Chapter 2

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I felt something on my ear but ignored it, too tired to care.

"JORRRRAAAAAANNNN!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!" I heard five different voices through the phone.

Jumping up in my bed from the loud sounds, I fell out of bed. I looked up to see my Uncle Simon with the phone in his hand dying laughing. He'd only do something like this to me and I knew it. It was part of our relationship as niece and uncle I guess.

I groaned. "What the bloody hell was that for, Si?!" but of course I had to lose my seriousness by laughing at Simon laughing.

"I... had to.... get you... up." he said between laughs. Once he recovered over his fit of laughter he continued, "So I called the boys, because they are very loud, to wake you up. And here we are."

I grabbed the phone out of his hand and started to talk to the guys, "Oh my god I hate all of you."

They all laughed and said in unison, "We love you too Jordan!"

"You'll regret it soon, boys. Bye bye." I told them very evilly. Before they could respond, I hung up. I'm not going to do anything to them, but it'd be fun to see how they would react to what I said.

I gave Simon his phone back. He turned serious again. "Alright. Everything is in the car. You get dress then we'll get going. I can't be late for this meeting." I totally forgot about his meeting. Now I'll be alone with One Direction.... I'm going to be alone with One freaking Direction!! Don't freak out Jordan, don't fangirl, I thought to myself.

I looked at Simon. "Okay give me five minutes to get dress." He gave me a knowing look. "Si I don't take that long."

"Jordan when you say five minutes you really mean fifteen."

He knew me all too well. I just rolled my eyes. He huffed, "Just be down within 30 minutes, yeah?"

I nodded and he let my room. I went to my bathroom, brushed my teeth and hair, straightened my hair, and washed my face. I went back to my bedroom and got the only outfit that was left in my room. It was skinny jeans, a Batman crop top, a yellow tank top, and my favorite pair of Jordan's. I got my iPhone and headed downstairs.

Simon was sitting in the couch waiting for me. He had two Starbucks cups in his hands. He handed me one. My favorite, French vanilla.

"So you ready?" he asked me.

"Of course," I said, "Let's go met these boys!" I was so excited. Finally I was going to met five of my idols.

We got in the car and drove the hour or so trip. Si and I joked around the whole way. I love him so much. Then we pulled up to the familiar place I call my second home though I have been here for about a year. It was a three story mansion. Not to mention the basement that was a game room/recording studio/movie theater.

As soon as I stepped out of the car I was grabbed into a group hug by five people. My face was in someone's chest and I was being squeaked by all of them. I couldn't breath at all.

"Hey... I ... Can't... BREATH!!!!!" I tried to say to them. Thank god they understood, they let go of me.

"Sorry love." the person whose chest was in my face said. I looked up to see the one and only Louis Tomlinson. He was one of the sexiest guys in the history of the world and probably my favorite of One Direction because of his personality.

"It's okay," I said and smiled, "I don't think we've officially met; I'm Jordan, Simon's niece." I looked at the rest of the boys as I said that but kept looking at Louis. He's just too cute.

"Well we haven't formally introduced ourselves. I'm Liam Payne," Liam introduced himself.

"I'm Niall Horan." said the Irish boy with blue eyes and blonde hair. He has to be one of the most adorable things in the world.

"I'm Zayn. Zayn Malik." Zayn said quietly. Soon I will break him, I thought.

"I'm Harry Styles," he winked at me. What a flirt Mr. Styles is. I laughed and rolled my eyes even though in my head I was screaming 'OH MY GOD!! HARRY STYLE JUST WINKED AT ME.'

"And I'm Louis Tomlinson!" Louis yelled. It hurt my ears a little but I laughed because it was pretty funny. I guess I'm going to have to get use to him yelling.

"It's nice to finally meet all of you. I've been dying to meet you guys for like ever." I said excitedly, practically bouncing up and down. They laughed.

"Let's get Jordan inside and show her her room, boys," Simon said behind us. He and the boys got all my bags. I followed all of them up to my room. I use to stay in a room on the first floor but apparently it got changed into another recording booth. I didn't mind though because I was really small. So I got moved to the second floor.

"Okay, so Jordan, this is your room. I'm sorry I can't stay longer but I have the meeting to go to," Simon said, "I hope you like it. I'll see you soon." He gave me a kiss on the forehead, said bye to the boys, and walked downstairs.

I turned to the boys who were standing in front of my door. "Thanks for bringing up my stuff, can you put it on my bed or floor please?" I smiled at them. They smiled back and replied, "Of Course," in perfect union.

We walked in my room for the first time. It was huge, very huge. With a flat screen tv, king size bed with a bright blue comforter and matching pillows, a white desk, a white dresser with a mirror attached, a walk-in closet and a en-suite bathroom. It was amazing.

"He's been hiding this room from me this whole damn time." I whispered to myself. The guys must've heard because they started laughing.

I turned around to face them, they were still laughing. Their laughs were so funny and contagious that I started laughing.

"Why are you laughing?!" Louis asked me through his laughter.

I shook my head, still laughing. "I don't know! W-why are you guys laughing?!"

They all laughed even harder. We laughed for about five minutes until we all got our breathing under control.

"Okay let's show Jordan which room is which!" Louis exclaimed, grabbing my hand and dragging me out of my room with the others following us.

When Louis grabbed my hand I felt butterflies in my stomach. Mainly because one of my idols were holding my hand. But also because one of the hottest dudes ever was holding my hand. Louis walked out of the room and pointed to the room across the hall.

"That's Hazza's room." Louis said. He pointed to the one next to Harry's, "That's Zayn's room."

We walked down the hall a few steps and he pointed to the door next to mine, "That's my room." Louis smiled for some unknown reason when he said that. He continued walking down the hall until he came to the end. Louis pointed to a door "That's Liam's room." then he pointed at the door next to Liam's, "And finally that's Niall's room."

I nodded then I remembered something. I started to smile wide.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Harry asked me with a very confused and worried expression.

I laughed at him. "Come on guys. I have something to show you." I grabbed Liam and Louis by the hand and dragged them downstairs.

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