Chapter 34

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"It's not how we make mistakes, but how we correct them that defines us."
~ Unknown


"Drive faster," Alec instructs Josh. It's been over an hour since I last saw Summer drive away with my car.

It's a shame, really to see a girl like her. She's motivated, yet held back by the complexity of her own emotions. That's what they do to you - emotions. They hold the best side of you back. You'd think a girl who's been tortured, raped and moulted, that she'd know that by now. And I think she does, but she doesn't want to accept it.

The first night I saw her with Jayce, I knew he was going to ruin her. He was going to ruin her for me and I couldn't let that happen. I warned her to stay away from him, but she didn't listen. She let him into her heart and now even she doesn't know that he is her poison. The life that she lives, doesn't let you have relations with others.

Nick is after her. Rumors have been flying around like crazy about his next target and who it might be. Most have said it's April. I know he will come for her sooner or later, but I just don't know when.

It's been months since I've been hoping that maybe she'll realize that Jayce isn't good for the situation she's in right now. That maybe she'll let him go. Her insensibility is astonishing. She didn't let him go, so I had to do something myself.

I sent my men to deal with him, but one thing Summer doesn't know that I do, is that he's moving back to Canada. Even after knowing that he's taking care of all of this on his own, I still had to send my men in.

She did exactly what I wanted her to do.

This fight was anticipated and so were Summer's actions. I wanted her to see Jayce, I wanted her to be mad and I want her to crumble until all her emotions until they are replaced by nothing but anger.

Jayce is a vulnerability for her and she never understood that. Maybe she never will, but he had to be dealt with. Everyone knows her as April now. Not a man on this continent doesn't say the word April and not think of a flawless killer.

"There's something you need to know," Josh, one of my trusted men says.

"What is it?" I question.

"Someone broke into the house, it's unclear of who. I got a security alert on my phone and immediately went over with Brody and Zack, but there was no one in the house. The security was found dead. Brody and Zack are still investigating the house to see if anything is missing, I had to leave before we could start."

"This isn't good. Alec?"


"Have you talked to Amelia and Dakota recently?"

"No, I haven't for the last two days."

"Then get in contact now. Something isn't  adding up," I announce. Who would break into our house? We have maximum security and no rookie could get in easily. Who ever it was, is more than experienced.

Josh pulls up in front of the house. I climb out of the car and look at the new security now on watch outside the iron gates.

"We dealt with the bodies," Josh mentions reading my mind.

"Good," I turn around and walk inside of the house.

Nothing seems out of place making me question whether someone even broke in or not.

"Cole, go into the computer room and go through every surveillance footage in the city. Do a facial recognition search, track Summer's phone; just do whatever that needs to be done to find her exact placement at this moment," Cole nods in response and heads to the computer room.

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