What Do I Do?

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Williams POV

It was my first tour for my band. It was the fifth show and we where in Minnesota. We where on stage. I looked down and there was a beautiful girl with chestnut brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. I looked into her eyes and winked. She blushed. I had to get her name. I held out my hand for her to grab it so I could pull her up on stage. She hesitated for a second but then grabbed my hand. "What's your name!" I yelled into the microphone. "Adalyn!" She yelled. I looked back into her eyes. I wanted to get to know her. I gave her my cell. "Don't give this to anyone else ok." I said. She nodded. She went to her car. My heart fluttered  with excitement. I walked to mom and dad. "So what was that about?" Mom asked. I just smiled. "Oh I see." Mom then said. Dad put his hand in my shoulder. "Looks like Wills got a crush." He said with a smile.

Back at home

I laid in my bed. I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned. I kept thinking about Adalyn. She was perfect. Me and her had been talking for a while while I was on tour and I finally asked her out. And to my surprise she said yes. I looked at my clock. It was eight in the morning. Well now I know how mom feels. I said. I still wasn't tired so I decided to get up and walk downstairs. Mom was there and so was dad, grandma, and grandpa. "Well we didn't expect you too be up this early." Grandpa said. "Yea... Hey grandpa?" "Yea what is if Will?" "Can I talk to you alone for a second?" "Yea sure." We walked up to my room. "So what's up?" "Well there's this girl that I'm dating and well she's from Minnesota." "Go on." "What do I do. I can only talk to her on the phone and I can't sleep and y'know." "It sounds like you're love sick Will." Grandpa said. "And that's actually how I met your grandmother. She lived in Minnesota too. I was love sick. So I wrote songs. I made playlists to help me. And then one day I asked her to move to California because I wanted to get married." He said. I nodded. "Thanks grandpa!" I said while hugging my grandfather. "Anytime Will."

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