Chapter 20

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Ugh I was bored. I was sitting on my bunk doing nothing. Stupid Grace for wanting to hang out with Harry instead of me. I was her best friend not that curly haired freak! Just kidding, Harry's amazing and not a freak. Okay maybe he was a bit of a freak but for other reasons...

Anyways! It had been a week since the Aiden mishap and Eleanor leaving. We were in New York. You may be like, 'Jordan why the hell did you guys go all the way to New York from LA?' Well guys, I was wondering the same damn thing, but whatever.

Grace ditched me to go out for food with Harry. I swear they are going to start dating. Damn them and being so cute! I can't be mad at either of them now! We were on break for a few days and everyone decided to go have fun..... and not tell me because I was asleep. What great friends they were, cough cough bitches cough. And apparently all the hotels were booked so we had to stay in the tiny ass tour bus. Okay it wasn't that small but when there are five boys and five girls all together then it's fucking small.

So there I was, lying in my bunk and listening to my favorite songs. It was really boring. I was all alone, on the tour bus, in New York City and it was my first time here! I wanted to go sight seeing but whatever.

I got up to go get myself some food. Instead of walking like normal person, I danced down the stairs. Hey I was listening to music and was all alone, so why not? Dancing downstairs, I turned Rap God by Eminem on blast. I didn't know the song that well and plus he rapped really fast so I couldn't understand all of it. I was almost in the kitchen when the only part that I knew came on so I ran and slid on my socks yelling, "GOT YOUR MOM DEEP THROATIN'"

Turning around while shaking my ass in my booty shorts (don't ask, I hardly wear short shorts but hey I was alone and hot) I was startled to see a person standing there. Of course it had to be Louis William Tomlinson. His eyes were wide, scanning over my clothing- short shorts, knee high socks, and a baggy shirt that said 'I Am Not A Morning Person'- he looked like he was about to laugh but then saw me..... weird.

Taking out my ear buds I asked, "Did you just hear that?"

Louis looked up at my face-for the first time- and nodded. Then he started laughing.

I sighed "Shut up." he didn't. "Okay I know it's funny! But that is the only part I know and I was really into the song so be quiet!" I crossed my arms turning away from him.

Louis stopped laughing. "Aww come on Jordie." he said. "Don't be like that." I don't know why I was mad. We been through similar situations before where I do something stupid and he laughs. The only difference though? Well I was on my period. Ugh I hate periods. Like why don't guys having anything like that? Women have to go through so much. Guys are bitches.

"Jordannnnn." Louis cooed. I stayed in place. He knows what I'm like when I'm on my period; all five of the boys do. There are different things that could happen during my time of the month; I could cry, be depressed, be a bitch, be jumpy, or be really happy. And right then I just wanted to cry. Very very strange.

I heard Louis come closer but I still didn't move. "Jordie, what's wrong?" he pleaded. I could feel his breath on the back on my neck; he wrapped his arms my waist pulling me into his chest. "I think I know what's wrong." he whispered. He rocked us back and forth slowly. "Period?" he asked quietly. I wasn't embarrassed that he asked, I didn't really care if people knew about my period. Well not after Harry went and tweeted about. Damn dick. I nodded and leaned into him more.

Louis put his chin on my shoulder. "How about me and you have a day in? Watch movies, order pizza, just a lazy day, just you and me." he suggested. I smiled, loving the idea.

"Best idea I've heard all day."


"You bitch!" I yelled at Louis who was laughing loudly.

We had spent the last five hours watching movies, eating, messing around and playing video games. Well we were playing Mario Cart and I was winning; that was until that bitch knocked the controller out of my hands making me lose.

I pouted. "You cheated."

Louis chuckled. "Awww I'm sorry babe." he pulled me into a sweet hug. He gave the best hugs in the while world.

Just then the door slammed open. "Honey I am honey!" my best friend yelled. I laughed and ran toward her.

"Hello darling! I missed you so much!" I ran, jumping into her opened arms. I wrapped my legs and arms around her hanging on for dear life, hoping she would stay standing; luckily she did. "Don't ever leave me again!" I fake cried.

Grace also started 'crying'. "Of course my love! Never again!" she yelled.

The others just looked at us, not in a crazy way either. By now I think they were use to it because every time one of us left the other we'd do the same thing.

Finally I got down from Grace. "Thanks so much for telling me that you were going somewhere with Harry. I thought you came to see, not snog Styles."

Harry and Grace both blushed.. They did know I was just kidding right..? They both looked around awkwardly. I gasped. "Oh my god! You did snog didn't you?!" I yelled jumping around.

Grace scoffed. "Yeah right, like I would kiss him." then she walked away. Harry looked after her retreating form with a sad look in his eyes.

"Harold did you kiss my best friend?" I asked slowly. I stared him down. Finally he sighed.

Harry shook his head. "Nope. Like she said, it would never happen." he said sadly then walked away. Aww he likes her.

I turned toward Louis and saw the other were also back. "Guys, they like each other." I stated. They agreed. That's when I thought of something. Good job Jordan. "And I have a plan to get then to admit it." I grinned evilly as did the others. "Mwa ha ha." I added my evil laugh which got strange looks but I just rolled my eyes.

"What's your plan Jord?" Zayn asked.

I clapped my hands together. "Anyone up for a movie night?"


The guys all got covers and pillows, piling them into the living area of the bus. I got all kinds of junk food. We were going to watch a movie or two then I was planning on get everyone to play my favorite game. Truth or dare. A bit cliche but I wanted to get Harry and Grace to either kiss or admit their feelings for each other. So what other way than truth or dare. Plus I was going to try to get Louis to lick the toilet seat. Pay back for eating my nutella.

We all changed into pajamas except for me and Louis since our lazy asses hadn't went anywhere today. So that's why me and him were in the living area, alone, picking out what movie we would watch first.

"I say the Hunger Games." I stated.

Louis shook his head. "No in just the last few months I have watched that damn movie at least a hundred times because of you. I think I remember every line in it." he looked at me. "Actually I think you know the movie word for word."

I chuckled. "Not all of it, but I'm close. I plan on knowing the whole thing before Catching Fire comes out in November." I told him proudly.

Louis laughed, shaking his head. "You are really special Jordan." he smiled down at me. "We can watch it tomorrow alright? We already seen it today."

I sighed. "Finnneee. I guess we can watch another movie." I paused. "That has Josh Hutcherson in it." I grinned while Louis groaned. "What? Are you trying to force me away from my future husband?"

He rolled his eyes. "How about we watch something funny?"

This time I rolled my eyes. "How about we watch a romance? Like The Notebook?" I said while pulling out the case.

"No Harry will cry if we watch it so will you." he shook his head trying to get the case away from me.

"But so will Grace. Harry will suck it up so he can comfort her and try to impress her with being 'tuff'." I did air quotes when I said tuff.

"He'd only do that of he really liked a girl." Louis said, still trying to get the case away from me.

"Exactly! Did you not see how he looked at her earlier? His eyes held need and longing in them. He looked like a depressed little puppy. Harry really like Grace, I can tell. The same for Grace. And you know how I know? They are two of my best friends, so I should know when they like someone. And they like each other." I gave a long speech about my best friends.

He rolled his eyes. "I still think we should watch a funny movie like Grown Ups 2." Louis went to grab the case again but I ran from him. "Jordan give me the damn movie!" he yelled running after me.

"NEVER PEASANT!" I yelled.

"That is my thing peasant! How dare you did respect me?!" he yelled jokingly. Next thing I know I'm on the floor with Louis on top on me.

"Ugh Louisss!! Get your fucking ass off me!" I whined.

"Jordan Brooke Cowell! Stop saying that word!" I heard Harry yell. Ugh stupid Simon for telling them my middle name.

"Sorry Harold!" I yelled back. I promised him I'd try and stop saying fuck and lessen my cussing. I think he knew I wouldn't stop fully because I'm Jordan Cowell and I've always been that way just ask Grace.

I flipped over though I was still under Louis. I pouted. "Please get off me."

He shook his head. "Not until you say we can watch Grown Ups 2."

"Why should we watch it when the oldest one here doesn't act like a grown up?" okay maybe that didn't make a lot of sense but Louis laughed. "Okay how about we watch a scary movie?" I asked. Louis thought for a second until agreeing.

Then I noticed that we were really close. Like kissing close. His nose brushed mine. His breathe mixed again with mine. I looked into his eyes, lost in the sea of blue that made up his iris. Mine weren't as bright as his; I wish they were though. Louis brought his hand up to my cheek, stroking it. His hand was warm compared to my skin, making me shiver. He felt it, and he smirked. Louis leaned in to where our foreheads were together, not breaking eye contact. There was a look in his eyes like he wasn't sure if he should do it. So I smiled at him. That gave him the answer he needed to close his eyes, lean in and-

"Jordan!! We need you!" my oh so lovely best friend yelled, right when Louis' lips barely brushed.

I sighed sadly when he pulled away, looking down at me. "I should go before she goes crazy." I whispered.

He looked down at me. "Yeah, probably." he smiled before leaning down and kissing my neck softly. Damn. "I'll see you in a few minutes." he spoke against my skin while I just nodded. He stood up pulling me with him before giving me a smile and skipping- yes skipping- into the kitchen. (We were in the hall beside the kitchen.)

"Jordan! Come here!" Grace yelled impatiently.

"God Grace! Give me a second will you?!" I yelled back, a bit frustrated. Well I was about to kiss Louis freaking Tomlinson! Grace knew I liked him a lot! Oh wait, she didn't know what was about to happen.. But still! ugh!!

I ran into the living area were Grace, Zayn, Perrie, Liam, and Niall were. "What?" I almost snapped.

"Geez what crawled up your ass?" Grace joked.

Rolling my eyes, I walked over to her. "I need to talk to you." I whispered.

"About??" gosh Grace...

"Just come with me." without her answering I grabbed her arm, dragging her outside. We were parked in a campground where there was a lot of space for all the cars and buses.

I dragged her until we were in front of our bus. "What was that about?" she asked. That's when I slapped her arm. "What the fuck?!"

"Sorry but you deserved it."

She was confused. "For what exactly?"

"Louis almost kissed me then you had to fucking yell my name. Do you know how close our lips were?! I could feel the tips of his touching mine! God! I was so-" I was cut off by:


And yes, that was my best friend yelling. I explained to her what happened quickly. After about a second when I finished telling her she exploded. Not literally; more like a fan girl explosion. Grace was jumping up and down, squealing. She is a total fan girl at heart I swear.

"Grace." she kept jumping. "Graccce." still jumping. "Grace!" I yelled which made her stop. "Thank you. Okay so you are not going to tell anyone alright? No one can know... yet." I told her, grabbing her shoulders.

She nodded. "Of course! Sorry I'm just so excited!" I think I'm going to regret telling her...

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Let's go inside."


"TRUTH OR DARE TIME!!" Louis yelled after the movie was over. That boy is going burst all our eardrums including his own.

Grace gave him a weird look, "When did we decide on truth or dare?" Harry nodded with her.

I fake gasped. "Oh my god, guys! We forgot to ask these two!" I looked over at the seven of them, putting a hand to my mouth. "But we already agreed on it so your opinions are invalid. Okay Grace! Truth or dare?!"

Grace rolled her eyes. "Truth."

I smiled. "Do you fancy anyone?"

Her cheeks turned a light shade of pink. "W-what? Yes. Wait I mean no of course not." I rolled my eyes, giving her a look that I always giving her when she's lying. "Okay fine ugh I do maybe fancy someone, just a little."

I giggled. "Who??"

She scoffed. "You get to ask one question. Now. Zayn truth or dare?"

This went on for a while. Zayn had to wear Perrie's clothes for ten minutes. Shelby had to talk for a whole two minutes; it was pretty interesting since she doesn't talk a lot. Liam told us that he once went to school in only his boxers and shirt and didn't even realize it until a girl he liked asked him about it. Perrie and Danielle gave each other blindfolded makeovers; Dani got stabbed in the eye with eyeliner, which was hilarious. Niall had run outside yelling that Liam was the best singer ever(guess who dared him that.) Louis got dared to wear only his boxers, which bothering me because he was right beside me and holy damn his body was amazing.

Finally it was Louis' turn to dare someone which was either me or Harry. "Harold. Truth or dare?"

Harry thought for a second, rubbing his fake beard before answering, "Dare." with a smirk.

Louis smirked back at him. "I, Louis William Tomlinson, dare you, Harold Edward Styles, to snog Grace for however long you'd like but it has to be longer than two minutes."

Grace's face was so red that I died of laughter. She was shaking her head, trying to say something but couldn't because she was so nervous. Harry was speechless before grinning like a mad man. Then he leaning over, grabbed Grace's chin, and kissed her. At first she didn't do anything then she grabbed his shirt, kissing him hard. Louis and I died, laughing really hard.

After about seven minutes of that, they pulled apart to breathe. They went back in to kiss more but I stopped them. "Guys! You can snog more later! Let's finish the game." They both glared at me.

Grace whispered something to Harry which caused them both to smirk evilly. This is going to be good. "Jordan." Harry said, "Truth or dare?"

I was scared of him. Whatever the dare was, I could handle it. "Dare." I said confidently.

Harry smirked even bigger, his eyes going back and forth between me and Louis. "I dare you to snog Louis." Okay so maybe I could handle all dares except that one.

I shook my head, glaring at him and Grace. "No." I stated. "I am not kissing Louis." yet I added in my head. I didn't want to kiss him on a date, especially when it'd be own first kiss.

Harry rolled his eyes. "It's truth or dare. You have to."

"B-but.." I trailed off, looking around everyone. They were all looking at me with wide eyes, wanting me to do it. Then I looked at Louis. He was sitting right next to me, looking straight at me. He had a small smile on his face, his eyes sparkling with hope, I think that's what it was. "I'm sorry." I whispered to him before standing up and running out the bus. I had tears in my eyes. God what was I doing? Why did I have to run off? Stupid Jordan.

There was a small park with a few swings and a slide at the campground. I sat down in one of the swings, looking up at the stars a tear slowly ran down my cheek. Damn period, maybe me all emotional.

"Jordan." someone whispered. Looking up, I saw it was Louis. "It's okay."

I shook my head. "No Louis its not."

He walked over to me, still standing, and furrowed his eyebrows. "Why isn't it?"

Rolling my eyes, I stood up. "Because it could ruin a lot of stuff!"

This time he rolled his eyes. "Really? Are you sure?"

I sighed, "Of course I'm sure."

Louis walked closer to me, "Or maybe it could make a lot if things better."

"What?" I questioned him. He came close, wrapping his arms around my waist. His face was a close to mine. My eyes were focused on his.

"Jordan..." Louis started. "I'm in love with you."

I smiled, "Really?" he nodded. "I love you too."

Louis leaned down. His lips were right above mine, brushing against mine then---

"JORDAN!" a voice yelled. I opened my eyes to see that I was in the living room of the bus, the credits of the Hunger Games was on the screen.

"What the fuck happened?" I asked. It was just me and Louis in there, no one else. The sun was still up. That was all a dream, the whole thing. It felt so real.

Louis gave me a strange look. "You fell asleep during the Hunger Games."

"Oh. That makes sense." I said getting up and stretching .

"I never thought that you would fall asleep during your favorite movie. I guess you've had enough of it." he smirked.

Hitting his shoulder I laughed. "You wish. I'll never get tired of the Hunger Games." He just rolled his eyes.

That dream was so detailed, so really that I hadn't even known that I was asleep. Weird. But I guess I knew that it wasn't real somehow. I mean why would Louis love me or even want to kiss me? Plus he just broke up with Eleanor just a week ago. I really hate my conscience for making that dream. Bit whatever, I'll just have to live with it.

Louis was my best friend; nothing would change that, never. But I could help to have this feeling that something was going to happen. And I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing.


Yellow, my tributers! Well I am so sorry that I have updated! I'm been really busy plus I broke my foot and lost my iPod again! I'm so stupid.

I hope you don't hate me because of this chapter. I wasn't even planning to have it like this but then bam! It wrote itself. So yeah I'll like update as soon as possible!!

love you all! Comment, vote, fan!!


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