Chapter 25

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"Jordan and Louis sitting in a tree K.I-" Grace started to chant. I had called her and told her what had happen. Since she was such an amazing best friend-note the sarcasm-she started to sing. The same thing happened with the boys. When Louis and I had come out of the bedroom, they started to make inappropriate comments, kissing noises, and other shit like that. I hang out with the most immature people ever.

"Grace." I snapped at her. "You should really shut the fuck up before I come through this phone and beat the shit out of you." I threatened.

She huffed. "Sorry, jeez. I'm just excited. You sound happy." I could tell that she was frowning.

I felt a pang of guilt in my stomach. "I'm sorry. Just... you have no idea how annoying and embarrassing these damn boys are. They just pissed me off." Never have I ever been so pissed at those boys. Not Louis, he didn't do anything bad so I couldn't be mad at him. Honestly I was thrilled with him. I was mad at the other four: Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Harry. Mostly the last one. I sighed. "Grace, your boyfriend is a dickhead." I whined to her, falling on my back onto the bed. That bed was really soft.

"Bitch do not insult him." She joked; she know I was playing. Well I think I was playing..

Cuddling with a pillow, I pouted sadly. "It's awkward now, Grace. It was fine, normal even, until the curly haired freak had to go and make dirty jokes." I chuckled. "Okay some of them were hilarious but it still pissed me off." Me and my perverted self.. gotta love me though! "I had to make up a lie that I had to call you about something important. Which I did so it wasn't really a lie I guess, but whatever! I'm just pissed."

I heard her sigh. "Jordan calm down. It will be alright. They are just boys and they make stupid comments. I'll call Harry later and tell him to stop. But for now I have to go. I have class in 20 minutes."

That made me sad. We were in different countries, doing two completely different things. We barely had time to talk to each other because she had school and I had concerts. I hated that so much.

"I know." I said sadly. "I'll call you later, okay?"

Grace spoke lowly. "Alright. "I miss you boo."

I chuckled. "Miss you too babe." We laughed. "Love you Gray."

"Love you too Jordie." then she hung up. Sighing sadly I opened twitter. Maybe my fan could make me feel better. They were all so sweet. All most, but I ignored all the hate tweets. I replied to a lot of fans, followed some. There was this one account that did updates on me, saying where I was spotted, what the boys and I were doing, some stuff I did at concerts, etc. It was interesting to see if they could get everything right about what I did so I followed the account. This should be interesting.

The door opened while I was laughing at a tweet. I looked up saw Niall smiling at me; I couldn't help smile back. Who wouldn't? He's too adorable! "Hey Jordan." Niall came and sat on the bed right beside me.

"Hi Nialler." Me and Niall rarely talked alone, just me and him. When we are around other people, we are stupid, childish teenagers. But when it's just us two, we can have some of the most amazing talks ever. "So what's up my Irish friend?"

He chuckled. "Just came to see if you were alright. You were really mad earlier." He sounded a bit concerned.

I shrugged. "I wasn't pissed at just you; it was all four of you."

"Yeah, I know. Sorry about that." he apologized.

"It's okay. I'm over it." i paused. "Except for Harry. I want to beat the shit out of him." Niall just laughed before smiling at me.

"Have I ever told you the main reason why I like you?" he asked, I just shook my head. "It's because you're yourself. You don't care about what other people might think. You speak your mind. It doesn't matter if you are insulting someone or just being funny; you just say it. Also you care about all us like we are family, and you do that to a lot of other people, like Shelby. Normally people would make fun of her since she's quiet; that's mainly why she gets hate. But you didn't care. You didn't care about any of her or anybody else's flaws. It's like you don't notice anything besides their personality. It's pretty awesome how you can do that."

I blushed and looked down. Never had I been told that, not once in my life. "It's not that hard. I just don't judge people on how they look, or if they are rich or poor. Or anything."

Niall nodded and smiled. "Another thing that I like about you is that you are hilarious." He laughed. "Being on tour with you is much more fun than our last one when it was just us guys. And I think Louis' having a bit more but as well, don't you think?" he nudged my shoulder with his, laughing.

Blushing, again, I rolled my eyes. "Be quiet Ni." I shoved him playfully.

Once he finally calmed down, he looked at me thoughtfully. "You like him a lot." it wasn't a question; more like a statement.

I couldn't help to smile. "Yeah. I do."

"Good." he smiled brightly at me. "Because you deserve to be happy. Louis is the guy to do that; make you happy." I mentally aw'd at his face and words. He looked like a happy little kid whom woke up on Christmas to find all his presents. It was impossible not to smile.

"Thanks Niall." Then he gave me one of his famous Horan Hugs. Yes they were the best things ever. "Love you Nialler."

"Love you too Jordie." he squeezed me a little tighter before the door opened and someone cleared their throat. We pulled apart to see Louis in the door way. Niall smirked before standing up. "Bye Jordan." I just waved at him as he walked out the door, patted Louis on the back, then closed the door.

Louis smiled at me. "Hi."

"Hey there." I smiled back. He walked over to my bed and sat at the end of it. "We need to talk." he just nodded, not saying anything. We sat there for a few seconds neither of us talking. "Why did you kiss me?" I blurted out.

"Because..." he trailed off. "I wanted to. I have wanted to for awhile."

My eyebrows raised. "How long?"

Louis shrugged. "I think for a long time but I didn't realize it until Eleanor said something about." Well thank you Eleanor, I thought. "Why did you kiss back?"

I blushed, causing him to smirk. "I didn't." I mumbled.

"Oh really?" he teased. "So you weren't the one straddling me? You didn't run your hands through my hair?" he started to scoot closer to me. "You weren't the one running your tongue-" I cut him off.

"Shut up." I started the smack his arm repeatedly, to which he just laughed. "Louis shut the hell up." I whined. I was about to smack him again when he grabbed my hands and pinned me down on the bed. He straddled my waist, bringing his head down to my neck and kissing it softly.

Louis sighed and pulled back, looking into my eyes. "Jordan I like you. A lot. More than I should. But to be honest, I don't give a damn. All I know is that I want you. And only you." I smiled at him and leaned up , putting my lips on his. Louis kissed me back slowly, cupping my cheek with his hand. It didn't last too long but it was still perfect. He pulled away to reveal a huge smile on his face. "So I'm guessing you like me too then?"

I rolled my eyes but I nodded. "Yes. I like you a whole lot." He chuckled at how breathless I sounded. Damn, if he wasn't in top of me then I would talk normally. "Can we get some food?" I asked. He nodded, getting up.

"I told the boys not to make anymore jokes or you'd beat the shit out of them." Louis laughed. It was the truth though; if those boys make one more joke or noise I will kill them. Louis took my hand, intertwining our fingers. We walked into the living room where everyone was eating pizza. They all stopped talking and eating to look at Louis and I. When they saw our hand, huge smiles came to their lips.

Harry pulled out his wallet, as well as Niall and Liam, pulling out 20 dollars each then gave it to Zayn. He gladly took it all. "And that is how you make easy money."

I gaped at them. "Did you all bet on us?" They nodded and pointed at Zayn saying. "It was Zayn's idea!" Of course, he knew what was going to happen because of our talk the night before. I let go of Louis' hand and walked over to Zayn with my hand out. He looked at me then gave me 20 dollars. "Thanks Zaynie." I smirked at him before stuffing the money in my pocket, grabbing a slice of pizza, and sitting on the couch . The three boys were gaping at me.

"He knew?!" they yelled. I chuckled at them.

Zayn shook his head. "No I didn't. I just had a feeling." I rolled my eyes at him as Louis sat down beside me and put his arm around my shoulders.

Harry huffed. "How did you guess?"

"Well we did talk last night." I shrugged as if it was nothing. These boys were funny when they were mad.

Liam pouted. No! Not that face, please Liam stop pouting, I thought. "That's not fair. He knew something would happen." he thought for a second before fake gasping. "That's why you made us all leave. So something would happen between them." Liam stood up and walked over to Zayn before he jumped on him, acting as if he was actually hurting him. Louis, Niall, and I died of laughter while Harry joined Liam.

They 'fought' for a few minutes before calming down. We all sat there, eating pizza and joking around. I stayed right beside Louis the whole time, cuddled up to him. His arms were around me, holding me close to him. I could really get use to this, I thought to myself.

Soon, I felt my eyelids start to grow heavy. I leaned more into Louis and he ran his fingers through my blue hair, causing me to become to tired. I sighed. "I'm tired." I whined."

Louis chuckled, pulling me closer. "Then go to sleep." And that's what I did. The last thing I remember is Louis kissing my head and whispering, "Sweet dreams my love." Then I fell into a dream filled with Nutella, the Hunger Games, the boys, and mostly Louis.


Hello my amazing readers! I'm sorry if I use the word amazing a lot, I say it a lot in really life too so yeah. I decided to not put any jealousy in it because a couple people asked me not to so I didn't! Plus I didn't really have any ideas. BUT that doesn't mean that there won't be any jealousy in future chapters.

Do you know how much I love you guys?? I probably say this too much but thank you for reading! I'm just really happy about it and I'm thankful for all who has read and who has voted and commented. Also to whoever has added my story to their reading list and/or library.

I hope you guys liked the Niall and Jordan part. I thought I hadn't put a lot of Niall in the story so I just wanted to put that in there because I love Niall so much!

I shall update soon my lovely tributers! I am trying to update everyday for like a few weeks so hopefully ill be updating tomorrow, if not then the day after.

Don't forget to vote, comment, and fan!! Love you all!


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