Chapter 35

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"Louissssss." I whined. I was starting to get bored. We were waiting in line for the famous London Eye, and I was starting to get impatient. Why must lines be so freaking long?

I looked up when I didn't get an answer back from Louis. He was looking down at his phone, really focused on who he was texting.

Sighing, I turned to Harry and Grace. Louis had been texting someone the whole time we had been out. Who could he be texting? It could be his mom to see how she was doing with her pregnancy for all I knew, or one of his sisters. But I had a feeling in my stomach that he wasn't.

Grace put her arm around my shoulder. "What's wrong, babe?"

"Nothing. I'm just bored." It was only half a lie, but Grace knew I was lying.

She looked over her shoulder at Louis to see the same thing that he'd been doing. She frowned then looked at me. I knew what she was asking, 'Who the fuck is he texting?'. I just shrugged.

"Okay guys!" Liam yelled to get everyone's attention. "I've gotten two capsules rented out. Louis and Jordan get their own." He winked over at me and Louis, who was still not paying attention. "But we still have about a twenty minute wait." He turned back to Danielle, continuing their conversation.

Turning back to my boyfriend, I tapped his shoulder. Louis jumped a little then smiled when he saw it was me. "Hey love."

I gave him a small smile. "You didn't hear Liam at all, did you?"

Louis looked at me sheepishly. "I don't believe I did. What did he say?"

"We have a capsule to ourselves." I sighed when I heard his phone beep again. "Who are you texting?"

After quickly looking down at his phone, he shoved it in his pocket. "No one important, love."

Sure seemed like someone important, I thought to myself sourly.

Okay, maybe I'm overreacting. He's texting his mum, not someone else. Just his mum. Calm down, it's okay.

I looked back up at Louis to say something, but my train or thought went blank as I saw Louis texting again. It's just his mum, Jordan, calm down, I told myself. Yet I could help that panic feeling that maybe it wasn't his mum.

Liam's loud voice startled me, as well as Louis. "Okay my favorite singers! It's time to load up the capsules!" The eleven of them get into the first capsule. As our capsule came, I turned to Louis as my excitement from earlier started to come back.

"I'm so excited!" I squealed. Louis smiled at me and gave me a peck on my lips, but didn't say anything as he dragged me onto the London Eye.

I ran over to see out the window and pressed my face up against it. I was in awe already and we hadn't reached the top yet. The Ferris wheel started to pick up speed a bit as we made our way around.

"Babe! Oh my god, Louis this is so-" I turned around to get Louis to find him standing in the middle of the capsule. Doing what exactly? Texting the non-important person again. He had a cute little smile on his face, which made me think that he wasn't texting his mum. "Louis?"

He snapped his head up to look at me, his smile growing. "Sorry." He walked over to me and took my hand. "I shouldn't really be texting, should I?"

I sighed. "We are sort of on a date." I was sad. Louis always paid attention to me while we were on dates. But today he just seemed in his own mind. Actually, he seemed into his phone. I didn't mean to sound like a bitch, but aren't boyfriends suppose to pay attention to their girlfriends when they're out on dates? Not texting a mysterious person?

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