Chapter 19

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"...Baby I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight (I love cheap thrills) I don't need no money As long as I can feel the beat I don't need no money As long as I keep dancing...


I wake up to the beaming sunlight. I lift my arm to block the light entering my vision as my eyes peel open. The empty lot comes in sight making me wonder where the bikes are. They must've moved them down to the underground lot.

I look next to me at the open door. The whole night I was freezing cold. Winter is only days away and I'd be surprised if I haven't come down with a cold.

Last night was something else. Everything is such a blur that I only remember the main parts. Alice is alive, and I promised America to Kai. I must've been high or something, because I still have no idea how I'm going to commit to the deal.

Deciding to ignore everything, I stand up on my feet and head inside. On my way in, Cole comes down the stairs. His right eye is swollen like mine once was.

I call out his name when he's passing by. He stops but doesn't look at me.

"Cole, what happened?"

He doesn't answer so I walk up to him, "Cole what happened to you?"

He lifts his head. Immediately, I wish we'd never crossed paths. His eyes are full of hatred. He pushes my back against the wall. The air is pulled out of my lungs as his forearm blocks the flow of air through my throat.

"You did this to me. I told you to keep her away and because of your mistakes, everyone else except for you is paying."

He let's me go and leaves. I breathe heavily taking in what just happened. He can't blame me for whatever happened. I wasn't even a part of it. And if he's talking about Alice, he has a choice whether he hurts her or saves her. A choice which is no longer in my hands.

I place my hair behind my ear and out of my face as I head upstairs. I stop at the bathroom and grab my box before heading to my room. Once I'm there, I tuck the box under some clothes in my closet.

I grab some clothes and head into the shower. After I'm done showering, I blow dry my hair and put it up into a messy bun. My stomach growls and I head to the kitchen.

The kitchen is empty. I look up at the clock hanging up on the wall which indicates that it's eight-oh-seven. Weird, I thought they're always here for a meal.

My stomach growls again and I start to search for some food. I spot leftovers from last night. My nostrils flare smelling the meat. Coming to a conclusion, I decide that the food is good to eat. Not being able to wait, I quickly warm it up and start eating.

Alec walks in about ten minutes later, his shirt stained with sweat tells me he returned from a morning run.

"I have something for you," I say.

He pulls out a protein bar and starts eating.


I pull out the guns from my back and put them on the table. He looks at me skeptically.

"You're not going to keep them for protection or when you decide you've had enough of Kai, and decide to kill him in his sleep?"

"No, I told you that I was going to help, and that starts with trust."

He nods taking the guns off the table, "We're going to tone it down today and just practice some shooting in the backyard. We'll go out after Kai and Cole come home."

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