Chapter 10

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"Jordaaaaaaaannnn!! Get upppp!" Something very annoying and very loud yelled. "Jordan!! Get your ass up!"

"Noooooo!" I yelled back. I was too tired to get up. I wanted sleep. And when I want to sleep, you let me sleep. If I don't get my sleep, it's like waking a bear up early from hibernation. Not a very pretty site.

"Jordan you have to get up. You have to get ready! We leave in 30 minutes!" the annoying, yet very familiar voice yelled.

I wasn't going to get up. "Go. A. Way. Now." I tried to get my voice to sound threatening, but when your face is in your pillow and you're half asleep, it just comes out as a mumble.

The room was silent for a few seconds. I thought whoever was trying to wake me up gave up. Suddenly, someone jumped on the bed, almost landing on. It felt like more than one person was jumping on the bed.

"Oh my god!! Stop!! I'm awake!" I yelled, sitting up in my bed to see four very awake and hyper boys jumping on my bed. In the doorway was Zayn looking half dead.

Harry, Louis, Niall, and Liam, who were fully dressed, all stopped jumping when I yelled. They then jumped off my bed and Louis grabbed me by the wrist, pulling me out of bed.

"Okay you lazy bum," Harry said and I glared at him. They should know not to wake me up early, last time they did it Harry got slapped really hard. When I'm tired, I am not responsible for my actions. "Get dressed." Louis let go of my wrist. I fell back onto my bed, looking up at the ceiling. I could fell in eye lids drooping down. "She's almost as bad as Zayn." I heard Harry whisper.

"Urggghhh!!" I groaned loudly and sat up. "Why do I have to get up again?" I asked as politely as I could.

They all looked at me like I had three heads; even Zayn, who was now leaning on Liam for support, looked at me like I was crazy or something. All five of them summed up the reason for me being awoken from my sleep in one word, "Tour."

That one little word snapped something in me. I was fully awake now. "Holy shit!" I yelled as I shot up to stand. "How did I forget about tour?!" The boys just shrugged their shoulders. "Alright boys," I grabbed Niall and Louis, who were the closest, by their shirts and started to push them out the door. "Thanks for waking me up," I grabbed Harry and Li, who was dragging Zayn, by their shirts after pushing Lou and Niall out the door and doing the same to them as I did the other boys. "Now I must get ready! Sooo... Lata biittcchheesss!!!" I yelled as I closed the door.

Twenty minutes later, I was all dressed. I was wearing white skinny jeans, one of my many graphic tees that says "That's What She Said" on it, and favorite Jordan's. I went downstairs, and heard a lot of chattering. In the living room, to my surprise, were all the families of the boys, Danielle, Perrie, Shelby and Eleanor. No one noticed when I walked.

I looked around, hoping that maybe, just maybe that my mom was here. I had texted her telling her that I was going on tour with the guys when I first found out. All she said, and I quote, 'cool'. All I got was a cool from my own mother.

My thoughts were interrupted. "Hey Jorge." Simon said from behind me. I turned around to see Simon with a bunch of blue roses. I loved blue roses because that weren't normal, like me.

"Aww Uncle Si!!! I love them! Thank you!" I said, taking the roses and hugging him. He hugged me very tightly. "Thank you for everything Simon. I couldn't have done anything, and I mean anything without you."

"I'm so proud of you Jordan, you deserve everything that you're getting." he said into my hair. "I love you Jorge."

"I love you too, Si."

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