Twins (Romanoff)

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Twins (Romanoff)

You walked around 5th avenue and looked at the expensive things in the windows of each place. You could afford it all, but why would you let them know that? Because then you'd become a subject of their advertising and such. Every now and then when you did go and buy something like that, you'd refuse to give them personal info about you. To also avoid being seen as a rich person target by twitching hands, you carried around a brown paper sack to shove what you got in. It was an effective process and you hadn't been pickpocketed yet. That also might be because the last person who tired ended up nearly getting their arm snapped.

So you continued down the street, your long red hair blowing around your face, when suddenly you felt something, like that feeling you get when you're being watched. Your walking pace slowed to a halt, and you scanned the area around you, looking between people's 'I Love NY' hats and the suits, to see a man with dirt blond hair staring at you.

His eyebrows were scrunched together in confusion, maybe? He was wearing some sunglasses so it was harder for you to see who it was. He had a nice build, very muscular and defined. But when he took off his sunglasses to get a better look at you, you ran. Those icy blue eyes belonged to one person with that body build and such.

His name was Steven Grant Rogers, AKA, Captain America.


Steve walked into the tower quickly and with a purpose today. He had seen a woman who looked identical to one of his teammates, right down to the sparkling green eyes. The only thing that let him know it wasn't the Russian spy, was that her hair was much longer, and she looked scared when she saw him. Natasha wouldn't do that. She'd smirk, walk over, and make some remark. Steve swore, Natasha and Tony were more alike everyday.

He stepped off the elevator to be greeted by Thor. "Greeting, Cap. How was your journey?" he asked. Thor was just so sweet, even Steve couldn't deny that. But right now in his mind, he needed to speak with one person in particular.

"It created more questions than answered," Steve answered and he brushed past and looked for his female teammate. He had originally gone out to clear his head, think about the upcoming mission the team was to go to about Hydra and stuff. But seeing that girl...

Finally he saw the short flaming hair, the person it belonged to lounging on the couch. Before Steve even came into view, Natasha greeted him. "Hey soldier. Did you get the answers you so desperately desired?" she asked, still reading her book.


"You have a very distinct walk, Rogers. Anyways, you need me?" she asked, marking her page and setting the book down on the table in front of her, before standing and turning to face Steve. She was wearing leggings and a tank top, with a light jacket over it. "Well?"

Steve cleared his throat and asked the question that had been burning in his mind for the past 20 minutes. "Do you have a twin?" he asked, simple and to the point. It should be a simple yes or no for the answer, but Natasha's eyes darted about the room for a minute, before returning to Steve.

"Let's talk about this in a more secure place," she said quietly, and if it weren't for Steve advanced hearing, he wouldn't have heard her. She led him to the elevator, taking them down to the training room level, and walked into the room. "Now, cover your eyes. I swear I'm not going to hurt you, don't give me that look. It's just this place is a secret, and I'd rather it stay that way."

Steve sighed, rolled his eyes, and shut them. He felt a small hand take his and lead him somewhere. He couldn't keep track of where he was going, because Natasha kept getting him mixed up. After what seemed like a long time, he was allowed to open his eyes.

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