Timeless (Part Three)

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A/n: Please read parts one and two before proceeding :)

It had been two weeks of you being hidden in the Sanctum, no end in sight. The Ancient One had you in your own room, basically quarantined from everyone else. She had the right thing in mind, but it made you so bored. At least she gave you something else to wear, something less... tight.

Luckily, since you were from the future, you were at least able to read. You convinced the Ancient One to let you have a very large stack of books to keep you company. It took a while, but she finally agreed and let you pick some books from their library.

Now, if you had been thrown forward, you wouldn't be so lucky.

By the end of week two, you were nearing the end of your first giant stack. It had almost twenty books in it, and you were able to crank out a little more than one book a day. It's the most reading you had done in years.

A knock echoed through your room and you closed the book to greet the Ancient One. She was the only one who ever came to see you. However, the past few days had some deliveries that didn't involve any people, just food appearing for you.

But she was the only person who you ever saw.

At least, it used to only be her. When the door opened to reveal Stephen Strange, you shot up from the chair you were sitting in. You couldn't quite remember the timeline in 2015, of the Battle of Ultron and what was happening in the world of mystical arts.

But clearly what you thought happened did.

"Doctor Strange," you greeted, then immediately shook your head. "Uh, I mean... hi."

He looked at you strangely, but didn't run screaming. "I was told about you. The Ancient One, she explained everything before she..."

You nodded, not wanting him to relive that. "Yeah, I- I know..." you awkward interjected. "So what? Are you my new babysitter, here to tell me that I have to be a prisoner to this room for another week? Or maybe, it'll be a month. But if it starts to get to a year, I'm drawing the damn line."

Doctor Strange quirked an eyebrow at you. "Right. What I was going to say is I think I have an idea. The Ancient One told me it was a combination of the Time Stone, your powers, and the powers of Wanda Maximoff, right?"

Overcoming your shock, you nodded. "Yeah- yeah, that's absolutely right. You think... are you trying to recreate what happened?" you asked. While it was a good idea, you didn't think it'd work. "The Time Stone was being wielding by some random guy, and I don't know if Wanda's ready with her powers yet. When I'm from... there's a pretty big gap between now and then."

The entire time you spoke, Doctor Strange was nodding. When you were done, he said, "Trust me, we've been thinking. And it's a long shot, but we do want to recreate what happened that brought you here in the first place."

You shook your head. "What happens if it doesn't work? Could I be erased from time?"

It was one of the many possibilities you remembered Shuri telling you about. There were several outcomes, but that was the scariest. Being completely erased.

The way Doctor Strange sighed told you everything you needed to know. You let your eyes close and took a couple deep breaths. While the situation was way less than ideal, you knew there were no other options for you. Staying in this time was not an option.

Your eyes opened back up and you gave Doctor Strange a curt nod. "Okay. Let's do it. When do you think everything will be... ready?" you asked.

He shrugged. "A couple days? We've got the Stone, it's just a matter of getting Ms. Maximoff here and finding a space to use. This, no matter how good or bad it goes, will be a risk of causing massive destruction."

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