Chapter 61

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Warning: This chapter contains sensitive subject matters.


"Let the players play, let the haters hate, and let karma handle their fate."
~ Unknown


"Get up," one of Nick's men instructs as he pushes my shoulders against the wall to make me sit up.

The room dark, I can only see half of his face through the light coming in from the door.

"What are you doing?" I question as I see a tray of instruments on the floor.

"You haven't slept for more than three hours in the last four days," he acknowledges.

"Four days? It's been four days already?" I ask shocked. "Where's Nick? Why hasn't he come again?"

He doesn't answer. Instead, he grabs my arm with a tight grip.

"No! Where's Nick?" I try to fight him, but the back of his hand immediately meets my cheek. "Fuck."

"Don't raise your voice here. We're in control, not you," he warns before sticking the needle into my arm.

The dose activates quickly blurring my vision. I try to keep my eyes open but the lids only get heavier, and as the man leaves taking the only source of light with him, I stop fighting and allow the drug to pull me into a deep much-needed sleep.


"Morning, Kiddo," I hear Nick's voice as I wake up. My head heavy, I lift it slowly. I try to use my hands to massage my head so that it can ease my headache, but I find them tied underneath me. My ankles also chained to the ground, I'm locked onto my hands and knees with my back fully exposed except for the ripped and dirty t-shirt covering it.

"Would you like some coffee?" Nick extends his cup far enough for the smell to reach me and make me crave a taste, but I don't show it.

I just avert my eyes from the cup to him and he pulls the cup back putting it down next to his chair. The boat creaking, I let the smell of salty ocean take over my sense.

"How are you feeling, sore? Oh wait, you should be used to it by now. I mean you're not the fifteen-year-old virgin I brought in three years ago anymore."

"Ho-" I try to speak, but I can't. My throat is too dry and I don't have it in me to fight against it.

"Here," Nick holds the end of an open water bottle close to my lips. I nod my head declining his offer. "You sure?"

"Yeah," my reply is barely louder than a whisper. I close my eyes and try to swallow my own spit to moisturize my throat. "Where have you been? Mh-mh."

"Did you miss me?"

"You – you could say that," I stutter. I couldn't string the words together and needed to close my eyes to process my own thoughts. The weakness invading my body is too much for me to handle. I don't even know how I'm conscious.

I don't remember waiting anything, but knowing Nick, he probably had vitamins injected into me to keep my artificially healthy.

"I had some things that needed to be taken care of personally. Once you control all of America's black market, you can't just let it fall."

"Let's not forget it has to be done from a ship."

"When you need to keep low and out of everyone's eyes, you learn that there's no better way to hide than to get lost at sea."

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