Chapter 15

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"Alright Jordan. Are you ready?" Lou asked me. I was nervous. I was so scared. What would the girls think? What about the boys? What Uncle Simon? What about Louis? God I was so scared I was about to piss my pants.

"Y-yes.. I guess." I told Lou. We'd been in her hotel room for about two hours. Doing what exactly? Well I've been tired of my hair being a boring so I thought 'Why not have Lou color?' Well want to know what i thought would be a good idea? For me to have ombré colored hair. I've seen it on the internet and thought it was awesome. So being me I wanted to try it. Now here I am freaking the fuck out over what it looks like and how everyone is going to like it.

"Jordan you look awesome! Just look in the mirror." Lou grabbed my shoulder and spun me around to face the mirror. Staring back at me was a girl with bright blue eyes and what use to be brown hair. Now all the brown was replaced with dark bluish-purplish at the top of my hair that faded as it went down my long hair[A/N Look at my new cover if you can really picture what it looks like.]

I gasped. "Oh my... God! Lou I love it!" I yelled, grabbing her into a hug. She and I started giggling.

"I glad you do. I don't know how we'd change it." Lou said messing with my hair.

"Jowdie!" Lux yelled running into the bathroom.

Wait! Lux?! She was with the boys. Lou couldn't work with her jumping around everywhere so she took her to my room where everyone else were.

Lou looked at me and when she opened her mouth to say something, a voice came from right outside the bathroom. "Lux! Come ba- whoa." I looked up to see Louis and Niall staring at me.

"Heeyy guuyys." I said to them awkwardly giving a small wave.

They just stood there dumbfounded. Louis' mouth was hanging open as he looked at me. I started blushed from their stares. I walked over to them. I put my hand under Louis' chin and pushed it up, closing it. "You'll catch flies." I said in a low tone. Louis looked down at me and blushed. Aww that is one of the cutest things ever! Louis blushing! Wait- Louis blushing? Why the fuck is he blushing?

We just stood there, staring at each other. Louis brought his hand up and touch the tip of my hair. "Your hair..." he trailed off.

"What?" I asked. "Is it bad?" I could hear the nervousness in my voice.

"What? No not bad at all. It's.. Awesome... It's... Beautiful." he whispered the last part causing me to blush and look down. That was when I realized that we were close.. Really close.

I cleared my throat, breaking Louis out of his little trance. "So... How about we go show the others?" Louis and Niall were the only two that seemed to had come over Lou's room.

"Yeah. Let's go guys. Oh Jord I love the hair! It's so you." Niall said, grabbing my hand and pulling me through the door, down the hall. Louis, Lou, and Lux were trailing behind us.

When we reached mine and Harry's door Niall stopped. "Okay Jordan stay right here." he pushed me to the side out of the way of the door. "And guys let's go in then we can pull Jordie." Niall was bouncing up and down with excitement. Weird. But I guess he liked my hair a lot.

So they went into the room closing the door. I couldn't hear what anyone was saying. I was outside the hotel room for a couple of minutes until the door opened. Louis stepped out. He had a huge smile on his face. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me close. Maybe a little too close. I could feel his breath on my neck and ear as he got closer.

"Jord." Louis whispered in my ear, "I really really love your hair." then he kissed my cheek, causing me to blush a lot, and pulled me into the room.

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