Meet and Greet

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Mikes POV

Berkeley has fallen asleep. Her had was in my lap. We were going to a meet and greet today. Berkeley really wanted to come so we let her. I had made a plan to wake her up when we were about half way there so she wasn't grumpy.

A few minutes later

"Almost there fellas." The driver said. I shook Berkeley a little bit. "Hey Berkeley it's time to get up." I said softly. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. "Ok uncle Mike." She said.

A few minutes later

Billie's POV

I walked out of the car followed by Tre Berkeley and Mike. Suddenly Berkeley latched onto my leg, which wasn't a problem. I walked me and Berkeley to the table for the meet and greet. This was going to be fun.

An hour later

"Billie is this your daughter?" "Yes she is and her name is Berkeley." I said. "Oh my god you're just the sweetest little thing. You look so much like your dad." The fan said. Berkeley just blushed and put her face in my chest. She was still a little shy, but she would say a few words to fans now and again.

Back in the bus

I plugged in my record player. Today was just a kind of relaxing day for me and the guys. I put on Let It Be by The Replacements. Suddenly Berkeley came in. "Daddy can we play the Ramones after this?" "Sure sweetie." I said. After the record was over I put on a Ramones record like Berkeley asked. She liked the Ramones and a lot of other bands that me and the guys like. She started dancing around and sooner or later she fell asleep on the couch. She was having the time of her life on this tour. I picked her up and put her in the bed. Tucking her in and kissing her forehead goodnight.

Two days later

Adrienne's POV

I was the first one up and moving this morning. I decided to make some coffee for me and Billie. I then heard footsteps coming down the hall. I looked and it was Berkeley. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. "Hey Berkeley you want something to drink?" "Chocolate milk please." She said still rubbing her eyes. I gave her a cup of chocolate milk and turned the tv on to cartoons for her. She was very quit this morning. Billie then came into the room. "Morning babe." I said as I handed him his coffee. "Morning." He said huskily. "Babe are you feeling ok?" "Yea my throats just a little scratchy." He said. We sat on the couch next to Berkeley. Her sixth birthday was coming up soon. "So What is this show about?" Billie asked Berkeley. "It's about a boy named Timmy Turner and he gets Fairly Odd Parents to make his life more fun." Berkeley said all while staring at the tv.

Billie's POV

I still didn't understand the show so I just sat back and watched. Berkeley jumped up and went to the sink to put her glass in it. She then came back and sat down in the middle of me and 80. "So Berkeley your birthday is coming up, anything you might want?" I asked. "No but I do want to play on stage with you uncle Mike and Uncle Tre." She said. "Ok." I said with a smile.

That night

Me Berkeley and the guys walked out on stage. I started playing Welcome to Paradise. Berkeley started dancing around. She ran up to Tre. Tre put her in his lap and let her grab the drumsticks with him guiding her. She hopped down after the song was over. She ran over to me and tugged on my shirt. "What is it Berkeley?" "Can I sing?" She asked. "Sure, do you know the lyrics to Whatsername?" I asked. She nodded. I gave her the mic and started the guitar. "Thought I ran into you down on the street, then it turned out to only be a dream." She sang. "Remember whatever it seems like forever ago!" She sang. The song ended and the crowd cheered. She went to the side stage to grab her guitar. I micd her acoustic so that she could play Macy's Day Parade. She strummed the guitar just how I taught her.

Four hours later

We walked backstage. Berkeley ran into 80's arms. "Mommy I did it!" She yelled. "You sure did." I said as I walked over there to hug both of them. We walked back to the bus to get showers. Berkeley was last since 80 still gives her baths. She got in between us as usual and fell asleep. I on the other hand couldn't sleep. I got up and went into the living space of the bus to write some songs. I felt myself slowly dozing off and soon I was asleep.

Berkeleys POV

I woke up to get a glass of water. I saw daddy on the couch. I got some water and sat with him. He looked like he was asleep. I put the covers over him and went under his arm. "Goodnight daddy."

Billie's POV

I woke up Berkeley was under my arm. She must've woken up sometime last night. I ran my hand through her dark hair. And fell back asleep.

Adrienne's POV

I tuned the alarm off. Billie and Berkeley weren't in bed. I walked out of the bedroom and saw Billie asleep on the couch with Berkeley curled up under his arm. I sat down. Berkeley woke up. "Good morning mommy." "Good morning Berkeley." I said. "Daddy fell asleep in here so I put a blanket around him." She said. I kissed the top of her forehead. Billie woke up. "Morning daddy." Berkeley said softly. "Morning Berkeley. Morning beautiful." Billie said as he softly kissed me. "Any plans for the day?" I asked. "Berkeley makes the plans today. It is her day." Billie said. "Can we have pizza for breakfast!?" Berkeley said excited. "Yea of course we can." I said.

That night

Tres POV

We all stood around the table as Berkeley blew out her candles. It's hard to believe she's already six years old. I cut the cake and gave the first piece to Berkeley then I passed pieces for everyone. I put some frosting on my finger and put whiskers on Berkeley. Mike came up behind her and picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder. "Uncle Mike!!" She screamed. Everyone just laughed. "Hey Mike. Tickle fight." I said. He brought Berkeley into his arms and we all tickled her. She finally got away as we chased her. She kept running around. Billie was hiding in a dark corner. She ran in Billie's direction and he snatched her up. "I got her!" He yelled. "Daddy!" She laughed. He put her down. We all sat down and hung out. Berkeley once again fell asleep. Her whiskers that I had drawn on her were still there.

Billie's POV

Berkeley had a really fun time with us chasing her around. I thought it was pretty good for me to hide in the dark corner and it worked to my surprise. Her head was in my lap with her eyes closed. She was tuckered out. Tre has drawn whiskers on her with frosting from the cake. I wiped them away and put her in the bed. "Happy Birthday Berkeley." I said as I left the room.

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