Chapter 33

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"A thousand times we die in one life. We crumble, break and tear apart until the layers of illusion are burned away and all that is left, is the truth of who and what we really are."
~ Teal Scott

" ~ Teal Scott

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"Is this your house?" I gape at the sight of his house. This mansion, similar to Kai's takes me by surprise. I knew Jayce was loaded, but never knew he was this loaded. Jayce stops outside the iron gates before the security notices it's him and lets us in.

"My parents like to be extra cautious," Jayce comments as he brings the car to the front doors.

"I see that," I respond. He parks the car in front of his doors and pulls his hand away from mine as we both climb out of the car.

He walks around and takes my hand in his, pulling me inside. We enter the foyer. In the centre is a large coffee table surrounded by larger recliner seats. We walk past them, up a staircase.

"Is anyone home?" I question curiously. If his parents are home, I don't want them meeting me in this state. I probably look like a mess with my tangled hair and imprint of Kai's hand around my neck and on my cheek.

"No, but my sister's home," he says as we walk down a hallway. He suddenly comes to a stop and turns around to look at me.

"I'm going to grab the first aid kit, my room is down that hall, third door on your right," he directs.

"Okay," I respond as I watch him walk back the way we came up. Once he's out of my vision, I follow his directions.

That hall, third door on my right.

I walk down the hall counting the number of doors I pass in my mind.

One... Two... Three.

I stop in front of the white door and contemplate on whether I should go in or wait for Jayce to come back. He did tell me where his room is so maybe I should just go in.

I take the knob into my grasp and just when I'm about to open the door, I'm distracted by a feminine voice yelling.

"Jack, no! Jack don't let go!"

With knitted eyebrows, I follow the voice two doors opposite of Jayce's room. The door slightly open, I push it a little further to get a glimpse of who's inside. The light pink walls come into display before my eyes travel down to a girl sat on her bed. She lays flat on her stomach watching a movie. Her eyes stained with tears, she holds napkins underneath to soak up the wetness.

There is no doubt in my mind that this is Jayce's sister Vienna. I back away and knock on the door.

"Come in," she sniffles. I try to comb out the tangles in my hair and wipe away the dry tears before opening the door. I put on a small, believable smile.

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