Chapter 22

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"Harry! Put me down!" Grace yelled. We were all in the living area of the bus, messing around. The girls were leaving at noon tomorrow, and we were just hanging out. Our concert was over and it was about 10 o'clock at night. Harry had picked Grace up, claiming that se ha cheated at Mario Kart.

I rolled my eyes at them. "Just kiss already will you!?" I yelled at them, making everyone besides them to laugh.

Grace glared at me. "Jordan, shut up." I chuckled at her, standing up.

"If you won't kiss Harry then I will." I stated, walking over to them. This was going to be good.

"What?!" Harry, Grace, and Louis exclaimed.

I sighed. "Well it's either me or you that is going to kiss him." Before I could get any closer to Harry, someone grabbed me by the waist, pulling me back. Looking behind me, it was Louis. "Louis what the hell?"

Louis huffed. "You are not kissing Harry." he whispered, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Calm down, jeez. I'm not going to, I'm trying to get them to kiss." I whispered to him. He sighed, letting me go. I walked close to Grace and Harry. "So am I going to have to kiss Harry or are you going to do it?" I asked Grace with a smirk.

She groaned, looking to see if I was playing. Although she knew I wasn't playing at all. Huffing, Grace grabbed Harry by the shirt, bringing him closer before slamming her lips onto his. He was shocked at first before grabbing her hips and kissing her hard.

The boys whistled and started making inappropriate noises while the girls just giggled. I, on the other hand, started to jump up and down, fist pumping. "My plan worked! My plan worked! Just call me the love doctor!" I wiggled my eyebrows at the others, where they cracked up.

Harry and Grace were still going at it, a bit more intense too. "Okay! Go upstairs if you guys are going to snog like that!" I yelled. They pulled apart, a bit pissed at me, before running out of the room. "I swear if she gets pregnant Harry I will cut your manhood off!" Again, the others cracked up.

"Jordan! Shut the hell up!" Grace yelled; I could tell she rolled her eyes.

I sighed and sat back down in my seat. "So what are we going to do?" Niall asked, wrapping his arms around Shelby and putting her in his lap. I mentally aww'd.

Perrie shrugged. "There isn't much to do." She laid her head on Zayn's shoulder.

I groaned. "All you guys stop being so damn cute! It reminds me that I am forever alone!" I whined, falling sideways onto the couch.

They chuckled. "You are not forever alone Jordie." Dani said, cuddling into Liam more.

"Says the girl who has 1/5 of the world's hottest boyband." Dani rolled her eyes. Sighing, I stood up. "I am going to get some Nutella."

Once I was in the little kitchen I got out my secret Nutella. Yes secret. One night I came down to get some while everyone was asleep. Well not everyone was asleep. Niall was downstairs, in the kitchen, eating my Nutella. I went off on his ass, to which he looked scared then ran away. It was pretty funny. Ever since I have hidden it.

"Hey Jord." Louis said, walking in the little kitchen.

I smiled. "Hey."

He walked over to me, standing close, really close. "Why do you think you're "forever alone"?" he did air quotes when he say forever alone.

I lowered my head. "All my relationships turn out to be shit. Either I get cheated on or I get beaten." Louis visibly winced when I said beaten. "All the guys I've dated are douche bags. So I'll probably never date an amazing guy. One that isn't a jerk."

"You choose all the wrong guys." I looked at him and agreed.

"They all seem so awesome and sweet at first and then... they do something to screw it up. I'm starting to think that it's me or some-" Louis cut me off.

"Jordan Cowell don't you dare say that it's you because it's not. Most guys are jerks. You are an amazing, wonderful girl who deserves the best. You don't deserve to be treated like shit, Jordie." Louis knows what to say. God why does he have to be so amazing? [AN: I just realize that I probably say amazing a lot.. Sorry for that! It's kind of my word that I use for everything. My family makes fun of me for it but yeah whatever. Okay continue!]

Stepping closer, I wrapped my arms around Louis' waist. His arms went around my shoulders holding me tight. "Thanks LouBear." I whispered into his chest.

He chuckled. "Welcome Jord." We stayed there like that for a few minutes. I was quite comfortable too.

But of course, it had to be ruined. "Jordan!! I need to talk.. Oh umm never mind I'll come back." Grace said, coming into the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes, letting go of Louis. "No it's fine." I looked up at Louis. "Thanks. I'll talk to you in a few, yeah?"

Louis smiled. "Alright. Have fun listening to her go on and on about Harry." I laughed. Grace was right behind Louis so she heard him, and slapped the back of his head.

I fake gasped. "You just pulled a Probie!" I squealed. They both looked at me strangely. "NCIS? Does that ring a bell? I am so disappointed in you guys! How dare you not know that?!" They laughed at me. "Okay let's go Grace." I grabbed her hand, dragging her out of the kitchen.

We went up to the bunk area. As soon as we were up there Grace started to squeal and jump around. "He likes me!" I rolled my eyes at her.

"I knew that." she stopped and looked at me. I shrugged. "It's obvious Gray."

Grace rolled her eyes. We roll our eyes too much around here. "Well it wasn't to me!"

"So what happened up here? Did you have a quickie?" I winked at her.

"You are such a perv!" She laughed, shoving my shoulder playfully. "No we did not have sex. Just made out and talk. Gosh Jordan, he is so sweet." Grace gushed.

I sighed, putting a hand on her shoulder. "You, my dear, are a lovesick puppy."

She giggled. "Shut up."

"But I swear if he hurts you or if you get pregnant then I will hurt him in a way that is probably illegal in at least 40 countries." Grace furrowed her eyebrows.

"What the fuck?" she said. I just laughed and started waking toward the stairs.

"Come on, I know you wanna go see lover boy." I winked at her again.

Grace scoffed. "Yeah sure. I think it's you who wants to see your lover boy."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Who?"

"Louis." she said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Louis and I have nothing going on."

"Oh sureeee you don't. I saw that hug in the kitchen. Looked like something."

I huffed and walked downstairs with Grace behind. "Whatever, believe what you want. I know the truth." She just laughed.

Me and Louis had nothing going on. He would never like me or anything. We are best friends. Okay yes I would love to date him. To have him be mine and only mine; me to be his. To be able to kiss him and-

Okay totally off track there. Anyways me and Louis would never be together.



We were at the airport, 30 minute until Perrie, Danielle, Shelby, and Grace would be leaving. I didn't want them to leave. Me nor the boys wanted them to leave. Grace and I were also together, this summer was the first summer that we had been apart. Liam, Zayn, and Niall all had been with their girlfriends for so long, they hated to be apart from them for so long.

I sighed, turning to face Grace. "I don't want you to leave, Gray."

Grace frowned. "Me neither. But I start Uni in a week. Plus I think that if I stayed one more week, we'd be clawing each others eyes out." She winked.

"Probably, since you're dating that curly haired freak now you would be making out with him nonstop." We giggled.

Harry walked over, wrapping his arms around Grace's waist from behind. "Hey I am not a curly haired freak." I just rolled my eyes and started to walk away, "Make out now and say goodbye because I'll be back for her soon."

I spotted all the girls talking together; the other four boys went to the food court. Running over, I jumped onto Dani's back. "Don't leave me with those wild boys." I fake sobbed.

Dani chuckled and patted my head. "There, there. We'll see each other soon." I got off Dani and hugged her.

"I'm going to miss you guys a lot. Without you, the guys are going to probably kill me." I put a puppy dog face on.

Perrie opened her arms. "Come here Jordan." Walking over to her, I buried my face in the crook of her neck. "They won't kill you. But if they do I'll come and kill them for you okay." I giggled.

I sighed, letting go of Perrie. "I'm going to miss you all." Tears started to come to my eyes.

"Aw don't cry!" Shelby said, grabbing me in her arms.

"You speak!" I joked, making her laugh.

Shelby nodded. "Yes yes I do speak."

I looked at her. "I'm gonna miss you Shelby." A tear ran down my cheek. "I'm gonna miss you, Perrie." I looked at her, then at Dani. "And I'm going to miss you Dani."

"Aww!" they said, then embraced me in a group hug.

Someone cleared their throat. The four of us looked up to see that the guys were back. Grace and Harry were nowhere in sight-not surprising. "Hey girls." Liam said.

I let go of them. "Go and do something with your boys. But no sex. You guys only have ten minutes." They rolled their eyes and shoved me before going and talking to their boyfriends.

Louis walked over to me and have me a look. "You okay?"

"Yeah, just going to miss them." I smiled at him, which he returned.

He nodded. "Yeah, so am I. The boys are different when they are around. A good different though; more happier."

"I am going to find Grace. She only has a few minutes and I want my proper goodbye." Smiling at Louis, I went off to where I last saw the two lovebirds. And there they were, making out against a wall. They didn't even notice me walking closer. When I was right behind them, I whistled loudly. "PDA is not acceptable in this airport!" I yelled. They jumped apart. I started to shake my head and to circle them. "Mr. Styles. Ms. Summers. I am so ashamed, so ashamed. I thought I taught you both better than to make out in the middle of the airport. You have to go to the bathroom and do it." I said disappointedly.

They laughed. "I am so terribly sorry Ms. Cowell. We shall do this now." Harry said, grabbing Grace's hand and trying to take her to the bathroom.

"Wow there Romeo!" I yelled, taking her other hand. "The flight leaves in a few minutes. And if you dot mind I would love to say goodbye to my best friend."

Harry sighed. "Fine. You can have her." he pouted but I didn't care.

"Yay!" I screamed, then dragged Grace closer the Gate 24. The others around, all the couples talking to each other. Louis was eating a corn dog. I didn't even know that airports had corn dogs. Weird. "Grace I'm gonna miss you."

She pouted. "I'm gonna miss you too." I could see tears starting to form in her eyes, which made tears to come to my eyes.

"Bitch don't cry." We giggled.

"You don't cry!"

"Well I'm only about to cry because you're about to cry!"

"I can't help it. We're going to be away from each other forever." She started to cry.

I sighed. "Stop it." Then tears started to roll down my cheeks. "Ugh, come here." I grabbed her into an embrace. And we just cried. "We really need to stop crying. The boys are going to make fun of me now." She chuckled at me.

"Flight 24 to London is now boarding." A person over the intercom announced. [AN: No clue how airports work so just go with it!"]

Grace sighed. "I have to go, Jordie."

I pouted. "I know." We let go of each other and the others came over. I jumped onto Dani, then Perrie, finally Shelby, giving them a hug and saying goodbye, promising that we would text and everything. Harry gave Grace a big hug then one last kiss. Zayn, Liam, and Niall did the same to their girlfriends. Then they boarded the plane. I sighed. "I miss them." The guys laughed at me.

Louis put his arm around my shoulders. "They have been gone for ten seconds."

"So? Now, you guys are probably going to kill me." They all exchanged looks before smirking evilly. "Shit. What are you lot thinking?" Instead of answering, they came over to me and picked me up. "You bitches! Put me down!" I yelled. Well they did the exact opposite. Holding me in the air, they starting walking toward the exit. Where there were a lot of Paps. "Guys! Seriously put me down!" I looked over to see the body guards that we had brought with us, laughing. Yes laughing! "Help me guys!" The body guards are never on my side so they didn't help. Now the boys are going to embarrass me in front of the whole world! "You guys are dead once we get to the bus! I swear bad things are going to happen to you five boys and it isn't going to be pretty!" I shouted. Everyone in the airport was already looking at us.

Those boys were such idiots. They were annoying, perverts, retards, and so much more. Yet I wouldn't want to change them. Other wise they wouldn't be fun, or awesome, or anything that they are now. They may be idiots, but they were my idiots. And I was their bitch... That didn't come out the way I wanted it to but you understand. Without the boys, I wouldn't be where I was. And I love them for that.


Hey guys!!!!!! How has everyone been? I want to thank everyone that reads. I never thought that I would have over 10 thousand reads, almost 11. Maybe one day I'll have a million and I'll have more followers and people would talk to other directioners about my story! That would be amazing.

Could y'all tell me what you think please? I would love to have more comments. I want to hear what you guys think and I want y'all to tell me what you might want to happen! Also vote! I have 119 votes as of right now I think. Not sure.

Well thanks so much tributers! I love every single one of you! Until next time! Bye!


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