Doing The Right Thing

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I looked down as I was singing. I saw a kid getting pushed around by a much older larger man. This wasn't going to happen at one of my concerts. I imagined that kid if he were one of my boys. I waved my hand telling the guys to stop playing. I put my guitar down on the ground and walked down off the stage. "Hey man we aren't gonna have this happen you look mature enough to know that this kid just wants to have some fun and watch us play but he can't if you keep pushing him around." I said. "And what are you going to do about it?" He said while pushing onto the ground. Security came in and I motioned them go wait. "I might be small but I'm not weak and do you really want to start a fight with me in front of all these people. Because I can tell you I'll sure as hell beat your ass into the ground." I said my anger showing. "Pfft you can barely lift a weight." He said once again pushing me to the ground. That was my limit I wasn't holding back anymore. I tried reasoning with him once and then twice I'm not letting him consider a third time. I threw myself up and threw my first straight into the guys jaw. I knew not to stop now or else he would beat me. I jumped into the crowd and onto the guys back. He head butted my nose and I started to bleed all over the place. I kept hitting him in the same place as fans emptied some what of a circle. Everyone in the stadium got quite. "You fucking son of a bitch!" I yelled in anger. He swung and hit me in the eye. "God damn it!" I yelled once more. I kicked the guy so hard in the nuts that he wouldn't be able to have kids. He fell to the ground in defeat. He had pushed me to my limit and when you push me past my limit you get my fucking wrath. Security took him out of the stadium. The kid came up to me. "Thanks." He said with a smile. "No problem kid." I said smiling back at him. I hopped back over the fence and onto the stage. I then noticed that my nose was still bleeding. "We'll be right back." I said into the microphone. I walked backstage. "Babe are you ok?!" Adrienne said panicked. "Yea I'm fine 80 just can you please get me some paper towels?" I said. Adrienne handed me some paper towels. I could see the worry in her eyes. "I'm fine really just a bloody and and a soon to be black eye." I said. "You did the right thing babe. Even if it got your ass kicked." She said. "He got his ass kicked." I said in a chuckle. "That shits not gonna happen at one of our concerts." I said. "And that's why I love you became you stand up for yourself and others." 80 said. I kissed her. "I'm gonna be alright, see my nose isn't even bleeding anymore. I said. I kissed her again  and walked out on stage. The crowd roared as we started again.

That night

I walked onto the bus my head was killing me. My nose was killing me too. I put some ice on my blackening eye to help the swelling. I was definitely gonna feel all of this in the morning. I walked over to the couch to sit with 80. She looked really tired. I was tired and we had a week off from shows which was good. It would give me some time to catch up with family. I put my hand on Adrienne's baby bump making little circles with my thumb like I always do. I was happy.

Two months later

Adrienne is four months now. Every month is a month closer to holding our little girl. We were out walking that day just admiring West Virginia. Suddenly a fan came up. "Oh my God! Hello I heard you were coming her for a show but I didn't know today." "Hi yes were here for the show..." "Holy shit the rumors are true! Adrienne is pregnant!" The fan said. We signed her jacket and took a picture and she was off. We walked back to the bus. So that we could prepare for the show.

Three months later

Tonight is our show in Minnesota. We are going to Adrienne's parents house to tell them the news. 80 is now seven months. Only two months left. I was very excited. We were on our way to 80's parents house. I sat next to her and made circles with my thumb on her stomach as usual when all of a sudden a little kick hit my hand. 80 and I both smiled. This was the first time I had felt our little girl. 80 always said she would kick but I never made it in enough time. We arrived at Adrienne's parents house. We were welcomed in.

Three hours later

We got back on the bus so that we could make it to our next destination in time for the show tomorrow. I put my arm over 80s waist as we laid down. I made circles with my thumb again. 80 always found it soothing. Sleep finally found me.

80's POV

I couldn't sleep that night. Berkeley was extremely active tonight. Yes me and Billie decided on Berkeley Jane Armstrong. It was the most perfect name. I got up and walked around the bus for a second. I sat back down in the bed and turned on the television. Billie woke up. "Hey what's wrong?" He asked. "Berkeley's just really active tonight." I said. He sat up and put his arm around me. "If you stay up I stay up." "Babe I'm fine really besides you have two shows tomorrow." "I don't care yea I love doing what I love the most but I love you with all my heart so however long you stay up, I stay up." He said. I couldn't stop him so I just laid my head on his shoulder as we watched tv.

Billie's POV

I looked back down at 80. She had fallen asleep on my shoulder. I gently but her head on a pillow and the covers over her. I went to bed to with my arm around her. She was my world.

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