Chapter 10

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"...I'm so numb and my heart's so cold..."
~ Carlie Hanson


"Alice is sleeping with Cole, Alec is sleeping alone and you're sleeping with me," Kai commands.

Not in the mood to argue, I walk around the fire to where he's sitting and take a seat next to him. It's around nine and we just finished having fish that the boys caught and Alice cooked.

"Is anyone watching?" I question.

"No, there's no need for that. The bears are probably hibernating right now," Alec responds. His response sends a wave of relief throughout me. If no one's awake during the night, then the only thing I have to wait for is for everyone to be asleep until I can steal my pack of cigarettes from Kai.

"Well, I don't know about you guys, but I'm extremely tired and gonna go to sleep." I scoot over, closer to Kai, and snuggle underneath his blanket. I lean my back against the rigid tree trunk and lift my knees up hiding my head in them pretending to sleep.

"Does she usually sleep this early?" Cole asks. I can't help but smile at his confusion.

"Yup," Alice simply replies. "And I'm going to sleep too."

"Whoa whoa whoa, what the hell do you think you're doing?" I hear Cole's voice again.


"No, sleep over there. I'm not a pillow."

"I'm literally tied to you, so I can't. Either my head goes on your shoulder or your lap, your choice."

For a few seconds there's no reply, but a sigh eventually escapes Cole's lips, "Fine, head on my lap. At least more of your body will be on the ground."

"You suck."

"You swallow."

"Kai looks angry. Oh wait, never mind, it's just his face." I stifle my laughter at her comment and take heavy breaths.

"Alice?" Kai asks from only inches beside me.


"Do you like being so ignorant and childish?"


"Mm," is Kai's only response. This response is ceaseless. It has multiple meanings all that suggest Kai has plans that involve Alice. Plans that I'm sure I won't like, so I have to talk to Brody and arrange for her to be out of the house on Monday.

I'm still confused as to what my plan is when I get to Kai's. Yes, for a couple of days I will be endlessly tortured, but after that, I need information on why Kai left Nick. The only way I will get any information like that is if I become close to Kai.

I have to become a part of his gang.

Tired of sitting in the same position, I lift up my head and spot everyone asleep. Nothing but the crackle of the fire fills the air. Slowly, I stand up making sure I don't wake up Kai. I dust myself off and stand right in front of him. Even in his sleep, he looks ready to kill.

Get the damn box, Summer.

I scowl at myself before I squat down and slowly reach for his jacket's opening. I pull on it slightly and reach in for the box with my other hand. Once it's safely out, I walk over to our bag and take out my contacts. My eyes need a break and I can slip them back on early morning.

After taking out my contacts, I walk over to the river. It's cold, freezing actually. My whole body is full of goosebumps and my teeth are chattering, but I know the second I inhale the smoke into my lungs, a calming numbness will take over.

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