Chapter Six: Stupid organs

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*Macy's POV*

As I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around my body, I almost slap my forehead at the realization that I don't have any clean clothes.

"Shit," I curse under my breath. Maybe there're clothes in the closet...

Right, because clothes my exact size would magically be in the closet.

Unless they have been observing me for a while...

That thought makes me cringe. I step out of the steamy bathroom in my towel, prepared to go on a hunt for clothes, only to have my heart leap out of my chest and a shocked scream to rip out.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I snap at Cayton who is lying casually on the bed in a t-shirt and pair of checked pajama pants. He looks over at me and smirks, his eyes shamelessly trailing up and down my body. I blush under his gaze and tug the towel down, willing it to cover more.

"I came to check on you," he shrugs, his eyes finally meeting mine after they are done with their exploration of my towel-clad body. It's like the first time I saw him, when our eyes locked together and I couldn't look away. I can feel my heart beating erratically as he gets off the bed and makes his way over to stand in front of me.

"I-I'm f-fine," I stutter. Good god this boy is making me nervous. In the back of my mind I knew it was wrong, that I shouldn't want to rip his clothes off right now. Just picturing him shirtless earlier wasn't helping either. It's as if I'm being tested by some otherworldly being. Jerks.

He is so close to me now, I can feel the heat radiating off him. It's so tempting to just kiss him...

NO! Snap out of it Macy! This guy kidnapped you! You don't get cozy with a kidnapper. That is a big no-no.

"I need c-clothes," I stutter again, taking a step away to calm my thoughts. He smirks again and steps closer, squashing my attempt at distancing myself.

"I don't know, I kind of think the towel looks good on you. Of course, it might look better on the floor..." I gape at him, my cheeks flaming what I could only assume was bright red. He's joking right? Some sort of reverse-psychology mumbo jumbo? Maybe I'm being hypnotized!

That seems to make some sense. In my mind at least.

"Clothes would be fine," I gulp, stepping backwards until my back presses against the wall. He stands in front of me, putting his hands on either side of my waist, trapping me.

"Ok, tomorrow I'll have Tami go shopping for you. Tonight, you can borrow one of my shirts," he says. He pulls his shirt over his head and holds it out to me. "And if you want anything else, let me know. I'll have her pick it up too."

I barely catch his last sentence, as I was too occupied with his bare chest and lovely abs that were too close not to be touched. I mean, they were right there in all their muscular defined glory! I wonder how they would feel for a brief moment. Somehow, I find the willpower to restrain my curious hands.

"Ok," I mumble, not looking up. "Can I get some... Ramen Noodles?"

"Those little cup thingys?" he snickers, most likely remembering them hanging out of my mouth when he first saw me. I nod my head. "Anything else?"

"Well, seeing as you're not going to let me leave, can I at least call my dad before he has a heart attack?" He contemplates it for a second.

"No," he answers bluntly.

"What? Why not?" I demand, pushing on his chest. He doesn't put up a fight and I manage to get him away from me.

"Because, I-"

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