Vacation All I Ever Wanted

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A/n: Happy New Year!

For obvious reasons, the Avengers didn't go on vacation a lot.

Tony Stark used to, but then duties as a superhero were a bit too big to escape. Plus, the bad guys usually found him anyway.

Steve Rogers was never able to afford them, and didn't see the point in them.

Thor didn't really "vacation" when he lived on Asgard full-time, as none of the trips were ever really for pleasure or leisure time. There was always some ulterior motive to teach him how to be king.

Natasha Romanoff only went on missions, never vacations.

Clint Barton has brought his family to New York City a couple times, but never much further because there were too many threats.

Bruce Banner was so focused on school when he was young that vacations weren't much of a priority, and then he became the Hulk and was never comfortable going out in populated areas.

You came from an orphanage so there were never vacation opportunities. That, plus you were extremely shy and didn't do loud places. It freaked you out.

So it came to all of you as a shock when Sam Wilson told you guys to go on a trip. "Come on, it'll be good for you guys. No suits, no weapons, just you guys relaxing. You're all scary tense and it's freaking us all out."

Steve shook his head. "But what if Hydra starts to cause a problem, or some other enhanced or-"

"We'll have it covered," the Vision interrupted. "The rest of us will be here, on alert, and will take care of any threats that may pop up while you are gone. The trip is only a week, it will be okay."

You looked around at your fellow Avengers, the original seven from the Battle of New York. Ever since that day, all of your full-time jobs have been superhero-ing. The others were more like part-timers. At least Rhodey and Sam were.

"We absolutely trust you guys," Clint said, "but I don't know if I can actually relax."

Wanda stepped forward. "Try. Sit by the pool. Explore the ports. Forget about dieting and exercising. Just for a week. You guys seriously deserve it."

By the next morning, the seven of you were all packed and ready to go for the cruise. You had never been on a cruise ship before, and this one sounded pretty nice, so you were actually excited.

Tony's private jet took you guys to the nearest airport to the port, in Port Canaveral in Florida. It was a nice, warm, Caribbean cruise. You could already feel yourself relax when you stepped out of the jet.

But then it came time to board the ship, and the massive crowds were insane. It wasn't even that they were all bothering you guys (a few kids came up and asked for pictures, and you guys were happy to oblige), it was just there were a lot of tired and annoyed people who wanted their vacations to start already.

Beside you, Bruce was getting tense. "Hey, it's fine, they're all just annoyed and tired people. Nothing bad will happen, and if anything starts we'll calm it down."

But then Bruce took a few deep breaths and shook his head. "No. Nope. We're not getting involved in anything. We're on vacation. We deserve this."

It seemed to work on him, and suddenly Bruce was relaxing and looking at his phone instead of the crowds.

When you guys finally got on the ship, you were led to your room. Yep, room. That worried you at first, because five full-sized adults plus two huge-ass adults wouldn't room well together.

Then you arrived at the suite and realized you'd be fine. There were several bedrooms and more than enough beds, as well as other common areas. It was perfect.

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