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Here's another request from Lalelu10001- again, I hope you like it!

(y/f/c) = your favorite candy!

Everyone knew who Bucky used to be. Before he was kidnapped by Hydra. Steve said some stuff, but everyone filled in gaps by using Google and going to the Smithsonian. He was a great guy, and everyone could see why Steve was such great friends with him.

They also knew how fragile he was. After being rescued and after the trigger word removal, Bucky was honestly even more of a shell. Things just kept changing and he didn't know what it meant to be him anymore.

Steve wanted him to be who he used to be, but Bucky didn't think that was possible anymore. Yet he definitely couldn't be the Winter Soldier anymore. So Bucky had to do his best to find his old self.

You, on the other hand, never knew him before. Never knew him when he was pre-Hydra, never during Hydra. Just post-Hydra. All you knew was what he called his flaws and you still liked him for it.

Since you were on the shier side (side effect of never being liked for having powers), Bucky found out about your crush by over hearing a conversation you were having with Wanda.

Wanda's room was right next door to Bucky's, who had super hearing, so when he picked up on his name, he couldn't help but listen in. Just to see if it was anything bad. He was shocked to hear the exact opposite.

"I totally get it, he looks really nice. Especially when he's training with Steve in the gym- uh!" That was Wanda.

You laughed, and Bucky felt a weird feeling in his chest, but ignored it for the sake of eavesdropping. "While that is very true, it's more than that. He's more than that. I've talked with him a couple times and he's such a nice person, even after all he's gone through. And he's made me laugh and I always feel happy when I'm around him..."

"Jeez, (Y/n), it sounds like you might be in love."

The words had you speechless and Bucky frozen. "I- I don't know. Love is... who knows what that feels like or what that is. All I know is that I really want to ask him out, do something more than chat in the common room, but..."

"But Steve doesn't know if he's ready for that. Look, I get that Steve is trying to look out for his best buddy, but he doesn't know everything. The only person who can say whether or not Bucky is ready is Bucky himself. I say ask him- something simple, maybe not outside of the tower, but take that first step!"

Another pause, and Bucky found himself nearly up against the wall to hear your answer.

"You know what? I will. Whenever I see him next, I'll ask. Maybe just something simple, like a movie."

"Ooh! He hasn't seen a lot, so show him a good one! Like Star Wars or Scream!"

The two of you laughed, and then the conversation shifted to something else, so Bucky stopped listening. He felt bad for eavesdropping in the first place, but it made him feel lighter. You liked him (maybe more than that) and wanted to ask him out. He could see himself going over there right now just so you would ask him.

But that would be weird. And he was tired.

However, by the morning, the memories of Bucky's nightmare had taken over most of his brain space, so the conversation he overheard last night slipped from his head.

You walked out into the kitchen fresh from a morning run when you saw Bucky leaning over a bowl of what looked like cereal. This was your chance, you thought. Tonight would be too last minute- plus you had plans with Tony, so you'd ask if he wanted to watch a movie with you the following night.

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