First Impressions

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You and Tony had been dating on the down-low for quite a while now, about six months. He and Pepper had broken up a few years ago, causing Tony to think he was just destined to be a playboy.

With this thought process, you hadn't stayed over at his yet. He'd been to yours a lot once the first night happened.

And then he suggested one night that you spend one at his. You were shocked, to say the least, because you thought he didn't want you over due to his... er, roommates. The situation might be awkward, especially before you meet them.

But, Tony assured you he had a private floor and would escort you everywhere so you wouldn't get lost. He also wanted to wait to introduce you to the team, so he was going to make sure you didn't run into them, either.

They were a tight group, he didn't want to overwhelm you in any way.

The next morning you woke up to a piece of paper on Tony's pillow. You picked it up and had to bring it close to read it.

In the lab for a few, then I'll be right back. There's breakfast in the kitchen :)

It made you smile. Since he had his own floor, you figured you'd be perfectly fine putting on one of his button down shirts and going out to grab some food. It stopped mid-thigh and you figured you'd be fine.

Tony kind of showed you around the night before, but you two were a bit... occupied. So this morning you took your time in looking around the place.

His floor was bigger than your entire apartment with ceilings so high, you would never be able to reach. Great room for a giant Christmas tree.

The decor was minimal, mostly some Iron Man related artwork and other minimalist type things. That was something you planned to change if things kept up how they were going now.

The kitchen was huge, with a giant island in the middle that had a sink in it. The fridge was maybe the biggest you had ever seen before.

But what really caught your attention out of all of it was the plate sitting on the stove with a note sitting beside it. You walked over and picked up the note first to read it.

It might be cooled off by the time you get to it, so just stick it in the microwave. JARVIS will take care or it from there :)

The smiley faces were adorable, you concluded. You set the note down and traded it for the plate of food. There was bacon, eggs, and a biscuit with gravy on top. In all honesty, you didn't want to think about how much Tony had been practicing to make sure this was all right.

Now, it was time to find the microwave. You looked around and saw it over to your left, a little higher than what was comfortable for you to reach. It was fine.

You walked over and stood on your tallest tiptoes to get it in, letting the plate clatter a little bit as it slid into place. As you were closing the door, you started to hear footsteps approaching. A smile covered your face because who else could it be other than Tony?

"Hey, Tony, I- oh."

The voice had you spinning around with wide eyes and protective hands, trying to keep the shirt pulled down. Everything was silent as you and the Hawkeye stared at each other. Well, except for your breakfast that was heating up.

Neither of you moved or made a sound. You wondered if he was "assessing" the situation, trying to figure out who you were.

That's when another voice joined the conversation. "Clint, hey, did you- why are you just standing there?" The owner of the voice came into view and saw you frozen in fear.

Black freaking Widow. One of the most badass people to ever exist. Was staring at you. In nothing but Tony's shirt. This could not be more embarrassing.

"Uhh..." you started, voice rather quiet. "Hi?"

They continued to look at you and you wondered if they were planning how to dispose of you. That thought made you swallow hard.

You watched as Black Widow lifted an eyebrow, confused, but also kind of amused. In your head, you knew you'd find this whole thing amusing later in life. Maybe a story to bring up to friends and family. But right now, you just felt straight panic.

"So, how do you know Tony?" Hawkeye asked you.

Your face went red very quickly and suddenly the entirety of the English language left your brain. No words came to your tongue as you tried to explain. The beeping of the microwave being done caused you to shriek and jump.

This was an interesting first sleepover with Tony, that was for sure. You were really hoping he'd come up any time now to save you from this embarrassment.

However, it only got worse. "Hey, guys, how is it taking this long to- oh, uhhh." Your eyes widened as Captain Fucking America walked in and swiftly turned to look away from you. His reaction reminded you of your attire.

"We ran into someone who has yet to tell us who she is," Black Widow said, shrugging. "Wondering if Tony'll join us any time now. One shirt down..."

You were never recovering.

The microwave beeped once more, reminding you of your breakfast. It caused your stomach to make a noise because that gravy smelled so good and you were too scared to move.

"What the hell is going on in here?" This was a voice that made you silently say your prayers. Tony came around the corner and eyed everyone weirdly until he got to you. "Ah, that's what's going on."

Relief flooded your system as Tony came around to you. First, he went above and pulled your breakfast out of the microwave. Then, he stepped in front of you slightly. "You look stunning by the way but this is not the right attire to meet my teammates for the first time," he mumbled to you.

Again, you'd laugh about it later. Right now you were getting traumatized.

He turned to the others. "So, this is my girlfriend, (Y/n)," he said, and you waved at them. "She and I have been seeing each other for a while and were going to introduce this in a better way, but I'm sure everyone knows by now."

"Just sent it to the team group chat."

"Thanks, Natasha. Anyway, if you need me, no you don't. I'll be occupied for the morning, most likely the day," he said. Tony moved and wrapped his free arm around you to escort you back to his room. "Eyes off!"

The words made your face go inhumanly red and you heard a mumbled, "Wasn't me," as you two walked off. You'd make a better impression later. There were still those who hadn't caught you in such a compromising way.

While it could've been better, it most definitely could have also been so much worse.

"Thank you," you sighed once you two were in the safety of his room.

Tony set the plate of food down and came back over to you. "I'm going to have to re-reheat that because no way are you eating right now when you look like this," he said, voice low.

So yeah, your first sleepover at Tony's was pretty great overall. More would so be happening.

~ Fin ~

A/n: here's another! I'm posting in the middle of somewhere Missouri so I hope it actually does post. It will at some point today if not at noon.

Anyway, hope you guys enjoy! I thought this was a fun one to write and hope I did the idea justice 😁

Bye Lovelies!!!!!!!!!!!

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