Secrets Revealed Part 2

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Secrets Revealed Part 2

At the foot of your bed, six very intimidating people stood there and eyed you. As your screams of terror kept ringing, your godmother burst into the room with a glare in her eyes and her fists balled up at her sides. When she caught sight of who was there, her hands relaxed but her glare hardened and kept it's focus on Captain Fucking America.

Black shit-you-not Widow came to your side and shushed your screaming. It stopped, and she let go the breath she was holding in, and joined the rest of the Avengers back at the foot of your bed.

"What the hell are you doing here?" she asked the man, and you were stunned. Not only did the tone she have catch you off guard, the use of a curse word did as well, but most importantly she acted like she knew these people personally.

He sighed and looked at your godmother. "I'm sorry Carol, but we got word back at the tower that the flash drive was activated, and we had to check it out," he explained. Now your godmother looked at you.

"So you looked in the box?" she asked you. You simply nodded, knowing there was no way to lie out of this situation. Your godmother groaned in frustration and looked at Captain America again. "You need to leave, alright Steve?"  Steve?! "I have explaining and grounding to do, so leave."

Captain America shook his head in disagreement. "No, we aren't leaving." He and your godmother instantly got into an argument, and you sat at the foot of your bed and left your eyes wide open. Seriously, the Avengers were in your room as you sat in your bed with unicorn pajama pants and a black tank top on. This was not how you thought your night would go.

"(Y/n)is definitely staying here and I'm going to raise her normal just like her parents wanted!" your godmother screamed at the captain. Your attention was fully on them now as soon as your parents were outright brought up.

Steve fired back, "She needs to be who she really is! Her parents would've wanted this, not for her to be stuck with a damn secret she doesn't even know!"

"What the hell is going on?!" you screamed over the arguing that was starting to break out. The room went silent, and your ears were filled with the sound of your soaring heartbeat that was flying higher. "Someone better explain to me what's happening before I get those files again and find out on m own."

The room stayed silent after your sudden outburst. Your godmother walked to you and sat down beside you. "Look, I have a lot of explaining to do that I was hoping I could do later, but I can't escape it now.

"You're parents weren't boring lawyers like they told you. They were involved with...dangerous people. They were enhanced individuals that worked with the government organization SHIELD, the thing behind the Avengers I guess you could say. Inside that, they helped around and were agents. In fact, that's where they met me. We became friends and one day your mother just told me that they wanted me as your godmother, in case anything bad happed to them when they were out on the field.

"It's almost as if she knew something would happen, and while they were en route to a mission site, they were killed in a wreck. What struck everyone the hardest was that the road was a secret and secure road, no other cars, and was one of the safest roads to travel. Nobody knows how your parents were killed that night."

"But what about what Captain America mention? About me being stuck with this damn secret I don't even know?" you asked, ignoring the use of a swear word right in front of the woman who basically raised you.

At this, she sighed and looked to the Captain, allowing him to explain. He stepped towards you slightly. "You're parents had abilities. They were part of what we call the Enhanced. Your mother, (y/m/n) had the ability to manipulate solid objects within about 15 feet of her. She could change their density, their scientific state, anything she wanted. You father (y/f/n) was able to walk through solid objects as if they weren't even there. What we all need to know, is if you inherited those abilities."

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