Chapter 20

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"... Took 45 minutes to get all dressed up. We ain't even gonna make it to this club. Now my mascara runnin', red lipstick smudged. Oh he so horny, yeah he want to fuck..."
~ Beyonce


I watch as Summer devours liquor out of the seventh cup. Luckily, it was the last one on the table and she decides to move on.

Preparing myself for what's to come, I decide to take a shot before I follow her stumbling-self, out. Alec and Cole left the party leaving me to babysitt her as they try to gather information using the chip Summer so easily stole.

My dislike for her doesn't outwin the fact that she proved herself tonight by performing her task without a single flaw. She definitely deserves the recognition. I never doubted her experience, for even a minute. What I doubt are her intentions.

When I exit the party tent, I spot Summer making her way down to the shore line. I keep a slow pace behind her lurking behind her as she has difficulty walking in a straight line. When she passes someone's beach chair, her hand slides across the surface of it and closes in a fist.

Curiousness takes over me.

What did she just grab?

I continue following her.

Why would Summer make deals with me that benefit her in no way? From the start, she's been trying to get into my gang and I can't figure out why. I've done many things to break her mentally, physically, and even emotionally, but nothing works.

I see parts of myself in her. When I used to be naive just like how she is now. I worked myself out of it. Her being naive is my vantage point, she lets a lot slip when she shows off her skills. For instance, I watched the security surveillance of her shooting this morning which was outstanding. She was fast and efficient until she attempted to shoot the disks.

Her trainer clearly didn't push her hard enough because with a little nudge, she can shoot those with ease. From the looks of it, she gave up and took on knives instead.

I have no doubt that she's more comfortable and more experienced with knives. The first time she used one was at school when Cole was about to shoot Alice. I ignored her throw that day blaming it on the adrenaline taking over, but I was proven wrong when she used a knife to kill my dealer. She also supported her great skills by showing no hesitation when killing the son of one of our rival gangs at the ball.

She's a puzzle in progress for me. Every minute of the day, I spend thinking about all the reasons why she does what she does or who she could be. Sometimes I feel like killing her is the only way to get rid of this problem, but that'd be the easy way out. I'm not structured that way, I don't think I'll kill her until she's fully recognized as a threat to my gang.

"Hey, youuuu!" Summer slurs at me as I approach her on the dock. In her hands, is a lit cigarette.

So it was a lighter she stole.

A few feet away, I stand staring at her. Her long, blonde hair blows in her face as the winter wind picks up. In an effort of regaining her vision, she pulls her hair away from her face and almost falls back into the water. On impulse, I take a big step forward and grab onto her wrist pull her into me. She lets out an unpleasant grunt and curses when she hits my chest.

"Are you Iron Man?" Summer questions. I raise my eyebrows. This girl if fucking hammered. "Now, don't raise your eyebrows at me. I asked you a question mister. I mean, have you never felt your own chest? It is soooooooo damn hard and every time you pull me into it, I feel like you only do it so that it'll crush my skull and I'll die."

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