Author's Note/Rant

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hey guys! so I'm working on the next chapter and it will be but soon.

Okay so I know that Liam is dating Sophia now and not Danielle but that's how I started the story and I didn't know about Sophia until a few weeks ago. Si I'm just going to continue to write with Dani in it.

I still love Eleanor but that's how the story is so yeah #nohate

but anyways.. ZAYN & PERRIE IS GETTING MARRIED!! yayy! so excited about that. they are so cute and I love them!!!! I just hope that the boys don't break up because of this.. or Little Mix! I just thought about Little Mix breaking up because of this! anywho.. I love them to death#Zerrie

there's also a lot of hate going towards Sophia and Liam. I hate that! ugh! just leave them alone people and just let them be together. they are so cute! and Liam's given up on us for crying out loud! he twitter '#done' I about cried over that. they don't deserve any of this hate they are getting. none at all. ugh it just pisses me off how some people can be. we are suppose to be there and support the boys not tear them down and make them give up on us. They deserve the best after everything they've done for us, especially Liam after all that Channel 4 shit. just tweet him and say that you're here for him and Sophia and that you love him and support them. we should get a trend trending in twitter about that. something like #WeLoveYouLiam or #StopTheHateForLiLi or #StayStrongLiam just something! I don't care just as long as he forgives all the stupid fans that think they own the boys and think they should start hating on their girlfriend just because they're jealous. that's not how life works. Also I heard that this person was tweeting Liam and saying he's ugly and doesnt deserve to be in the band and all kinds of shit like that. whoever did that should be ashamed of themselves. words hurt for crying out loud!! if you're a fan of One Direction but don't like one of them then you are not a real fan. you have to love all of the boys. some may have favorites but that's okay because one may stick out to you more like how Louis is my favorite. I love all the boys but I like him the best because I feel like I could relate to him more. he fits my personality more I guess. but if you say you're a fan and start saying that you love them all except for one of them you are not a true fan at all. Some fans may not have been around from the beginning, like me, I've only been a fan for about a year but that doesn't mean that I don't live them as much as fans that have been around since the beginning. I've always loved their music but didn't really start to become a fan girl until I was on YouTube and randomly looked up their video diaries that my friend told me was funny. and you know what I did that whole weekend? I watched, listened and stalked One Direction. I love them, all of them, not just one of them or four of them but EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!!!!! yes I know I'm rambling but I'm really pissed off right now because when one of the boys are hurting fans start to hurt too. it's like we have a weird connection with them or something... okay that just sounded very weird and stalkerish but whatever. so my point stop hating in the boys and their girlfriends! let them all be happy and support them. they live us and we live them. you may not be the one that they are in love with but they still love us. we'll all find our every own Louis or Zayn or Liam or Niall or Harry. just because they're happy doesn't mean you can't be happy. also since they are happy it doesn't mean that you have to go and make them feel unhappy and want to give up on us. you just can't do that people!!!!!!!!!! so yeah just stop all the hate. we have to stay with them to support and love them and they'll do the same right bad to us. #StopTheHate #StayCalm&LoveTheBoys #LiamWeLoveYou #Zerrie #Louis #Harry #Niall #Onedirection #DirectionerToInfinite&Beyond

okay this may be completely off top but follow me on Twitter!! @TessaJordan_98

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