First Encounter

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A Week Later

I was walking with Aiden. Today was the last day before the tour. He reached in his pocket and pulled a bag out with some clumps in it. "What's that?" I asked. "It's weed, you wanna try it?" He asked. I nodded. "It's fine your dad use to do it all the time." He said. If dad does it then it must be ok. He rolled it into some paper and lit it. Putting it on my mouth. I inhaled. "Cough cough!" "Ha that's what happens when you're a first timer." Aiden said. I was about halfway into it when I felt like I was in the clouds. "Aiden what's this feeling." "That's the feeling of being high babe." He said. "Well I like high." I said. "I know you would babe." He said. I felt relaxed like I could just basically do anything a wanted.

Two hours later

"Thanks Aiden I'll see you after the tour." I said. He kissed me bye and left. I walked into the house dad was right there looking very angry. "You were supposed to be home two hours ago." He said. "So I'm just a little late." I said. He then looked at my eyes. "Berkeley you're high." "No I'm not." "Yes you are I can smell it on you and your eyes are red and glazed." "But you use to do it didn't you?" "Yea I use to I don't anymore because it basically took away my life. So did alcohol don't think I didn't smell that on your breath either." I thought for a second. Then I realized that I had done something wrong. But it felt so good. "Berkeley alcohol and drugs took away my life. Damn I can't even remember 98 I was so fucked up. I'll let it slide this time, but if it happens again there will be consequences." Dad said. I looked up since he was taller than me. I hugged him. I didn't know what I did was wrong. "I'm sorry it won't happen again dad." I said. He hugged back. "Now go get a shower we're going out to eat tonight and I don't need you smelling like weed and alcohol around 80." He said. I ran up to my room and took a shower. It felt so good. My high finally wore off and I don't really think I was drunk. I walked back downstairs all cleaned up. Dad looked at my eyes. "Looks like the shower helped some. Feel better?" "Yea dad. I'm sorry I didn't know what I did was wrong." I said. But at the same time I wanted more. It felt so good. "I know Berkeley but that stuff isn't good for you. And yea I know it feels good but it's addicting. It took my life away for years, even when you were born but I did what I had to do. I went to rehab and I've been clean since." He said. I hugged him again. We all walked out to the car. We were having some pizza with the guys since well it was the night before we were on tour again. Don't get me wrong I loved tour. When we were seated at a table I just kind of stared of into space. Uncle Mike took notice and whispered into dads ear. Dad nodded his head. Uncle Mike probably asked if I was high. I still felt high. But it felt so good though. "So Berkeley you are you ready for tour?" Uncle Tre asked. "Oh yea I'm totally stoked." I said with a smile. I went back to staring into space. The food came and I was starving. I didn't know what had made me so hungry. Dad came over and whispered in my ear. "It's the weed Berkeley it's makes you hunger and other things." He said. I ate as much as I could. I usually didn't eat a lot. We went back home. I packed my bag for tomorrow and went to sleep.

The Next Morning

Billie's POV

I woke up. We actually didn't wake up late today. I heard footsteps walk down the stairs. I went out of my bedroom door and looked down the stairs. Berkeley has the door open with Aiden in the doorway. "I'll see you after tour." I heard Berkeley say. She closed the door I acted like I was just walking down. "Morning dad." "Morning." I said. "You're up early." I said. "Yea Aiden came over to say bye and then I was going to make some coffee for you and mom." She said. "Hey the weed thing from last night I'm not mad I was but now I'm not. It was me trying to protect you. Because I know what it can do with your life." I said. "It's fine dad. "I shouldn't have done it." She said. I hugged her. "Go put your things in the car we'll be leaving in a few minutes." I said. She ran upstairs to get her things. 80 came down fully dressed. "Morning beautiful." I said. "Good morning." She said. She grabbed her coffee. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her neck. "Ready for tour?" "More than ever." She said as she sipped on her coffee. I poured some milk into my coffee. I looked at the time. "Damn we got to go in about ten minutes."  I said as I drank my coffee in three gulps. I ran upstairs and got dressed. Bringing mine and 80s luggage to the car. All three of us got in the car since Jakob and Joey were on tour again.

At the airport

Billie's POV

We were on the plane about to leave the airport. I felt the plane move. We were on our way to Washington for the first show.

That night in Washington

Berkeleys POV

All of us walked out on stage the crowd roared. I started Too Dumb To Die on the guitar. This show was going to be amazing.

After the show

Billie's POV

Tonight was a great night. I don't think Berkeley was having withdraws. She seemed to be doing fine without weed. But then again I didn't know that.

Back on the bus

Berkeleys POV

I couldn't sleep. I was stressed and my anxiety was unbelievable. I got out of my bunk and went to the couch to sit down and watch tv. Sooner or later dad came in. "Can't sleep?" I nodded. "Well you get that from me." He said. He sat down next to me. I had a few episodes of Ghost Adventures recorded. Sooner or later I got tired and fell asleep on dad.

Billie's POV

I looked at Berkeley she had fallen sleep on my shoulder.  I didn't move but instead I just grabbed a blanket and put it around her. I too fell asleep.

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