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You were a thief. A great one at that. Your entire life you'd been thieving around the busy cities and such, from rich people who had enough money to replace their stolen items. This caught the attention of Thanos when he came to "fix" your home planet. He saw you swiftly stealing some rich people's stuff from around you and then hiding it all in various pockets of your outfit. You were on the side of people who would be killed, and he thought that instead, you should live and be raised with him. He had just gotten another little girl a few days earlier.

"Little girl, come here," he asked as gently as a sociopath could be. Your attention was caught and you trembled slightly, hoping you wouldn't be killed for robbery and stealing and blah blah blah. You shyly walked out of the crowd to the big purple man. He was tall, but so were you. Your kind naturally had a large growth spurt at a young age. Right now, you were 5'6", and would stay that way. Yet he was still a good bit taller than you.

You got the big man, and kept your head down to seem innocent. But Thanos saw through that and lifted your chin up. "I saw you stealing from those people over there," he said. Your eyes widened slightly, but enough for him to notice. "Impressive how they never noticed. I assume you do this a lot?" he asked.

That took you by surprise. You weren't used to this from people. The last person who caught you stealing yelled things that would make anyone blush. This wasn't that. This was...praise. A perfect trap for an unsuspecting child who needs a home.

Finally you responded. "Yes," you stated quietly, but confidently. Thanos took note of that. He held his hand out and you took it. He led you towards his ship and and you gladly got on. It wasn't like you had anything tying you down to that place. If anything, it would be cool and an adventure to go somewhere else.

Thanos led you back to a room that had a bed that actually looked big enough for you too. You also saw a little table next to the bed. You walked over and opened the drawer, finding an array of knives and such.

"Woah," you breathed. Thanos stood at the door, smiling evilly. He would raise you and other children he found to be his minions, and you were falling perfectly into the trap.

"I'm glad you like it, little girl. What is your name?" he asked, not really caring but also wanted to seem like you could trust him.



It' been years since Thanos had taken you from your home planet. Now that you were older and had talked with and got to know Gamora and Nebula, you understood what Thanos was doing on your home planet in the first place. Genocide. Though you weren't too emotionally attached to those people, you still found it upsetting that he would do that sort of thing. And your planet wasn't even the first!

Right now, you were heading to the area of the ship that Thanos called the training room, even though it was used for his entertainment and you three's punishment/torture. Today it was you and Gamora facing off, and though she loved you like a real sister, she was still the best fighter you've ever met. Loser had a piece of themselves turned into machine. Usually Nebula faced off with the green child of Thanos, but she did this morning and at this point was nearly more metal than man.

Thanos and Gamora were already in there when you got there. Both of you were wearing the outfits Thanos had instructed you wear so he can show that you are part of his "children". You stepped into the ring like area, and Gamora joined on the other side. Both of your eyes were filled with a strong emotion; hers with confidence, yours with fear and sorrow. You never wanted to face off against anyone, and this was your second fight. You already won once again Nebula, but only because Thanos helped you cheat. This time, it was his favorites against each other, and he wouldn't do anything about it. Nebula long ago forgave you for that fight, luckily. She was closer to you than Gamora.

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