I Can't Do This

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Williams POV

I sat outside on the roof. I looked at the stars. I had been feeling anxious and depressed lately. It seems like it just consumes me. It was effecting my sleep. It was like I was numb. Paralyzed at that. I wouldn't go anywhere with my family. I didn't want to put mom under more stress. I already know it's not good for my baby brother. Mom would be all over the place. One day she'll be home and the next she'll be at the studio. I wish I could help her. I then thought to myself quietly. Me and Adalyn are happy although we do have our little fights we always pull through. I remember my first time getting high. Oh how I longed for that sweet high again. To feel like I'm in the clouds. But I couldn't, I shouldn't. Suddenly I felt a twinge of self doubt. What if I can't do anything? What if I'm worthless? I mean I can't sleep I don't go out of my room because I'm too tired to do anything. What the hell is wrong with me? I've fought this battle once and I can fight it again. But what if I can't, what if it just gets worse? 

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"Hey dweeb you coming!" I heard Jason yell from the road. "Yea!" I said. I slid down off the roof landing on my feet. I ran over to Jason. "You ready to have the best night of your life?" "Yea man." I said. We where heading to the beach. I didn't know what was going to happen all I knew was that I needed this, more than ever. We got there and there where people all over. I walked around with a cup of beer in my hand. Suddenly a girl came up to me and kissed me. I looked down. It's was Adalyn! "Adalyn I thought you where in Minnesota?" "I came here to see you." She said all while putting her hands on my chest. I put my hands around her waist and my forehead on hers. We walked around and talked for a little while. She then threw herself on me. We both fell in the sand. She started kissing me with passion. I was beginning to become aroused by this. I then felt her undo my belt. "Woah what are you doing?" "Undoing your pants what does it look like?" "Adalyn I can't do this." I said looking serious. She looked at me and kissed me again. She was arousing me more and more. I then noticed what she was doing. I stood up quickly. Buckling my belt back. Adalyn looked at my arousal. "Nice boner Armstrong." She said. "Yea well sadly it's not going to be given to you or anybody at that." I said angrily. "But Will I want you. I want you to take me." "The answer is no!" I said more angrily. She looked at me with a sense of shock. "Fine if you won't give me what I want then... then... then we are through!" She screamed. "And good riddance!" I yelled back. I walked back up to the road and grabbed my skateboard. I couldn't go home looking like this. Who's the one person that I know has probably gone through this? Grandpa! Yea he'll know what to do. I rode off to grandpas house.

Billie's POV

I heard a knock at the door. I walked over and opened it to see William. "Hey will what's up?" I said all while letting him in. He set his board down and instantly went to the couch. For some reason he had a pillow on his lap. "So grandpa?" "Yea Will?" "My now ex girlfriend well got me... umm... aroused.." He said as his voice cracked. "Go on?" "And well I was wondering if you know how to fix it?" "Yea take a nice cold shower Will." I said. He winced as he tried to get up. "Damn why does it hurt so bad?" "Well it's not necessarily supposed to hurt. It might have to do with the fact that you're wearing skinny jeans and it depends on how much you are aroused." I said. He nodded. I helped him up and took him to the guest bathroom.

Williams POV

I got out of the shower. I knew grandpa would know what to do. Although I was kinda embarrassed. I walked downstairs. "Better?" "Yea much." I said. Grandpa smiled. "Hey how about you stay here for the night. I'll tell your mom and dad that I wanted to hang out with you tonight so afterward I brought you here." He said. I nodded and yawned walking over to the couch and falling asleep.

Billie's POV

I was kinda surprised that Will would come to me for advice instead of his father. But at the same time I want considering I've been in that situation multiple times. But I wasn't going to tell him that.

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