Chapter 44

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"Blood makes you related, loyalty
makes you family."
~ Unknown


I don't even remember the last time I was so anxious that all my surroundings became a blur around me.

As I stare through the metal gates at the mansion stood behind, I imagine all the ways the moments lying ahead can play out.

It's been forty-eight hours since I've gotten out of jail. Since then, we've spent most our time planning how we'd approach this situation. Before I was standing right in front of the gates, I was so confident and ready. Now, I just wanna run in the opposite direction.

"What are you waiting for?" Kai questions. "It is your family in there."

"Like I told you before, it's more complicated then that," I explain. "Our family isn't as golden as everyone thinks it to be."

I look at the guards at the gate and then all the ones scattered around the front and on the roof. When I was a kid, we didn't have nearly as much security.

"Cole, you got this?" I question through my bluetooth. Cole is stationed further away from us in an angle where he can can easily shoot the guards on the balconies.

"So you really don't wanna try the knocking on the door approach?" he asks with hope underlying.

"I'll take that as a yes," I reply. "Alec?"

I turn around and take the gun out of his hand. Tucking it under the waistband of my jeans, I ask for Kai's confirmation.

"Kai?" he nods in response. "Okay, Cole."

Listening to my command, Cole starts to tranquillize the guards that keep eyes from above. Just moments later, Kai starts to shoot the ones on the ground.

I, on the other hand, start to climb the gate. Once I'm down on the inside, I run into the booth and shoot the security guard before unlocking the gate.

"Okay, I'm coming down!" Cole notifies. I take note of his words, but don't have time to reply. As Kai, Alec and I make our way to the main entrance, I take a small piece of contraption and attach it to the door.

"It's blue, Cole," I explain.

"Okay, click the button on the far left and then the third one away from it."

"Hurry up, Summer," I hear Alec complain as he shoots down more guards.

"I'm trying," I say as I click the buttons. A few seconds later, I hear all the locks to the door unlock.

"Bless," I sigh heavily as I rip off the bluetooth and crush it under my foot before I walk inside and pull out my own gun. Seeing a whole line of guards blocking my way, I keep my weapon up and pointed.

Kai and Alec take my two sides.

Going against the plan, I lift my hands up in surrender.

They're all going to hate me for this, but there's no better way. If we make a move, the guards will shoot without even a second thought.

"Get on your knees and put your weapons down!" one of them yells.

"Summer what are you doing?" Kai hisses.

"Just do what I'm doing," I order.

"Fuck," he hisses as he puts his hands up in surrender following my lead. Slowly, we get down on our knees and set our weapons down.

"Ego pars Candidam Casam. Et puer parvulus, et expecta filia autem Xavier and Hope Album; Summer. Soror, Vincent, Anthony et Dean Album," my Latin is rough, but I still mange to glue the words together so that it can be understood. At the end, I pull my hair back and reveal the tattoo that marks me as the property of The White Dragons.

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