Chapter 60

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"She's fire and ice. You'll fear the cold and crave the burn."
~ Jm Storm

"~ Jm Storm

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My hair in a braided bun with loose strands framing my face, it's visible through only the veil. I'm not use to it, but light makeup covers every blemish on my face and heightens any natural details as well.

Looking at myself through the mirror, my hands feel the textured design on the white dress kissing my every curve. The dress is simply beautiful and it's one that I can't help but admire on myself.

White never looked so good on me.

To most, white is a symbol of purity, innocence, heaven etc... but to me, white is only a colour to be moulded. It's a colour that can be stained easily and changed into something new in seconds.

It's untrustworthy and it's what I live by even today.

White, should never be trusted.


I turn around to Kai's voice and watch as he steps in. Dressed in a fine black suit with a white shirt underneath, the suit fits every structure of his body perfectly.

My eyes slowly rise up, eventually meeting his and I watch his grey irises dilate.

He's shutting himself out right now. He's in pain thinking about what's about to happen and he has every right to be.

His words can lie to me, but his eyes can't.

Breathing out, I pick up my dress and walk over to him. For a couple of minutes, Kai and I just stand there in utter silence staring at each other as if it's the last time we'll ever be seeing each other and maybe, it is.

Maybe ,we'll see each other again, but it won't be the same. Feelings will fade and emotions will change.

So, it is the last time we'll be seeing each other as a whole.

"I have a present for you," I speak breaking the silence. In response, Kai's forehead creases in confusion.

"But it's your wedding."

"And I don't know what will happen after today, so I just wanna give you something you'll remember."

"Okay, but first, I have something for you."

His hand reaches inside of his coat, pulling out a rectangular box. He hands it over to me and I take it, opening up the purple ribbon. Lifting the lid, my heart skips a beat.

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