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Williams POV

Two months later

I sat in my room. I couldn't sleep. How many days has it been now. Nine. Yea. Nine days without sleep. Y'know it's funny how the body needs sleep but can never fall asleep. It's like your mind just keeps going and going in this never ending loop of thinking. Yea thinking. Think think think. Never sleep. I feel like I'm in a Freddy Kruger movie. Y'know 1 2 Freddy's coming for you. Only for me it's 9 10 never sleep again. What is sleep. Is it a figment of my imagination. Oh no it's real how else would my sister and brother and parents be able to sleep. I walked out of my room and walked downstairs. I walked all around the house but couldn't seem to get tired. I went back to my room. I was angry with myself. I put both of my hands on the wall. I clinched my right fist and punched the wall. I couldn't take it anymore. I felt like I was going insane. I felt pain pulse through my hand. Suddenly dad came in. "Is everything ok?!" He said sounding alarmed. I couldn't take it. I shook my head no and busted out in tears. I stumbled towards my dad. "I can't sleep. I haven't been able to sleep for nine days dad..." I said in between sobs. "It's gonna be alright son. It's gonna be alright." It then hit me. I was tired. Dad lifted me up and put me in my bed. "Dad." "Yes son?" "Please tomorrow take me to get help. I can't go another day without sleeping." I said before dozing off. "Yea son. We will." I heard him say.

Brixtons POV

I couldn't believe it. William hadn't slept for nine days! How was that possible?! The body can't go without sleep for at least 42 hours. I went back to bed only to toss and turn. I didn't want my boy to be going through this. Damn I didn't want my wife to be going through it either. There are so many nights that I wake up and find her in the basement writing new songs because she can't sleep.

The next morning

Williams POV

We sat in the room waiting for what the doctor was going to say. He came in. "Well the boy has insomnia." He said. I had known this. I guess dad just wanted proof. I could tell dad was upset. "We will prescribe him some medication and put him in a rehabilitation center for a month or so." He said. Rehabilitation?! I didn't want to go there all I wanted to do was get checked out and get some help. Dad saw my distress. "Doctor is there anyway that he wouldn't have to go to the rehab center?" "Sorry sir but until he gets use to his medication and has a decent sleep he can't go home." He said. I started to panic. I didn't want to leave home for a month. I mean damn mom just had my baby brother like a week ago. Dad nodded. I put my fist on my mouth. I was panicking. "Hey it's only for a month. You might get out in a few weeks if your medication starts working the first time." He said. I looked into dads eyes. I could tell he wasn't comfortable with this. I put my arms around him. "I want to go to the house first. Y'know before I go." I said. Dad nodded. The doctor came back in and handed me a bottle filled with pills. We drove back home. I stayed quiet.

Back at the house

We walked in mom was on the couch with Andrew asleep in her arms. "How'd it go?" She said. I shook the bottle of pills. "Umm mom there's umm... something else." I said. "The doctor said I have to go to a rehabilitation center for a month or so... just until the meds start working..." I said very hesitantly. Moms eyes filled with tears. "Mom it's going to be alright." I said as sadness filled my voice. I felt a tear fall from my cheek. Pretty soon all of us were on the couch hugging. I said my goodbyes and dad took me to the rehab center. I wasn't ready but when was I ever going to be?

A few weeks later

Berkeleys POV

It was different without Williams presents around. He was usually the light to the party. Don't get me wrong Sara and Andrew are the light of my life. They always make me happy. But William was my first. I love all of my children equally but I wasn't use to this. I heard Andrew crying and on instinct I ran upstairs to care for him. I picked him up out of his crib. "Hey it's ok Andrew." I said. He looked up and smiled.

A month later

Williams POV

Just one more day. One more day and I can see my family. My medication had been working. I felt like I was getting better for the little time that I've been on it. I've actually gotten sleep which was great. It felt good to sleep for the first time in forever. I still wake up in the middle of the night but that's going to happen sometimes.

The next day

I walked out to wait for whoever was picking me up. I looked at the outside world like it was some strange new world. I saw the car but couldn't tell who was in it. I opened the backseat door and everyone was there. I just smiled. I was with my family.

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