Chapter 30

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"London! Here we come!" I yelled, running into the airport. It was officially the end of the American part of tour. A lot had happened in that period of time and it was amazing. Everything had pasted by so soon that it seemed like it was just yesterday was when I first met the boys. We were all closer than ever; nothing could change the bond me and those four boys had.

Behind me, the boys laughed. We were all happy about going home. Our families would be there and we'd get to see our friends. Plus, the boys had their movie coming out. Guess who else is in it... Me! [A/N: Act like Jordan is in it. Not too much but some because of Simon and of tour. I just thought of this so just go along with it! Love y'all!] They filmed at the beginning of tour and had a lot of other stuff so now it was time for the premiere.

The boys ran after me. They said that they didn't want me to get lost like the last time. It was one time! It's not like I did it on purpose. The airport that we were in was big; it was one of the times when I got hyped up on Monsters. Long story short, Paul found me underneath some chairs passed out.

I pouted. "I don't need damn babysitters."

Liam rolled his eyes. "Sure you don't."

"You don't trust me?" Fake gasping, I put on hand over my heart.

Zayn shook his head. "We trust you Jordie."

"Just, not in an airport." Niall finished.

I glared at Harry. "Well it was someone's fault for giving me Monsters." Harry's eyes widened; the others didn't know that he was the one who gave me the energy drinks.

They turned toward Harry, giving him the evil eye.

"Harry." Zayn said.

"You gave her energy drinks?" Liam asked.

Harry lowered his head, mumbling a 'yes.'

"You know what happens when she drinks a lot." Louis scolded.

Niall crossed his arms, shaking his head. "After what happened when I gave her Monsters, you should have known better."

I giggled at them. "I love when you guys try to be serious." Rolling my eyes, I grabbed Louis' hand and pulled him with me.

"Where are we going?" he asked.

I shook my head, shrugging. "Away from them." Our plane didn't leave for about an hour so we were good on time.

We walked for about five minutes until we found a private place. As soon as we were out of sight, Louis grabbed my face and kissed me softly. It was short but sweet.

He pulled away, smiling. "I love you."

I smiled widely at him. "I love you more."

He scoffed playfully. "There's no way."

Giggling, I wrapped my arms around his waist. "Yes there is."

Louis rolled his eyes, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. "How?"

I buried my head in his chest so I didn't have to look at him. "Because I've loved you for awhile now."

"How long?" his voice sounded curious.

"When we were in the airport in London, about to come to America. You and Eleanor were together, I was hyped up on Monsters," he chuckled at that. "I saw you guys being all cute. It made me jealous. Harry asked it I liked you but I knew it was more than just like. I knew I loved you."

Louis pulled me back a little so he could look at me. "When I first kissed you. That was when I knew I loved you." I smiled at him. My hands went to the back of his head, bring his lips down to mine.

We stayed there for ten minutes, talking, laughing, kissing. Louis got a text from Liam, telling us that we had to come back . As Louis and I were walking, I thought of something. Something that scared the shit out of me.

"Fucckkkk," I said, throwing my head back.

Louis furrowed his eyebrows. "What's wrong, love?"

I wasn't paying attention to him. "Fuck, shit, damn it. I can't believe I just thought of this. Why didn't I think of it before? Holy shit. What am I going to do?"

Confused, Louis grabbed my shoulders to stop on rambling. "What's wrong?"

"What are we going to tell Simon?" I asked him. And do you know what he did? He froze. Yes, literally froze! We hadn't thought about that. I groaned. "Come on." I pulled him along by the hand.

When we got to the others, Louis fell in a chair. His jaw was dropped. He looked freaked out.

The others looked at us confused.

"What's wrong?" Liam asked.

I was pacing back and forth, mumbling something along the lines of 'what the hell am I going to do?'

"Jordan!" the boys, excluding Louis, yelled, snapping me out of my trance.

"What?" They rolled their eyes at me.

"What's wrong?" Liam repeated.

Sighing, I ran my hands through my hair. "Simon."

They furrowed their eyebrows. "Simon?" they questioned.

Nodding, I continued to pace. "Yes, Simon. As if my uncle."

"What about Simon?" Niall questioned, sounding more confused.

"How are we going to tell him that Louis and I are dating?" I questioned, more myself than the boys.

They were all quiet for a more moments, thinking over what to say. Finally Zayn spoke. "Just tell him straight forward."

My eyes went towards the Bradford boy, glaring at him. "Really? Just tell him?" I sighed. "Simon doesn't take things like this easily. He hates when I date; no matter who it is. After what happened with Aiden he can't stand me dating."

Again, they were quiet for a few moment. Harry looked over at Louis, who was still sat in the chair, frozen. Harry pointed at my boyfriend. "What's wrong with Lou?"

I shook my head. "I don't know." Walking over, I sat in the chair beside him. "Louis?" he didn't answer. I grabbed his head, turning him towards me. "Baby?" I whispered, bringing his face closer to mine. My lips molded against his, softly kissing him. It didn't take long for him to react. His lips kissed mine hard, hungrily. I forgot that the boys were there, but who cares? Louis wrapped his arms around my waist holding me close. My hands went to his hair, running them through it.

When his hand gripped my shirt tightly, I snapped out of the trance I was in. I pulled away from Louis quickly, laughing at his face when I did.

"We are in an airport." I reminded him.

Shrugging, Louis said. "And I care because..?" I just rolled my eye at him. Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Harry were all standing around us, smirking. Of course they were smirking.

Harry cleared his throat. "Are you two done?" His smile was a cheeky one.

Liam stuffed down a chuckle. "We could let you finish."

"Or you could go to the bathroom." Zayn said, "much more private and spacey." That comment done it for the boys; they all died, almost falling to the floor. Actually, Niall did fall to the fall. They couldn't stop laughing. I thought that they were going to start choking from laughing.

I laughed sarcastically. "Very funny guys." As they tried to calm their breathing, I turned to Louis. "What are we going to do?"

He sighed, putting his arm around my shoulders. I snuggled into his side. "I don't know Jordie." he paused, probably thinking. "Maybe he'll let us date. Maybe he'll be fine with it."

"Or maybe he'll lock me in my room and not let me out until I'm 39." Louis raised he eyebrow at me. "What? He told me if I did anything terrible, then he'd lock me up until I'm 39." True story. When I was ten I got in trouble at school for hitting this girl. She was calling me names, so I smacked her really hard. My mom was busy at work so the only person the principal could call was Simon. I was scared shitless to say the least. He told me if I ever did anything like that again, he'd lock me in my room until I was 39. A random number, I know. Until this day I'm still a bit scared that he'd actually do that.

"So dating me is terrible?" Louis asked quietly, sadly.

Shaking my head as fast as I could, I turned towards him. "No! That is not what I meant." Taking his hand in mine, I looked him in the eye. "Being with you is the best thing that's happened to me. Yeah, that's cheesy but it's true. I don't care what Simon says, well not right now. I love you with everything I have, and that is not terrible; not one bit." I stroked his right cheek with my hand softly.

He smiled widely, placing his hand over mine that was on his cheek. "I love you too."

Harry clearing his throat snapping me back to the four idiots. That is their official name, Four Idiots. Fits perfectly, doesn't it?

"You guys are just too cute!" Niall squealed, yes squealed. Just like one of their fan girls. I couldn't help but laugh.

Harry nodded, slightly jumping up and down. "I know! I totally ship Loudan!" he yelled in what was suppose to be an teenage American girl voice. Now I was laughing really hard.

"Oh yes!" Liam nodded his head really fast. "They are super adorbs." His voice was like Harry. Just like early, the boys cracked, but was joined by myself and Louis. These boys, I swear.


After a long flight, a nap, and a small food fight between the boys and I, we finally made it home. As we stepped into the airport, I couldn't help but get excited. For one reason, because of the people standing in the middle of the crowd. Our families.

My bags dropped out of my hands and I ran. I ran as fast as my short legs could go. They carried me to the man that was the most amazing person in the world; well in my opinion. Simon Cowell. My uncle. It had been months since I saw him. I hated not being able to see my uncle, one of the only people that I was for sure cared for me. And now here he was, in the airport with his wide opened for me. So I ran, jumping into his arms, not letting go for at least five minutes. We didn't say anything, no one said anything to us, not wanting to interrupt our moment. Plus I was pretty sure the boys were hugging the shit out of their families and girlfriends.

Finally, I slowly let go of Simon, smiling like crazy. "Hey Si."

He smiled, too, his hand going up and ruffling my hair up. "Geez, Jorge. I wasn't sure it was you at first. I forgot about your hair." I slapped his hands away, fixing my hair, then chuckled at him.

"I know; I thought you were someone else too." He gave a confused look. "I didn't know that just a few months could age someone so much."

Si gave me a playful glare then shoved me, chuckling himself. "You're such a mean person Jorge." I rolled my eyes before smirking.

"I learned from the best." I winked at him, causing him to laugh loudly.

"Well it seems like someone forgot about her best friend." A very familiar voice sounded from behind me.

"Make that four best friends." Another familiar voice said, followed by laughs.

I turned around to see Grace, Dani, Perrie, and Shelby. Another smile spread across my face as I walked over to them. I fling myself into Grace's arms.

"I missed you, Gray." I told her, squeezing her tightly.

"Though we talk almost everyday, I missed you too Jordie."

We let each other go. I hugged the other girls, making conversation about what had happened to them over the passed weeks. The boys' families greeted me, each hugging me as if I was apart of their family. It felt good that they all did that; made me feel like I had a big, happy family that cared for me. We all talked together as me and the boys got our bags. Apparently Simon was having a huge dinner made for our arrival.

As we all talked, I would catch Louis' eye now and again. By that I meant a lot. Every time I looked over at him, he was already looking. He'd smile widely, wink, then look away. I wanted so badly to be by him and cuddle with him but Simon was there.

The boys, girls, Simon, and I went back to Simon's house. The others went back to their hotel to rest. I hear from Gemma that Simon had paid for all their flights and hotels just so they could be there when the boys and I got back. Simon's a sweetheart sometimes.

We still had about seven hours until dinner so we all decided we needed some rest since the boys and I got zero sleep on the plane. That may or may not have been my fault. There might have been Monsters on the plane and I might've made the boys drink them with me. Some advice, don't drink Monsters on a long plane flight.

Once we got to Simon's house, we all went to our rooms. The boys took their girlfriends, Simon apparent was tired too, and Louis went to his room. Leaving me all alone.

My room hadn't changed any at all. All the pictures were in place, some clothes that I left behind were spread out around my room. Everything in the room was the same as I had left it, yet it seemed different. Maybe because I was different. It'd been months since we started tour, since I'd been in this house. There was a difference within me. No one probably saw it; only I probably felt it.

Months ago, I was normal; well as normal as a crazy nineteen year old with a famous uncle could be. Now, I was a girl on tour with One Direction, my favorite band. Now they're my best friends. I have my own fans. They like me for who I am and my voice, not because who my friends are or who my uncle is. So far after graduating high school I'm doing pretty good.

I changed into a pair of purple cotton short shorts and a mustache tee shirt. Laying in my bed, I stared at the ceiling. My ceiling was amazing. I had asked Simon for my seventeenth birthday if I could have my ceiling here painted. He of course said yes and had professionals come in to do it. It was space, a galaxy. Beautiful was the first thing that came to mind whenever I look at it.

There was a knock on my door which startled me. I got up slowly, making my way over. When I opened it, the person standing there made me smile. Louis.

He returned the smile, leaning against the door frame. "Are you going to let me in?"

I shrugged. "If you guess the password correctly."

Tapping his chin, Louis pretended to think. "Please?" I shook my head. "Pretty please?"


Louis leaned in, close enough for our lips to brush. "I love you."

"It's really 'Oreos are the best' but I guess that's close enough." I said seriously. Louis rolled his eyes before gently pushing me inside my room. He closed the door behind him then walked towards me slowly; he gave a mischievous grin. My eyes went wide as he started to run. In my direction. Of course he would do that.

His arms went around my waist, placing me over his shoulder. I started to giggle uncontrollably as he started to spin around in circles.

"L-Louissss!! Stop!" I whisper-shouted to my boyfriend. "I'm dizzy."

Louis stopped spinning but didn't let me down. Instead he threw me on my bed. I was laughing a lot now, Louis joining in as he jumped beside me.

Our laughter subsided as we looked at each other. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my breathing, then rolled on my side so I was facing him. "What are you doing in here?"

He rolled his eyes, wrapping his arms around me. "I haven't been with you all day." he basically whined.

Giggling I wrapped my arms around him, cuddling into him. "I hate this."

"When are we going to tell Simon?" he asked me.

I shrugged. "Soon. I can't stay away from you for that long again." I admitted quietly, shyly.

His grip around me tightened, bring me close to him. Louis buried his face in the crook of my neck, mumbling, "Me either."

Pulling away soon, I looked at him. Slowly I leaned in, kissing him. One hand cupped my cheek, the other one pressed against my back bringing me closer. His tongue slipped into my mouth without my permission, but I didn't mind. Our tongues danced together, savoring each other.

Like lightning, Louis flipped us from our side to where I was pressed against the bed and him hovering over me. Louis placed kisses up and down my neck, biting softly. I brought his lips back up to mine. My hands went under his shirt, feeling his lean chest. One of his hands gripped the hem of my shirt, making it go up a bit. I was about to take off his shirt when the door opening broke us apart.

"Jordan." my uncle's voice came from the door. I pushed Louis to the side and sat up quickly. My whole face was on fire.

"Uncle Si! Hi! What are you doing in here? I thought you were asleep! Well probably everyone is asleep except for me.. And Louis. Yeah um what you saw wasn't what it looked like. What did you see exactly though? I'm not too sure but um yeah. How have you been Si? We haven't seen each other in like forever. I missed you! Do you know how much I love you? It's a lot by the-"

"Jordan!" Simon and Louis yelling my name cut my rambling off.

I took a deep breath. "Sorry."

Simon stepped more into the room, taking a seat at my desk. He crossed his legs and put his hands together, leaning forward slightly. Fuck that's he's serious pose. Louis and I looked at each other. We knew what was coming.

"So what exactly is going on here, hmm?"


Hello my lovely tributers!! I like this chapter for some reason. Loudan! I love them. I want to thank one of my fans -wow fans, I have fans!- for coming up with Louis and Jordan's ship name.

I am so close to having 1000 votes! Well I need a hundred or so but that's really close! Keep reading please and thank you!! I love you all!!


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