Chapter 28

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It wasn't awkward between me and the guys after that little moment on the stage. Well for the most part it wasn't. Besides Louis not talking to me, that is.

The show had gone well. All the fans loved my song, which I'm happy about. The boys did their thing, which as always was awesome. After the show we went to the bus. Niall had said that we were going to watch movies for a while so that's what we did after we all got changed. I sat on the couch, waited for Louis to get his drink. When he came out of the kitchen, he sat down beside Harry on the floor. I furrowed my eyebrows as did the others. He just watched the movie.

One day later and he still didn't speak to me.

I had no clue what his problem was. I didn't know if he was mad or sad or just thinking. Whatever it was, it was getting on my nerves. I didn't know wether I wanted to bawl my eyes out, yell at him, or eat a gallon of ice cream.

It was a busy day. The boys were recording some songs, they had an interview in the afternoon, sound check, then a concert. So I had nothing to do. I didn't want to go out or go with the boys. Liam told me that I could come with them but I didn't really want to be around Louis.

So I decided I would sit on the couch in my oversized Beatles sweatshirt and shorts, eating as much as I wanted. I had nothing been to do besides watch NCIS and Vampire Diaries.

Through the whole day I just thought: Why is he ignoring me? I didn't do anything. At least I don't think I did. We were okay up until a sang my song and the boys were bugging me who I wrote it about. He can't possibly be mad about that, could he? If so then why? Why the hell is he mad about that? Did he think I wrote it about someone else?

God that boy is so dumb if he thought I wrote that about someone other than him! Who else would I have written it about? I'm freaking in love with him. If he thought that I wrote it about anyone else then he is crazy.

As the day went on, I got lonely and bored so I called Zayn.

"Hello?" he answered his phone.

"Zayn you answer your phone so boring you know that right? Why don't you say something like 'Ayeeee this is Zaynnnnn!'" I asked him.

He chuckled. "Hi Jordan." I rolled my eyes. "What do you want?"

I foreign a gasp. "That is so rude Zayn! I thought your mom taught you better than that." I scolded him.

Zayn sighed. "Let me guess. You are bored right?"

"Yes," I huffed. "I have nothing to do! I ate the rest of my Nutella and some ice cream, then watched my shows. But now I'm really bored and I want you guys to come back so we can hang out." I rambled to him.

"As in us you mean Louis." he stated; I stayed silent which he took as a yes. "Jordan I don't know what's up with him. We all noticed that he hasn't talked to you since sound check yesterday. I'll talk to him and try to get him to talk to you."

I nodded, smiling. "Thanks Zaynie. You know how much I love you right now?" I could tell he was rolling his eyes.

"Yeah yeah whatever. I have to go; I have to record. Call one of the other boys or something if you're bored." Zayn and I exchanged our goodbyes and yet again I was bored. We didn't even get to talk for ten minutes.

How about I annoy the hell out of Harry, I thought evilly.

Dialing his number, I couldn't help but smirk. Harry took forever to answer, like five rings, but when he finally answered he didn't have time to say 'hello' before I yelled:

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