Chapter 55

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"One lie is enough to question all truths."
~ Anonymous


"Summer!" Faintly, I hear Dean yell as a loud thud echoes in my room.

My forehead creasing, I open my eyes slowly climbing up on the bed. Sitting up, I rub my eyes clear and find Dean standing in front of me with a gun in his hand. His face contoured in fear, beads of sweat trail down his forehead.

"What happened? Why'd you break down my door?" I speak quietly hoping that my hangover doesn't worsen.

"Seven of our guards were found dead and when I checked the surveillance footage, I saw Nick enter your room," he says. "What did he say? Why didn't you call anyone?"

"I- I - fuck," I rest my elbows on my knees and press the palms of my hands on my forehead. "He said he wants me and he doesn't care who he has to go through."

"The guard checked every inch of this house, he's not here," Kai walks in stepping over the door. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just a hangover," I admit.

But in all honestly, am I really okay? I clearly am not okay, but it's not like I can say that. Not like I have the right to be anything but okay, right? I've already cried over my pain so now, if I'm hurting, I'm a whimp or I'm whining or just doing it for attention.

"Is the party still going on?" I ask, hearing the beat of the loud music.

"Yeah, it's only midnight, Summer," Dean says. "And we didn't want to scare Anthony, so we haven't told him yet."

"Good, we'll hold a meeting tomorrow evening. Until then, know that I'm fine," I assure Dean looking him right in the eyes.

"Okay, but you no longer get to be alone. Kai, stay with her here. Do not take your eyes off her," Dean instructs Kai.

"Dean, I do-"

"Don't argue with me on this, Summer. You have two options; either you have Kai following you around for your protection or I can lock you up in this room with guards stationed outside until Nick is no longer a threat," he deadpans.

"Dean, please. This is last thing I need," I beg.

"It's the only way I know to keep you safe. Don't let her do anything stupid," Dean tells Kai before exiting the room.

Once he leaves, my eyes travel to Kai standing in the middle of the room just as confused as me. He's not wearing his signature, sweats or a t-shirt this time. Instead, he's supporting a baby blue dress shirt and grey dress pants.

I don't think I've ever seen Kai wear any other colour of clothing besides white, black and different shades of grey; though, I don't mind. Colour suits him and maybe if he wore them more often, he wouldn't look as dominant as he always does.

Besides his clothing, he doesn't look as healthy as he usually does. His muscles are still intact,  slightly more defined than before, but the bags under his eyes are more than noticeable. It hurts to know that I'm partially responsible for his condition, but if I show I care, I don't know how he'll react if he even does, so I remain quiet.

"What did Nick say to you?" Kai questions.

"That he'd do anything to get me under his control."

"What happened between the two of you, Summer? I know Nick. He doesn't obsess over things he knows can destroy him."

"Nothing that concerns you Kai, or at least, nothing that'll help us."

Sighing heavily, I turn my head looking back at the empty bottle of vodka on my bed.

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