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There were many things people claimed helped find who you were destined to end up with. From compatibility tests to social media filters that showed you your soulmates initial, you'd seen it all. But in this day and age, the only thing to rely on was whatever might fall into your lap.

Nowadays, if your soulmate lost something, it would end up with you. And vice versa. The science of it wasn't fully worked out, barely started to be worked out in all honesty. It was hard to run an experiment where someone lost something cause that's not something to actively do, you know?

It took a bit for you to finally start getting things. The first was a screwdriver. The least specific thing a person could own. Not even a name written on it in case it got lost. At least that told you they don't bring tools out of their home.

You carried it around for a while, hoping some guy would see you fiddling with it in public and get the clue. But that never happened, so you left the screwdriver at home. It sat on your desk, it's own special corner.

A month later, a weird piece of... something came into your possession. You had to ask your dad what it was- a hard drive. He came over one weekend and tried to help you put it in your laptop and see if you figure out that way who your soulmate was.

It was a fool-proof plan at first, you really couldn't believe you were finding your soulmate so fast! And then you got a password lock screen. And literally all that was on the screen was:



No company name, no 'Welcome Back so-and-so". Nothing helpful. Your dad bought you pity dinner before he drove back home to New Jersey.

It wasn't long after that when you got the next lost thing. You sat at your little table and stared at it for so long. It looked like a finger? But it was metal and it was red. What were you supposed to do with that information.

You had some thoughts come into your head, but immediately shot them down because no way. Absolutely not. Nope. It could be anything in the world, probably not what you thought it was.

Even so, your mind couldn't help but fantasize at night, wondering if maybe that was what you thought it was. And what that life would be like.

It was the last thing you got for a while, the weird red thing. You took it with you everywhere again. This time, it was less in hopes of finding it's owner, more out of the need to make sure it didn't get lost from you this time.

There were a couple times you found yourself fiddling with it in your pocket. Unlike the screwdriver, though, you didn't want to pull this one out in public. Number one, it looked weird from a distance and people didn't need to think that about you. Number two, if was what you maybe thought it was, then it was too precious to let out of your sight.

Nearly three months later while you were making some scrambled eggs for breakfast, something dropped onto the counter behind you, making a 'thud' sound and causing you to gasp.

You turned with your spatula out to scare off the intruder you thought you had. Instead, it was another item.

When your eyes focused on it, they widened and your spatula fell from your grip. Getting egg everywhere. "Shit," you mumbled, not even focused on the mess you made- you were lucky to be aware enough to tun your stove off.

There was absolutely no mistaking what that was. The blue light illuminated your face as you stepped closer to it.

You didn't know what it was called, but it was something you had seen on TV, in YouTube videos, in pictures in magazines...

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