Ever Fallen In Love

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Williams POV

We were walking around when I saw the most beautiful girl. She had brown hair with beautiful brown eyes. I walked over to her. "Hello." "Oh hello." She said. "I'm William. William Joseph Armstrong." I said. Her eyes widened. "You're William. Oh I'm sorry, I'm Hannah." She said. "It's nice to meet you Hannah." I said. She smiled. "You too William." She said. I could feel my stomach forming butterflies. "So uhh do you wanna hang out sometime or something." "Yea sure." She said with a smile. We exchanged numbers and went out separate ways for the day.

That night at the concert

I looked into the crowd and saw Hannah. I winked at her and she just blushed. I walked up to grandpa. "We need to get Hannah up here." I said. He nodded. "We're looking for a volunteer to come play our first song with us. Saw Hannah raise her hand. Grandpa picked her. I ran down and helped her over the fence. "So this is what you do." "Yea I'm the grandson of the son of rage and love himself. Billie Joe Armstrong." I said. She just smiled.

Three months later

I text Hannah. "Hey you got a second? I've been wanting to ask you something." "Yea Will what is it?" "I was wondering if you would like to y'know go out with me?" "Yea definitely!" She said. I sighed in relief. I put my phone down and went to bed.

Two months later

I flew up to Minnesota to see Hannah. We walked around and talked for the first day. That night we went to her house. I climbed in bed with her. Putting my arm around her to show her I will protect her from anyone and anything. I then did the unbelievable. I kissed her. She kissed back to I deepened the kiss. She then turned away. I kissed her neck. "Goodnight Hannah." "Night." She said.

Two weeks later

It was time for me to go back home to California. Before I got on the plane I kissed Hannah goodbye. "I'll be back I promise." I said. She smiled. I kissed her once more and walked onto the plane. I already missed her touch her smile her everything. She was my girl. I loved her to death. She was the thing that helped me sleep at night.

Back at home

I walked into the house. Everyone was in bed since it was like twelve in the morning. I walked up to my room and went to bed too.

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