Chapter 30

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"There are no secrets that time does not reveal."
~ Jean Racine


"I'm Xavier White's daughter, okay? I am the Summer White that you knew," I harshly whisper into Alessio's ear. He stops struggling under me and glares with pure anger.

I gulp getting off of him. Everything's in his hands now. He knows who I am.


One day ago


The first memory I ever remember having, is when I was five and Vince told me that our mother was never going to come back. He said that I was the one responsible for it. Back then, I never knew what he meant so I just cried, blaming myself for the atrocity.

Now, I know that there was nothing I could've done. The doctors had warned my mother of the consequences if she decided to continue on with her pregnancy. 

I don't know why, but Vince found every way possible to destroy my inner being from ever since I can remember. But standing in front of this red oak door, a part of me says that I've been here before. This is a memory before that moment.

The door creaks open revealing an old man wearing a tux. This is exactly what I had expected when Kai told us we were going to the estate of a Mafia boss.

"Right this way," the servant gestures us in. Kai and Alec both walk in first with Cole and I in their footsteps. The estate is gorgeous. Not a speck of dust could be seen on the ground, tables or the various vases standing around. The walls glow as if they were recently polished and the home smells like a deep scent of roses.

We come to a stop in the living room, where an old man and what I assume is his son, waits for us. Both of them dressed in their finest handmade suits, look more extravagant than the expensive paintings hung all around the room.

"Kai Black," Kai introduces himself shaking hands with Giuliano.

"Giuliano Tieri," the older man says. From his grey hair to his defined wrinkles, it's easy to tell that this man is past his mid-forties. The most ravelling thing to me is that I could paint a perfect picture of the man almost ten years younger and not because his son is standing next to him, but because there's a part of me saying I've seen this man before. "It's a pleasure meeting the man himself."

"The pleasures all mine," Kai rebuts. 

The man standing next to Giuliano clears his throat catching all our attentions. Guessing that was the point of his action, Giuliano's face brightens with realization.

"This is my only son, Alessio Tieri."

My eyes scan over the man probably around the same age as Nick. Like any greek god, his figure is sculpted to perfection tightly packed under a black suit. His face contoured by the light, defines every feature on his face. From his thick eyebrows to his ripe lips, he is nothing but a show stopper.

Alessio and Kai shake hands.

"These are my main members Alec Jenson, Cole Baker -"

"and April Salvatore," Alessio cuts off Kai using the fake name I decided to use in the gang world. My eyebrows rise in question as Alessio makes his way towards me. Kai's eyes follow Alessio curiously.

Alessio takes my right hand from my side and gently lands a kiss on the back of it. His hands are soft, the exact opposite of mine which  could be compared to a unpaved road.

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