." Junkrat nervously laughed and ran back to the dying (Y/N). "Here drink this." She drinks the liquid then gags, "Ugh, taste like it's supposed to come out of me." "Now gets some rest I'll be back to check on you later." He gave her a small peck on the lips and ran off screaming NO REGRETS, while (Y/N)'s face flushed red. She pulled her sleeping bag over her head and fell asleep.

"I regret." Junkrat sat by Roadhog. "Regret what?" Roadhog asked, putting a marshmallows on a stick and putting it into the fire. "Kissing (Y/N) and it wasn't even a good kiss." Junkrat stuffed his mouth full of marshmallows. "Did you tell her?" Roadhog looked his smaller companion,


"You panicked."


"You're an idiot."

"I know."

"Then tell your in love with her." Roadhog smacked Junkrat's head. "Oy! What was that for?" Junkrat rubbed his head. "For being stupid and poisoning  (Y/N)." Roadhog turned to his marshmallows which were now burnt to a crisp. "Ok I'll tell her now." Junkrat stood up and walked over to the sleeping (Y/N), while Roadhog had to search for a new stick since that burned up with his marshmallow. Junkrat sat by (Y/N) as she slept soundly, he put a hand on her forehead. "Well I guess you'll be ok, your fever is gone." He leaned forward to give (Y/N) kiss, when she slammed her lips on his and pinned him to the ground. He wrapped his arms around her waist kissed her back. They broke for air, "I...l..love..you...Jam..i..son.." (Y/N) panted. "I.....love....y..you..too......" He pressed his lips against her and bit her bottom lip, making (Y/N) moan. He hands slid down to her but and squeezed her squishy but. "Damn (Y/N) I never knew you're ass was so big." She blushed, "I'm still sick ya know." Junkrat frowned, "Dangit." (Y/N) rolled off his chest and laid next to him, Junkrat wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him once more. (Y/N) rested her head on his chest and fell asleep, "I love you (Y/N)." He kissed her forehead and fell fast asleep. "It's about time." Roadhog chuckled to himself, as hell drifted to sleep.

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