Chapter 21

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"Jordan! Get your lazy ass up and get ready! We have sound check in 30 minutes!" Louis yelled into my ear. Fucking bastard. I had barely gotten any sleep last night.

I groaned. "Fuck you Louis." I said pushing my hand against face.

"Jordie I'm sorry. I know you did sleep well but.. Get your ass up." I moved my hand around pushing random place. "What are you doing?"

I sighed. "Trying to find the snooze button." Grabbing his nose I squeezed really hard, making him scream in pain. "Oops. Wrong button, that makes in louder." I moved my hand until it covered his mouth. "There we go. That's the problem."

Louis grabbed my hand pulling it off his face. "Jordan get up." them proceeded to pull me up. I finally opened my eyes, glaring at him. Once I was fully standing, I slumped into Louis' chest. He groaned. "Jord you have to get dressed."

"But I don't wanna." I whined, burying my face into his chest.

"I know Jordie but we have to. You won't take long on stage plus you don't have choreography thanks to Simon. If you get up and do this, I'll take you out and get ice cream later. Deal?" he whispered in my ear.

I smiled, loving the thought of just the two of us, "Deal."

After that I went and did all the things in the bathroom that I do. Then I decided on my outfit for rehearses: skinny blue jeans, a Kermit the frog hoodie, a green beanie, and green conserves. Once stepping out of the bathroom I ran into Louis. Like legit ran into him. He was ran around, apparently looking for pants since he didn't have any on.

"What are you doing?" I raised an eyebrow, looking him up and down, trying not to laugh.

Louis rolled his eyes. "I can't find my favorite gray sweats."

I giggled. "Well just maybe I could help you with that." He gave me a questioning look before I moved around him and went to one of my bag. Louis followed. Putting my hand inside it, I pulled out what he was looking for. "I like them."

Louis rolled his eyes again. "Stop stealing my clothes Jordie." he flicked my nose then put the sweats on.

I pouted. "But I like your clothes. They're comfortable. Will you give them back later? Please?"

Louis smiled a little. "Fine. But we have to share okay?" I smiled and nodded. He put his arm around my shoulders, leading us downstairs where everyone else was.

Grace gave me a look when she saw Louis' arm around my shoulder. "Are you guys together yet?" she asked.

I glared at her. "Grace. Be the kind bitch you are and shut the hell up." She just rolled her eyes while the others laughed.

Liam sighed. "So you girls leave in two days. What are we going to do?" Everyone had a thoughtful look on their face.

"Clubbing?" Niall suggested. Of course the Irish man would say that.

I shook my head. "I don't like clubbing and neither does Grace. Plus we don't really have the time for that." Everyone nodded, agreeing with me.

"How about we just stay in? Watch movies and stuff?" Danielle said. I smiled nodding along with the others.

The boys and I had to leave right after that; the girls decided to stay on the bus, probably going shopping later. The past few days since my weird ass dream I had been hanging out with Grace. Me and her had hardly spent time together but we were still as close as could be. She had told me she liked Harry. Oh yeah I knew it; I told her that I guessed that and she gaped at me. We went shopping, talked about boys, did all the things we always do when we are together. I told her about my dream, which she thought was the strangest thing ever. Grace wasn't my best friend; she was my sister, my old half.

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