Chapter 40

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"...I can take the weight up off your shoulder blades and try to store the pain inside of me
Like, why the world do you like that?..."
~ 6LACK ft. J. Cole


Feeling my arms strain, I stretch them out. As the cold air hits my bare skin, I quickly bring my arms right under the blanket and turn on my side finding Summer sound asleep.

It's seven in the morning, yet this girl manages to sleep soundly past our usual time to wake up. I even finished a phone call with some of our business heads. Gosh, I wish I could sleep as soundly as her.

The last few nights haven't been as great for sleeping as they usually are when I'm sleeping with Summer, but tonight was quite pleasing. Luciano didn't wake up even once after Summer tucked him into bed last night. It's odd. He's one who sleeps during the day and cries during the night, but I guess tonight was different.

Helplessly, I find myself staring at Summer. I can't believe I told her. No one knows about what Nicholas did to me besides Alec, Cole, Amelia and Dakota.

I wonder what it was that made me tell her. Everything about her is skeptically intriguing. Her actions merciless and her words emotionless. She heavies her heart with sorrows, but for what?

Maybe I pulled her into my world, but she's experienced. Enhanced in skills that would take years for a newbie to master.

February first. If I could, I would obliterate that day to the point where February first wouldn't even be considered a date. Fuck, it's still impossible for to be believe that Lucy is gone. She's actually fucking gone.

My best friend. My childhood friend killed by the person who she treated as an older brother. If it weren't for her perseverance, Luciano would be dead too. Her ability to fight through everything and not even regret her actions is admirable.

As far as I can remember, she never even asked for anything in return. She would always just give. And even on her last day on this planet, she gave me Luciano.

A piece of us.

My thoughts are interrupted by the ring of my phone, I turn around and pick it up.


"We have a problem," I recognize the voice to be Kevin's, one of my head mangers for trading.

"What is it?"

"The Johnson's are refusing to proceed with the trade tomorrow."

"Why?" I question. Lying on my back, my eyes shift towards Summer watching her as she starts to wake.

"They're saying that the FBI knows about the trade and plan on closing it down," Kevin states.

"Why would they even think that? We've been working on this for such a long time and I arranged everything myself, there's no way the FBI would have intel."

"That's the thing, they think we're helping the FBI."

"What? That's nonsense. There's fifty million dollars on the line, Kevin. We need to go through with the deal."

"Then you need to come down here and talk to them yourself, I've arranged a meeting for ten."

"Okay, I'll be there," I end the call.

"Fuck," I sigh heavily. This deal is everything. The Johnson's have a great reputation in the business about only dealing with the best and if they cancel our deal, we'll lose more than just fifty million dollars. I've worked way too hard to let this stupid rumour ruin us.

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