Chapter 14

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"One cannot plan for the unexpected."
~ Unknown


"Deal," Kai responds, calmly. "Stay after the party, I'll take you to your new home." 

Before I can respond, another voice fills the silence, "Hello brother

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Before I can respond, another voice fills the silence, "Hello brother."

The familiar voice makes the hair on the back of my neck, stand on their ends. I look to the side, past Kai, and spot a smirk I hoped never to see again.

His short black hair is disheveled. Baby hair, falls on his forehead past his simple black mask. The black tux kisses his muscular frame. As I scan him, my eyes reach his eyes just as his reach mine.

The slight eye contact frightens me and I immediately avert my gaze. Seeing the two together, I feel foolish not recognizing Kai as Nick's brother when I first met him.

I watch as Kai's eyes turn black just before turning around to face his brother. His back blocks my view. In a way, I feel protected, but I know I can't stand behind someone in fear from the past.

So I take a step to the right, and stand next to Kai. Nick's eyes travel along my body's structure as he takes slow steps towards me. Stood only two feet away, like a gentlemen, he takes my right hand and kisses the back of it.

"Such a pleasure, to meet the woman in black."

My heart seems to be beating at an abnormal pace. The night feels like it's getting colder and Nick's eyes seem to be curiously waiting for a response. "For what it's worth, I only meet the people I want to. You just happened to have walked in, on our meeting."

Nick lets out a slight chuckle and faces Kai, "Your taste in women never fails to impress."

"But your timing, always does," Kai responds in monotone.

Before Kai can say my name, I excuse myself, "I'll leave you two to it, we can continue our conversation later."

Kai gives me a slight nod in response and I silently walk past Nick. I leave my past and my present behind me entering the party once again.

The goosebumps covering my body have gone unnoticed until now. Everything changed about me the second I heard Nick's voice. He still has that effect on me. The fear is buried inside of me and that is something I can't even deny. Maybe it's a good thing. A reminder to never let anyone treat me the way he did.

I take a glass of red wine off of the waiter's tray on my way to the side. Standing on the edge, I can see everything the people on the inside can't. Like this one guy dancing with another girl, but his eyes constantly meet with another's, or the way a man slips a card out of another man's pocket while hugging.

To think that these people created this ball, so for one night, there'd be no killings but missed the fact that this was the one night everyone is at their weakest. I can't help but feel pity for those who came here thinking that they'd be safe. This whole ball is a big fat lie that should've ended a long time ago. I wonder why it still goes on? Are people actually too stupid to realize what's right in front of their eyes?

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