Chapter 12

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Warning: This chapter contains scenes of sexual and physical abuse. Read at your own risk.


"...My life is on a line, I'm starting to get tired, I'm losing this fight... My words can't describe it, I'm losing my mind..."
~ Jillea


"Wake up," Kai's aggressive voice rings through my ears. My head pounds against my skull like a bad hangover as I open my eyes and find out why I feel so exhausted.

Both my wrists are cuffed above me while my whole body, below my chest, is buried in ice. My arms aching, are now a faintly tainted blue.

"I-I c-can't-t f-feel-"

"I get it you can't feel your body. That's the point, but you've been passed out for forty eight hours. I've been too generous." He doesn't seem patient, so I decide keeping my mouth shut is the best thing to do right now. "You got out of that maze in seventeen minutes. Seventeen. You know what Alec's best time was the first time he did it? Two hours. It took him two hours and his fastest is twenty seven minutes. How can a girl, that claims she has no training, outrun three attack dogs and professionally trained gang members, Summer? How could you jump over us like it was no big deal?"

His face is inches away from mine. The proximity doesn't scare me, but I still can't manage to get a word out of my mouth. His usual scent doesn't reach my nostrils making me feel disappointed. The smell of his cologne is the only thing I like about him.

Getting back on track, I hesitate lying to him and I don't know why. Maybe my mind is still processing what happened the other night or the ice has given my whole body frostbite and I'll be dead within hours, I really don't know.

"You out ran us on orange juice. A glass of orange juice was the only thing you had before the maze. I don't know who you are, but now, I won't be so easy on you."

He pulls out a knife I've worked with before.

"Name it."

"A-A knife," I answer.

"What's the name of this knife?"

"I-I do-on't know," I stutter pathetically. I hit Kai's last nerve as he takes the knife and slices it through the skin of my arm. "Ah-ugh!"

He pulls my head back by his grip on my hair and looks me dead in the eyes.

"Name it."

"C-Columbia River twent-ty ten N C-Crawford Kasper Dragon Combat Knife f-four point f-five inch Bead Blast Blade, Z-Zytel Handles." I close my eyes and recite the name of the knife off of my heart. I can recite the names of over five hundred knives because I was never good with any other weapon. Just knives.

He throws the knife on the ground and pulls out another one.

"A-A t-tactical boot k-knife." I name the knife in his hand knowing that's what he wants me to do. Every second that passed by in silence, makes me even more drowsy.

I'm weak. Too weak for my own good.

"It's been five days, Summer. I've had enough of you. I want to see you cry and it's happening tonight," Kai turns around and leaves. Not even thinking about what he meant, my mind drifts off into a deep sleep.


I woke up feeling half dead in a room. My whole body feels like it needs to be amputated, but as time passes by and I lay still on the concrete floor, the blood flow heats my body.

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